2 Samuel 23:1
2 Samuel 23:1
These are the last words of David: "The inspired utterance of David son of Jesse, the utterance of the man exalted by the Most High, the man anointed by the God of Jacob, the hero of Israel's songs:

These are the last words of David: "David, the son of Jesse, speaks--David, the man who was raised up so high, David, the man anointed by the God of Jacob, David, the sweet psalmist of Israel.

Now these are the last words of David: The oracle of David, the son of Jesse, the oracle of the man who was raised on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet psalmist of Israel:

Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse declares, The man who was raised on high declares, The anointed of the God of Jacob, And the sweet psalmist of Israel,

Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said,

These are the last words of David: The declaration of David son of Jesse, the declaration of the man raised on high, the one anointed by the God of Jacob, the favorite singer of Israel:

This was David's last composition: The oracle of David, son of Jesse, an oracle by the valiant one who was exalted— anointed by the God of Jacob, the contented psalm writer of Israel.

These are the final words of David: "The oracle of David son of Jesse, the oracle of the man raised up as the ruler chosen by the God of Jacob, Israel's beloved singer of songs:

These are the last words of David: "Here is the declaration by David, son of Jesse- the declaration by the man whom God raised up, whom the God of Jacob anointed, the singer of Israel's psalms:

Now these are the last words of David. David, the son of Jesse, said, and the man who was raised up high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet cantor of Israel, said,

Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said,

Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said,

Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse saith, And the man who was raised on high saith, The anointed of the God of Jacob, And the sweet psalmist of Israel:

Now these are David's last words. David the son of Isai said: The man to whom it was appointed concerning the Christ of the God of Jacob, the excellent psalmist of Israel said:

Now these are the last words of David: David the son of Jesse saith, And the man who was raised up on high, The anointed of the God of Jacob, And the sweet psalmist of Israel saith,

Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse saith, and the man who was raised on high saith, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel:

Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel, said,

Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse says, the man who was raised on high says, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet psalmist of Israel:

And these are the last words of David: -- 'The affirmation of David son of Jesse -- And the affirmation of the man raised up -- Concerning the Anointed of the God of Jacob, And the Sweetness of the Songs of Israel:

2 i Samuelit 23:1
Këto janë fjalët e fundit të Davidit. Kështu thotë Davidi, bir i Isait, kështu thotë njeriu që u ngrit lart, i vajosuri i Perëndisë së Jakobit, këngëtari i ëmbël i Izraelit:

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 23:1
فهذه هي كلمات داود الاخيرة. وحي داود بن يسّى ووحي الرجل القائم في العلا مسيح اله يعقوب ومرنم اسرائيل الحلو.

Dyr Sämyheel B 23:1
Dös seind yn n Dafetn seine lösstn Worter: "Dyr Dafet, Sun von n Jessenn, spricht ietz, ayn Hooher, gfeiert in de Lieder, yn n Jaaggenngot sein gsalbter Künig.

2 Царе 23:1
А тия са последните Давидови думи:- Давид Есеевият син рече: Мъжът, който бе издигнат на високо, Помазаникът на Бога Яковов И сладкият Израилев псалмопевец, рече:

撒 母 耳 記 下 23:1
以 下 是 大 衛 末 了 的 話 。 耶 西 的 兒 子 大 衛 得 居 高 位 , 是 雅 各   神 所 膏 的 , 作 以 色 列 的 美 歌 者 , 說 :

以 下 是 大 卫 末 了 的 话 。 耶 西 的 儿 子 大 卫 得 居 高 位 , 是 雅 各   神 所 膏 的 , 作 以 色 列 的 美 歌 者 , 说 :



2 Samuel 23:1
Ovo su posljednje Davidove riječi: "Riječ Davida, sina Jišajeva, riječ čovjeka koji je bio visoko uzdignut, pomazanika Boga Jakovljeva, pjevača pjesama Izraelovih:

Druhá Samuelova 23:1
Tato jsou pak poslední slova Davidova: Řekl David syn Izai, řekl, pravím, muž, kterýž jest velice zvýšený, pomazaný Boha Jákobova, a libý v zpěvích Izraelských:

2 Samuel 23:1
Dette er Davids sidste Ord; Saa siger David, Isajs Søn, saa siger Manden, Højt ophøjet, Jakobs Guds salvede, Helten i Israels Sange:

