2 Corinthians 3:3
2 Corinthians 3:3
You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This "letter" is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts.

And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

It is clear that you are Christ's letter, produced by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God--not on stone tablets but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.

You are demonstrating that you are the Messiah's letter, produced by our service, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

revealing that you are a letter of Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on stone tablets but on tablets of human hearts.

For you know that you are a letter of The Messiah that is ministered by us, written not in ink, but by The Spirit of THE LIVING GOD, not in tablets of stone, but in tablets of hearts of flesh.

It's clear that you are Christ's letter, written as a result of our ministry. You are a letter written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, a letter written not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

Since you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart.

For as much as you are manifestly declared to be the letter of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

being made manifest that ye are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in tables that are hearts of flesh.

Being manifested, that you are the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, and written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in the fleshly tables of the heart.

being manifested to be Christ's epistle ministered by us, written, not with ink, but the Spirit of the living God; not on stone tables, but on fleshy tables of the heart.

being made manifest that ye are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in tables that are hearts of flesh.

Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not on tables of stone, but on fleshly tables of the heart.

For all can see that you are a letter of Christ entrusted to our care, and written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the ever-living God--and not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts as tablets.

being revealed that you are a letter of Christ, served by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tablets of stone, but in tablets that are hearts of flesh.

manifested that ye are a letter of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not in the tablets of stone, but in fleshy tablets of the heart,

2 e Koristasve 3:3
duke qenë manifestuar se jeni një letër e Krishtit, e hartuar me anë të shërbesës sonë, dhe e shkruar jo me bojë, por me Frymën e Perëndisë së gjallë, dhe jo mbi rrasa guri, por mbi rrasa të një zemre mishi.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ 3:3
ظاهرين انكم رسالة المسيح مخدومة منا مكتوبة لا بحبر بل بروح الله الحي . لا في الواح حجرية بل في الواح قلب لحمية

բացայայտ ըլլալով որ դուք Քրիստոսի նամակն էք՝ մեր սպասարկութեամբ, ո՛չ թէ մելանով գրուած, հապա՝ ապրող Աստուծոյ Հոգիով. ո՛չ թէ քարեղէն տախտակներու վրայ, հապա՝ սիրտին մարմնեղէն տախտակներուն վրայ:

2 Corinthianoetara. 3:3
Agueri den becembatean ecen Christen epistola guçaz administratua çaretela, scribatua ez tintaz, baina Iainco viciaren Spirituaz: ez harrizco tauletan, baina bihotzeco taula haraguizcoetan.

De Krenter B 3:3
Wenntß +ös kain Brief von n Kristn seitß!, ausgförtigt durch ünsern Dienst, gschribn nit mit Tintn, sundern mit n Geist von n löbndignen Got, nit auf Stain, sundern Menschnhertzn.

2 Коринтяни 3:3
и явявате се, че сте Христово писмо, [произлязло] чрез нашето служение, написано, не с мастило, но с Духа на живия Бог, не на плочи от камък, но на плочи от плът- на сърцето.

歌 林 多 後 書 3:3
你 們 明 顯 是 基 督 的 信 , 藉 著 我 們 修 成 的 。 不 是 用 墨 寫 的 , 乃 是 用 永 生 神 的 靈 寫 的 ; 不 是 寫 在 石 版 上 , 乃 是 寫 在 心 版 上 。

你 们 明 显 是 基 督 的 信 , 藉 着 我 们 修 成 的 。 不 是 用 墨 写 的 , 乃 是 用 永 生 神 的 灵 写 的 ; 不 是 写 在 石 版 上 , 乃 是 写 在 心 版 上 。





Druga poslanica Korinæanima 3:3
Vi ste, očito, pismo Kristovo kojemu mi poslužismo, napisano ne crnilom, nego Duhom Boga živoga; ne na pločama kamenim, nego na pločama od mesa, u srcima.

Druhá Korintským 3:3
Nebo to zjevné jest, že jste vy list Kristův, zpravený skrze přisluhování naše, napsaný ne černidlem, ale Duchem Boha živého, ne na dskách kamenných, ale na dskách srdce masitých.

2 Korinterne 3:3
idet det ligger klart som Dagen, at I ere et Kristi Brev, udfærdiget af os, indskrevet ikke med Blæk, men med den levende Guds Aand, ikke paa Stentavler, men paa Hjerters Kødtavler.

2 Corinthiër 3:3
Als die openbaar zijt geworden, dat gij een brief van Christus zijt, en door onzen dienst bereid, die geschreven is niet met inkt, maar door den Geest des levenden Gods, niet in stenen tafelen, maar in vlezen tafelen des harten.

φανερούμενοι ὅτι ἐστὲ ἐπιστολὴ Χριστοῦ διακονηθεῖσα ὑφ’ ἡμῶν, ἐνγεγραμμένη οὐ μέλανι ἀλλὰ Πνεύματι Θεοῦ ζῶντος, οὐκ ἐν πλαξὶν λιθίναις ἀλλ’ ἐν πλαξὶν καρδίαις σαρκίναις.

