2 Corinthians 3:6
2 Corinthians 3:6
He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant. This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the Spirit. The old written covenant ends in death; but under the new covenant, the Spirit gives life.

who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

He has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit produces life.

who has also qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant, which is not written but spiritual, because the written text brings death, but the Spirit gives life.

who made us adequate to be servants of a new covenant not based on the letter but on the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

He who made us worthy to be Ministers of The New Covenant, not in The Scripture, but in The Spirit, for The Scripture kills, but The Spirit gives life.

He has also qualified us to be ministers of a new promise, a spiritual promise, not a written one. Clearly, what was written brings death, but the Spirit brings life.

who also has made us able ministers of the new testament, not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Who also has made us able ministers of the new covenant; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.

Who also has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.

who also made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Who also hath made us fit ministers of the new testament, not in the letter, but in the spirit. For the letter killeth, but the spirit quickeneth.

who has also made us competent, as ministers of the new covenant; not of letter, but of spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit quickens.

who also made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

It is He also who has made us competent to serve Him in connexion with a new Covenant, which is not a written code but a Spirit; for the written code inflicts death, but the Spirit gives Life.

who also made us sufficient as servants of a new covenant; not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

who also made us sufficient to be ministrants of a new covenant, not of letter, but of spirit; for the letter doth kill, and the spirit doth make alive.

2 e Koristasve 3:6
i cili na bëri të aftë të jemi shërbëtorë të besëlidhjes së re, jo të shkronjës, por të Frymës, sepse shkronja vret, por Fryma jep jetë.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ 3:6
الذي جعلنا كفاة لان نكون خدام عهد جديد. لا الحرف بل الروح. لان الحرف يقتل ولكن الروح يحيي.

Ան նաեւ ընդունակ ըրաւ մեզ Նոր Կտակարանին սպասարկուներ ըլլալու. ո՛չ թէ գիրին, հապա՝ Հոգիին, որովհետեւ գիրը կը սպաննէ, բայց Հոգին կեանք կու տայ:

2 Corinthianoetara. 3:6
Ceinec Testamentu berrico ministre sufficient-ere eguin baiquaitu, ez letraren, baina Spirituaren: ecen letrác hiltzen du, baina Spirituac viuificatzen du.

De Krenter B 3:6
Er haat üns tauglich gmacht als Diener von dönn Neuen Bund, daa wo nit dyr Buechstabn zölt, sundern dyr Geist. Denn dyr Buechstabn toetigt, dyr Geist dyrgögn macht löbndig.

2 Коринтяни 3:6
Който ни и направи способни като служители на един нов завет,- не на буквата, но на духа; защото буквата убива, а духът оживотворява.

歌 林 多 後 書 3:6
他 叫 我 們 能 承 當 這 新 約 的 執 事 , 不 是 憑 著 字 句 , 乃 是 憑 著 精 意 ; 因 為 那 字 句 是 叫 人 死 , 精 意 ( 或 作 : 聖 靈 ) 是 叫 人 活 。

他 叫 我 们 能 承 当 这 新 约 的 执 事 , 不 是 凭 着 字 句 , 乃 是 凭 着 精 意 ; 因 为 那 字 句 是 叫 人 死 , 精 意 ( 或 作 : 圣 灵 ) 是 叫 人 活 。





Druga poslanica Korinæanima 3:6
On nas osposobi za poslužitelje novoga Saveza, ne slova, nego Duha; jer slovo ubija, a Duh oživljuje.

Druhá Korintským 3:6
Kterýžto i hodné nás učinil služebníky Nového Zákona, ne litery, ale Ducha. Nebo litera zabíjí, ale duch obživuje.

2 Korinterne 3:6
som ogsaa gjorde os dygtige til at være en ny Pagts Tjenere, ikke Bogstavens, men Aandens; thi Bogstaven ihjelslaar, men Aanden levendegør.

2 Corinthiër 3:6
Die ons ook bekwaam gemaakt heeft, om te zijn dienaars des Nieuwen Testaments, niet der letter, maar des Geestes; want de letter doodt, maar de Geest maakt levend.

ὃς καὶ ἱκάνωσεν ἡμᾶς διακόνους καινῆς διαθήκης, οὐ γράμματος ἀλλὰ πνεύματος· τὸ γὰρ γράμμα ἀποκτείνει, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ζωοποιεῖ.

ὃς καὶ ἱκάνωσεν ἡμᾶς διακόνους καινῆς διαθήκης, οὐ γράμματος ἀλλὰ πνεύματος, τὸ γὰρ γράμμα ἀποκτείνει, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ζωοποιεῖ.