2 Samuël 23:1
Voorts zijn dit de laatste woorden van David. David, de zoon van Isai zegt, en de man, die hoog is opgericht, de gezalfde van Jakobs God, en liefelijk in psalmen van Israel, zegt:

שמואל ב 23:1
וְאֵ֛לֶּה דִּבְרֵ֥י דָוִ֖ד הָאַֽחֲרֹנִ֑ים נְאֻ֧ם דָּוִ֣ד בֶּן־יִשַׁ֗י וּנְאֻ֤ם הַגֶּ֙בֶר֙ הֻ֣קַם עָ֔ל מְשִׁ֙יחַ֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י יַֽעֲקֹ֔ב וּנְעִ֖ים זְמִרֹ֥ות יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

א ואלה דברי דוד האחרנים  נאם דוד בן ישי ונאם הגבר הקם על--משיח אלהי יעקב ונעים זמרות ישראל

ואלה דברי דוד האחרנים נאם דוד בן־ישי ונאם הגבר הקם על משיח אלהי יעקב ונעים זמרות ישראל׃

2 Sámuel 23:1
Ezek Dávidnak utolsó beszédei. Dávidnak, Isai fiának szózata, [annak] a férfiúnak szózata, a ki igen felmagasztaltaték, Jákób Istenének felkentje és Izráel dalainak kedvencze.

Samuel 2 23:1
Jen estas la lastaj vortoj de David: Parolas David, filo de Jisxaj, Kaj parolas la viro, kiu estas alte levita, La sanktoleito de la Dio de Jakob, Kantverkisto en Izrael:

Ja nämät ovat Davidin viimeiset sanat . David, Isain poika, sanoi, se mies sanoi, joka korotettu on, Jakobin Jumalan voideltu, ja suloinen Israelin psalmein veisaaja:

2 Samuel 23:1
Et ce sont ici les dernières paroles de David. David, le fils d'Isaï, a dit, et l'homme haut placé, l'oint du Dieu de Jacob, et le doux psalmiste d'Israël, a dit:

Voici les dernières paroles de David. Parole de David, fils d'Isaï, Parole de l'homme haut placé, De l'oint du Dieu de Jacob, Du chantre agréable d'Israël.

Or ce sont ici les dernières paroles de David. David fils d'Isaï, l'homme qui a été élevé, pour être l'Oint du Dieu de Jacob, et qui compose les doux cantiques d'Israël, dit :

2 Samuel 23:1
Dies sind die letzten Worte Davids: Es sprach David, der Sohn Isais; es sprach der Mann, der versichert ist von dem Messias des Gottes Jakobs, lieblich mit Psalmen Israels.

Dies sind die letzten Worte Davids: Es sprach David der Sohn Isais, es sprach der Mann, der hoch erhoben ist, der Gesalbte des Gottes Jakobs, lieblich mit Psalmen Israels.

Folgendes sind Davids letzte Worte: Ausspruch Davids, des Sohnes Isais, Ausspruch des Mannes, der hoch erhoben ward, des Gesalbten des Gottes Jakobs, des Lieblings der Loblieder Israels.

2 Samuele 23:1
Queste sono le ultime parole di Davide: "Parola di Davide, figliuolo d’Isai, parola dell’uomo che fu elevato ad alta dignità, dell’unto dell’Iddio di Giacobbe, del dolce cantore d’Israele:

ORA queste son le ultime parole di Davide: Davide, figliuolo d’Isai, dice; Anzi l’uomo che è stato costituito in alta dignità, L’Unto dell’Iddio di Giacobbe, E il componitore delle soavi canzoni d’Israele, dice:

2 SAMUEL 23:1
Arakian, maka inilah perkataan Daud yang terkemudian, yaitu sabda Daud bin Isai, sabda orang yang diangkat tinggi-tinggi, yang telah dilantik oleh Allah Yakub dan yang kekasih kepada orang Israel sebab segala mazmurnya:

사무엘하 23:1
이는 다윗의 마지막 말이라 이새의 아들 다윗이 말함이여 높이 올리운 자,야곱의 하나님에게 기름 부음 받은자 이스라엘의 노래 잘하는 자가 말하도다

II Samuelis 23:1
haec autem sunt verba novissima quae dixit David filius Isai dixit vir cui constitutum est de christo Dei Iacob egregius psalta Israhel