φανερούμενοι ὅτι ἐστὲ ἐπιστολὴ Χριστοῦ διακονηθεῖσα ὑφ' ἡμῶν, ἐνγεγραμμένη οὐ μέλανι ἀλλὰ πνεύματι θεοῦ ζῶντος, οὐκ ἐν πλαξὶν λιθίναις ἀλλ' ἐν πλαξὶν καρδίαις σαρκίναις.

φανερούμενοι ὅτι ἐστὲ ἐπιστολὴ Χριστοῦ διακονηθεῖσα ὑφ' ἡμῶν, ἐνγεγραμμένη οὐ μέλανι ἀλλὰ πνεύματι θεοῦ ζῶντος, οὐκ ἐν πλαξὶν λιθίναις ἀλλ' ἐν πλαξὶν καρδίαις σαρκίναις.

φανερούμενοι ὅτι ἐστὲ ἐπιστολὴ χριστοῦ διακονηθεῖσα ὑφ’ ἡμῶν, ἐγγεγραμμένη οὐ μέλανι, ἀλλὰ πνεύματι θεοῦ ζῶντος, οὐκ ἐν πλαξὶν λιθίναις, ἀλλ’ ἐν πλαξὶν καρδίαις σαρκίναις.

φανερούμενοι ὅτι ἐστὲ ἐπιστολὴ Χριστοῦ διακονηθεῖσα ὑφ’ ἡμῶν, ἐγγεγραμμένη οὐ μέλανι, ἀλλὰ Πνεύματι Θεοῦ ζῶντος, οὐκ ἐν πλαξὶ λιθίναις, ἀλλὰ ἐν πλαξὶ καρδίαις σαρκίναις.

φανερούμενοι ὅτι ἐστὲ ἐπιστολὴ Χριστοῦ διακονηθεῖσα ὑφ’ ἡμῶν, ἐνγεγραμμένη οὐ μέλανι ἀλλὰ πνεύματι θεοῦ ζῶντος, οὐκ ἐν πλαξὶν λιθίναις ἀλλ’ ἐν πλαξὶν καρδίαις σαρκίναις.

φανερούμενοι ὅτι ἐστὲ ἐπιστολὴ Χριστοῦ διακονηθεῖσα ὑφ’ ἡμῶν, ἐγγεγραμμένη οὐ μέλανι, ἀλλὰ Πνεύματι Θεοῦ ζωντος, οὐκ ἐν πλαξὶ λιθίναις, ἀλλ’ ἐν πλαξὶ καρδίας σαρκίναις.

φανερούμενοι ὅτι ἐστὲ ἐπιστολὴ Χριστοῦ διακονηθεῖσα ὑφ' ἡμῶν ἐγγεγραμμένη οὐ μέλανι ἀλλὰ πνεύματι θεοῦ ζῶντος οὐκ ἐν πλαξὶν λιθίναις ἀλλ' ἐν πλαξὶν καρδίας σαρκίναις

φανερουμενοι οτι εστε επιστολη χριστου διακονηθεισα υφ ημων εγγεγραμμενη ου μελανι αλλα πνευματι θεου ζωντος ουκ εν πλαξιν λιθιναις αλλ εν πλαξιν καρδιαις σαρκιναις

φανερουμενοι οτι εστε επιστολη χριστου διακονηθεισα υφ ημων ενγεγραμμενη ου μελανι αλλα πνευματι θεου ζωντος ουκ εν πλαξιν λιθιναις αλλ εν πλαξιν καρδιαις σαρκιναις

φανερουμενοι οτι εστε επιστολη χριστου διακονηθεισα υφ ημων εγγεγραμμενη ου μελανι αλλα πνευματι θεου ζωντος ουκ εν πλαξιν λιθιναις αλλ εν πλαξιν καρδιας σαρκιναις

φανερουμενοι οτι εστε επιστολη Χριστου διακονηθεισα υφ ημων, εγγεγραμμενη ου μελανι, αλλα Πνευματι Θεου ζωντος, ουκ εν πλαξι λιθιναις, αλλ εν πλαξιν καρδιας σαρκιναις.

φανερουμενοι οτι εστε επιστολη χριστου διακονηθεισα υφ ημων εγγεγραμμενη ου μελανι αλλα πνευματι θεου ζωντος ουκ εν πλαξιν λιθιναις αλλ εν πλαξιν καρδιαις σαρκιναις

φανερουμενοι οτι εστε επιστολη χριστου διακονηθεισα υφ ημων εγγεγραμμενη ου μελανι αλλα πνευματι θεου ζωντος ουκ εν πλαξιν λιθιναις αλλ εν πλαξιν καρδιαις σαρκιναις

phaneroumenoi hoti este epistolē Christou diakonētheisa hyph’ hēmōn, engegrammenē ou melani alla Pneumati Theou zōntos, ouk en plaxin lithinais all’ en plaxin kardiais sarkinais.

phaneroumenoi hoti este epistole Christou diakonetheisa hyph’ hemon, engegrammene ou melani alla Pneumati Theou zontos, ouk en plaxin lithinais all’ en plaxin kardiais sarkinais.

phaneroumenoi hoti este epistolē Christou diakonētheisa hyph' hēmōn, engegrammenē ou melani alla pneumati theou zōntos, ouk en plaxin lithinais all' en plaxin kardiais sarkinais.

phaneroumenoi hoti este epistole Christou diakonetheisa hyph' hemon, engegrammene ou melani alla pneumati theou zontos, ouk en plaxin lithinais all' en plaxin kardiais sarkinais.