ὃς καὶ ἱκάνωσεν ἡμᾶς διακόνους καινῆς διαθήκης, οὐ γράμματος ἀλλὰ πνεύματος, τὸ γὰρ γράμμα ἀποκτείνει / ἀποκτέννει, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ζωοποιεῖ.

ὃς καὶ ἱκάνωσεν ἡμᾶς διακόνους καινῆς διαθήκης, οὐ γράμματος, ἀλλὰ πνεύματος· τὸ γὰρ γράμμα ἀποκτένει, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ζῳοποιεῖ.

ὃς καὶ ἱκάνωσεν ἡμᾶς διακόνους καινῆς διαθήκης, οὐ γράμματος, ἀλλὰ πνεύματος· τὸ γὰρ γράμμα ἀποκτέννει, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ζῳοποιεῖ.

ὃς καὶ ἱκάνωσεν ἡμᾶς διακόνους καινῆς διαθήκης, οὐ γράμματος ἀλλὰ πνεύματος· τὸ γὰρ γράμμα ἀποκτέννει, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ζῳοποιεῖ.

ὃς καὶ ἱκάνωσεν ἡμᾶς διακόνους καινῆς διαθήκης, οὐ γράμματος ἀλλὰ πνεύματος· τὸ γὰρ γράμμα ἀποκτείνει, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ζωοποιεῖ.

ὃς καὶ ἱκάνωσεν ἡμᾶς διακόνους καινῆς διαθήκης οὐ γράμματος ἀλλὰ πνεύματος· τὸ γὰρ γράμμα ἀποκτείνει, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα ζῳοποιεῖ

ος και ικανωσεν ημας διακονους καινης διαθηκης ου γραμματος αλλα πνευματος το γαρ γραμμα αποκτεινει το δε πνευμα ζωοποιει

ος και ικανωσεν ημας διακονους καινης διαθηκης ου γραμματος αλλα πνευματος το γαρ γραμμα αποκτεννει το δε πνευμα ζωοποιει

ος και ικανωσεν ημας διακονους καινης διαθηκης ου γραμματος αλλα πνευματος το γαρ γραμμα αποκτεινει το δε πνευμα ζωοποιει

ος και ικανωσεν ημας διακονους καινης διαθηκης, ου γραμματος αλλα πνευματος· το γαρ γραμμα αποκτεινει, το δε πνευμα ζωοποιει.

ος και ικανωσεν ημας διακονους καινης διαθηκης ου γραμματος αλλα πνευματος το γαρ γραμμα αποκτενει το δε πνευμα ζωοποιει

ος και ικανωσεν ημας διακονους καινης διαθηκης ου γραμματος αλλα πνευματος το γαρ γραμμα {VAR1: αποκτεινει } {VAR2: αποκτεννει } το δε πνευμα ζωοποιει

hos kai hikanōsen hēmas diakonous kainēs diathēkēs, ou grammatos alla pneumatos; to gar gramma apokteinei, to de pneuma zōopoiei.

hos kai hikanosen hemas diakonous kaines diathekes, ou grammatos alla pneumatos; to gar gramma apokteinei, to de pneuma zoopoiei.

hos kai hikanōsen hēmas diakonous kainēs diathēkēs, ou grammatos alla pneumatos, to gar gramma apokteinei, to de pneuma zōopoiei.

hos kai hikanosen hemas diakonous kaines diathekes, ou grammatos alla pneumatos, to gar gramma apokteinei, to de pneuma zoopoiei.

os kai ikanōsen ēmas diakonous kainēs diathēkēs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apoktennei to de pneuma zōopoiei

os kai ikanOsen Emas diakonous kainEs diathEkEs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apoktennei to de pneuma zOopoiei

os kai ikanōsen ēmas diakonous kainēs diathēkēs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apoktenei to de pneuma zōopoiei

os kai ikanOsen Emas diakonous kainEs diathEkEs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apoktenei to de pneuma zOopoiei

os kai ikanōsen ēmas diakonous kainēs diathēkēs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apokteinei to de pneuma zōopoiei

os kai ikanOsen Emas diakonous kainEs diathEkEs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apokteinei to de pneuma zOopoiei

os kai ikanōsen ēmas diakonous kainēs diathēkēs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apokteinei to de pneuma zōopoiei

os kai ikanOsen Emas diakonous kainEs diathEkEs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apokteinei to de pneuma zOopoiei

os kai ikanōsen ēmas diakonous kainēs diathēkēs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apokteinei to de pneuma zōopoiei

os kai ikanOsen Emas diakonous kainEs diathEkEs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma apokteinei to de pneuma zOopoiei

os kai ikanōsen ēmas diakonous kainēs diathēkēs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma {WH: apokteinei } {UBS4: apoktennei } to de pneuma zōopoiei

os kai ikanOsen Emas diakonous kainEs diathEkEs ou grammatos alla pneumatos to gar gramma {WH: apokteinei} {UBS4: apoktennei} to de pneuma zOopoiei

2 Korintusi 3:6
A ki alkalmatosokká tett minket arra, hogy új szövetség szolgái []legyünk, nem betûé, hanem léleké; mert a betû megöl, a lélek pedig megelevenít.