Antroji Samuelio knyga 23:1
Tai yra paskutiniai Dovydo žodžiai. Dovydas, Jesės sūnus, vyras aukštai iškeltas, pateptas Jokūbo Dievo, geriausias giesmininkas Izraelyje, sakė:

2 Samuel 23:1
Na ko nga kupu whakamutunga enei a Rawiri. He kupu tenei na Rawiri tama a Hehe, he kupu hoki na te tangata i whakarewaina ki runga, na ta te Atua o Hakopa i whakawahi ai, na te kaihimene ahuareka o Iharira;

2 Samuel 23:1
Dette er Davids siste ord: Så sier David, Isais sønn, så sier mannen som høit var satt, Jakobs Guds salvede og Israels liflige sanger:

2 Samuel 23:1
Estas son las últimas palabras de David. Declara David, el hijo de Isaí, y declara el hombre que fue exaltado, el ungido del Dios de Jacob, el dulce salmista de Israel:

Estas son las últimas palabras de David: "Declara David, el hijo de Isaí, Y declara el hombre que fue exaltado, El ungido del Dios de Jacob, El dulce salmista de Israel:

Éstas son las palabras postreras de David. Dijo David hijo de Isaí, dijo aquel varón que fue levantado en alto, el ungido del Dios de Jacob, el dulce salmista de Israel, dice:

ESTAS son las postreras palabras de David. Dijo David hijo de Isaí, Dijo aquel varón que fué levantado alto, El ungido del Dios de Jacob, El suave en cánticos de Israel:

Estas son las postreras palabras de David. Dijo David hijo de Isaí, dijo aquel varón que fue levantado alto, el ungido del Dios de Jacob, el dulce cantor de Israel:

2 Samuel 23:1
Foram estas as últimas palavras de Davi: “Oráculo de David ben Ishai, Davi filho de Jessé; diz o homem que foi exaltado, o ungido do Deus de Jacó, o amado salmista de Israel: 1

São estas as últimas palavras de Davi: Diz Davi, filho de Jessé, diz a homem que foi exaltado, o ungido do Deus de Jacó, o suave salmista de Israel.   

2 Samuel 23:1
Iată cele din urmă cuvinte ale lui David. Cuvîntul lui David, fiul lui Isai, cuvîntul omului care a fost înălţat sus de tot, cuvîntul unsului Dumnezeului lui Iacov, cuvîntul cîntăreţului plăcut al lui Israel.

2-я Царств 23:1
Вот последние слова Давида, изречение Давида, сына Иессеева,изречение мужа, поставленного высоко, помазанника Бога Иаковлева исладкого певца Израилева:

Вот последние слова Давида, изречение Давида, сына Иессеева, изречение мужа, поставленного высоко, помазанника Бога Иаковлева и сладкого певца Израилева:[]

2 Samuelsbokem 23:1
Dessa voro Davids sista ord: Så säger David, Isais son, så säger den man som blev högt upphöjd, Jakobs Guds smorde, Israels ljuvlige sångare:

2 Samuel 23:1
Ito nga ang mga huling salita ni David. Sinabi ni David na anak ni Isai, At sinabi ng lalake na pinapangibabaw, Na pinahiran ng langis ng Dios ni Jacob, At kalugodlugod na mangaawit sa Israel:

2 ซามูเอล 23:1
ต่อไปนี้เป็นวาทะสุดท้ายของดาวิด ดาวิดบุตรชายเจสซีได้กล่าวและชายที่ได้รับการแต่งตั้งขึ้นให้สูงได้กล่าว คือผู้ที่ถูกเจิมตั้งไว้ของพระเจ้าแห่งยาโคบ นักแต่งสดุดีอย่างไพเราะของอิสราเอล ได้กล่าวดังนี้ว่า

2 Samuel 23:1
Davutun son sözleri şunlardır:
‹‹İşay oğlu Davut,
Tanrının yükselttiği adam,
Yakupun Tanrısının meshettiği,
İsrailin sevilen ezgi okuyucusu şöyle diyor:[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 23:1
Nầy là lời sau hết của Ða-vít. Nầy là lời của Ða-vít, con trai Y-sai, Tức lời của người đã được nâng lên cao thay, Ðấng chịu xức dầu của Ðức Chúa Trời Gia-cốp, Và làm kẻ hát êm dịu của Y-sơ-ra-ên.

2 Samuel 22:51
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