Al la korintanoj 2 3:6
kiu ankaux tauxgigis nin kiel administrantojn de nova interligo, ne laux litero, sed laux spirito; cxar la litero mortigas, sed la spirito vivigas.

Toinen kirje korinttilaisille 3:6
Joka meitä soveliaiksi tehnyt on Uuden Testamentin virkaa pitämään, ei puustavin, vaan Hengen; sillä puustavi kuolettaa, vaan Henki tekee eläväksi.

2 Corinthiens 3:6
qui nous a rendus propres aussi pour être des ministres de la nouvelle alliance, non de la lettre, mais de l'esprit, car la lettre tue, mais l'Esprit vivifie.

Il nous a aussi rendus capables d'être ministres d'une nouvelle alliance, non de la lettre, mais de l'esprit; car la lettre tue, mais l'esprit vivifie.

Qui nous a aussi rendus capables d'être les ministres du Nouveau Testament, non de la lettre, mais de l'esprit; car la lettre tue, mais l'Esprit vivifie.

2 Korinther 3:6
welcher auch uns tüchtig gemacht hat, das Amt zu führen des Neuen Testaments, nicht des Buchstabens, sondern des Geistes. Denn der Buchstabe tötet, aber der Geist macht lebendig.

welcher auch uns tüchtig gemacht hat, das Amt zu führen des Neuen Testaments, nicht des Buchstaben, sondern des Geistes. Denn der Buchstabe tötet, aber der Geist macht lebendig.

der uns gerade fähig gemacht hat zu Gehilfen des neuen Bundes, nicht des Buchstabens, sondern des Geistes. Denn der Buchstabe tötet, der Geist aber macht lebendig.

2 Corinzi 3:6
ma la nostra capacità viene da Dio, che ci ha anche resi capaci d’esser ministri d’un nuovo patto, non di lettera, ma di spirito; perché la lettera uccide, ma lo spirito vivifica.

il quale ancora ci ha resi sufficienti ad esser ministri del nuovo patto, non di lettera, ma di spirito; poichè la lettera uccide, ma lo spirito vivifica.

2 KOR 3:6
Ialah juga menjadikan kami pandai menjadi pesuruh perjanjian baharu, bukan pula menurut seperti huruf, melainkan menurut Roh; karena huruf itu mematikan, tetapi Roh itu menghidupkan.

2 Corinthians 3:6
D nețța i ɣ-d-ifkan tazmert s wayes i nuɣal d iqeddacen n leɛqed ajdid . Leɛqed-agi ur d-yekki ara seg wayen yuran di ccariɛa lameɛna s ɣuṛ Ṛṛuḥ iqedsen. Axaṭer ccariɛa tețțawi ɣer lmut, ma d Ṛṛuḥ iqedsen yețțak-ed tudert.

고린도후서 3:6
저가 또 우리로 새 언약의 일군 되기에 만족케 하셨으니 의문으로 하지 아니하고 오직 영으로 함이니 의문은 죽이는 것이요 영은 살리는 것임이니라

II Corinthios 3:6
qui et idoneos nos fecit ministros novi testamenti non litterae sed Spiritus littera enim occidit Spiritus autem vivificat

Korintiešiem 2 3:6
Viņš arī mums devis spējas kalpot Jaunajai derībai, ne burtam, bet garam, jo burts nokauj, bet gars atdzīvina.

Antrasis laiðkas korintieèiams 3:6
kuris padarė mus tinkamus būti Naujosios Sandoros tarnais­ne raidės, bet Dvasios, nes raidė žudo, o Dvasia teikia gyvybę.

2 Corinthians 3:6
Nana hoki matou i tau ai hei minita mo te kawenata hou; he teka no te reta, engari no te wairua: he whakamate hoki ta te reta, he whakaora ia ta te wairua.

2 Korintierne 3:6
som og gjorde oss duelige til å være tjenere for en ny pakt, ikke for bokstav, men for Ånd; for bokstaven slår ihjel, men Ånden gjør levende.

2 Corintios 3:6
el cual también nos hizo suficientes como ministros de un nuevo pacto, no de la letra, sino del Espíritu; porque la letra mata, pero el Espíritu da vida.

el cual también nos hizo suficientes como ministros (servidores) de un nuevo pacto, no de la letra, sino del Espíritu. Porque la letra mata, pero el Espíritu da vida.

el cual también nos ha hecho ministros suficientes del nuevo testamento; no de la letra, sino del espíritu; porque la letra mata, mas el espíritu vivifica.

El cual asimismo nos hizo ministros suficientes de un nuevo pacto: no de la letra, mas del espíritu; porque la letra mata, mas el espíritu vivifica.

el cual aun nos hizo que fuésemos ministros suficientes del Nuevo Testamento, no de la letra, sino del Espíritu; porque la letra mata, mas el Espíritu vivifica.

2 Coríntios 3:6
Ele nos capacitou para sermos ministros de uma nova aliança, não da letra, mas do Espírito; porquanto a letra mata, mas o Espírito vivifica! A relevância da Nova Aliança

o qual também nos capacitou para sermos ministros dum novo pacto, não da letra, mas do espírito; porque a letra mata, mas o espírito vivifica.   

2 Corinteni 3:6
care ne -a şi făcut în stare să fim slujitori ai unui legămînt nou, nu al slovei, ci al Duhului; căci slova omoară, dar Duhul dă viaţa.

2-е Коринфянам 3:6
Он дал нам способность быть служителями Нового Завета, не буквы, но духа, потому что буква убивает, а дух животворит.

Он дал нам способность быть служителями Нового Завета, не буквы, но духа, потому что буква убивает, а дух животворит.

2 Corinthians 3:6
Yamaram chichaman Yus najanamia nuna, incha pΘnker etserkatniun suramsaitji. Yaunchu aarma chichamnum, Ashφ takamtsuk umirkachrikia tuke jakamniuyaji. Antsu yamaram chichamnum, Yuska ni Wakanφjiai yamaram wekasatniun S·ramji. Yusa kakarmarijiai nu chicham Θtserji.

2 Korinthierbrevet 3:6
som också har gjort oss skickliga till att vara tjänare åt ett nytt förbund, ett som icke är bokstav, utan är ande; ty bokstaven dödar, men Anden gör levande.

2 Wakorintho 3:6
maana yeye ndiye aliyetuwezesha kulihudumia Agano Jipya ambalo si agano la sheria iliyoandikwa, bali Agano la Roho. Maana sheria iliyoandikwa huleta kifo, lakini Roho huleta uzima.

2 Mga Taga-Corinto 3:6
Na sa amin naman ay nagpapaging sapat na mga ministro ng bagong tipan; hindi ng titik, kundi ng espiritu: sapagka't ang titik ay pumapatay, datapuwa't ang espiritu ay nagbibigay ng buhay.

2 โครินธ์ 3:6
พระองค์จึงทรงโปรดประทานให้เราสามารถเป็นผู้ปฏิบัติได้ตามพันธสัญญาใหม่ มิใช่ตามตัวอักษร แต่ตามพระวิญญาณ ด้วยว่าตัวอักษรนั้นประหารให้ตาย แต่พระวิญญาณนั้นประทานชีวิต

2 Korintliler 3:6
O bizi yazılı yasaya değil, Ruha dayalı yeni bir antlaşmanın hizmetkârları olmaya yeterli kıldı. Yazılı yasa öldürür, Ruh ise yaşatır.

2 Коринтяни 3:6
котрий і дав нам силу бути слугами нового завіту, не букви, а духа; буква бо вбиває, а дух животворить.

2 Corinthians 3:6
Nawai' -kai pakulea' jadi' topobago-na to mpokeni Pojanci-na to bo'u hi manusia'. Pojanci-na to bo'u toe, bela atura-atura to te'uki' -wadi. Pojanci-na to bo'u toe, kanawai' -ta katuwua' to bo'u ngkai Inoha' Tomoroli'. Apa' ane doko' jadi' monoa' -ta hi poncilo Alata'ala hi kampotuku' -ta atura to te'uki' -wadi, bate mporata-ta kamatea. Tapi' ane mpotuku' -ta Alata'ala ngkai baraka' Inoha' Tomoroli', mporata-ta katuwua' to lompe' duu' kahae-hae-na.

2 Coâ-rinh-toâ 3:6
và ấy là Ngài đã ban tài năng cho chúng tôi giúp việc giao ước mới, chẳng phải giao ước về chữ, bèn là giao ước về Thánh Linh; vì chữ làm cho chết, song Thánh Linh làm cho sống.

2 Corinthians 3:5
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