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolē christou diakonētheisa uph ēmōn engegrammenē ou melani alla pneumati theou zōntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardiais sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolE christou diakonEtheisa uph EmOn engegrammenE ou melani alla pneumati theou zOntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardiais sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolē christou diakonētheisa uph ēmōn engegrammenē ou melani alla pneumati theou zōntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardiais sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolE christou diakonEtheisa uph EmOn engegrammenE ou melani alla pneumati theou zOntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardiais sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolē christou diakonētheisa uph ēmōn engegrammenē ou melani alla pneumati theou zōntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardias sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolE christou diakonEtheisa uph EmOn engegrammenE ou melani alla pneumati theou zOntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardias sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolē christou diakonētheisa uph ēmōn engegrammenē ou melani alla pneumati theou zōntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardias sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolE christou diakonEtheisa uph EmOn engegrammenE ou melani alla pneumati theou zOntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardias sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolē christou diakonētheisa uph ēmōn engegrammenē ou melani alla pneumati theou zōntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardiais sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolE christou diakonEtheisa uph EmOn engegrammenE ou melani alla pneumati theou zOntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardiais sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolē christou diakonētheisa uph ēmōn engegrammenē ou melani alla pneumati theou zōntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardiais sarkinais

phaneroumenoi oti este epistolE christou diakonEtheisa uph EmOn engegrammenE ou melani alla pneumati theou zOntos ouk en plaxin lithinais all en plaxin kardiais sarkinais

2 Korintusi 3:3
A kik felõl nyilvánvaló, hogy Krisztusnak a mi szolgálatunk által szerzett levele vagytok, nem tentával, hanem az élõ Isten Lelkével írva; nem kõtáblákra, hanem a szívnek hústábláira.

Al la korintanoj 2 3:3
cxar vi montrigxis, ke vi estas letero de Kristo liverita per ni, skribita ne per inko, sed per la Spirito de la vivanta Dio; ne sur sxtonaj tabeloj, sed sur la karnaj tabeloj de la koro.

Toinen kirje korinttilaisille 3:3
Ja te olette ilmoitetut, että te Kristuksen lähetyskirja olette, meidän palveluksemme kautta valmistettu, ei pläkillä kirjoitettu, vaan elävän Jumalan hengellä, ei kivisiin tauluihin, vaan lihallisiin sydämen tauluihin.

2 Corinthiens 3:3
car vous êtes manifestés comme étant la lettre de Christ, dressée par notre ministère, écrite non avec de l'encre, mais par l'esprit du Dieu vivant, non sur des tables de pierre, mais sur les tables de chair du coeur.

Vous êtes manifestement une lettre de Christ, écrite, par notre ministère, non avec de l'encre, mais avec l'Esprit du Dieu vivant, non sur des tables de pierre, mais sur des tables de chair, sur les coeurs.

Car il paraît en vous que vous êtes l'Epître de Christ, dressée par notre ministère, et écrite non avec de l'encre, mais par l'Esprit du Dieu vivant; non sur des tables de pierre, mais sur les tables charnelles du cœur.

2 Korinther 3:3
die ihr offenbar worden seid, daß ihr ein Brief Christi seid, durch unser Predigtamt zubereitet und durch uns geschrieben, nicht mit Tinte, sondern mit dem Geist des lebendigen Gottes, nicht in steinerne Tafeln, sondern in fleischerne Tafeln des Herzens.

die ihr offenbar geworden seid, daß ihr ein Brief Christi seid, durch unsern Dienst zubereitet, und geschrieben nicht mit Tinte, sondern mit dem Geist des lebendigen Gottes, nicht in steinerne Tafeln, sondern in fleischerne Tafeln des Herzens.

Ist doch euch klar anzusehen, daß ihr ein Brief Christus' seid, durch uns besorgt, geschrieben nicht mit Tinte, sondern mit des lebendigen Gottes Geist, nicht in steinerne Tafeln, sondern in fleischerne Tafeln des Herzens.

2 Corinzi 3:3
essendo manifesto che voi siete una lettera di Cristo, scritta mediante il nostro ministerio, scritta non con inchiostro, ma con lo Spirito dell’Iddio vivente; non su tavole di pietra, ma su tavole che son cuori di carne.

essendo manifesto che voi siete la lettera di Cristo, amministrata da noi; scritta, non con inchiostro, ma con lo Spirito dell’Iddio vivente; non in tavole di pietra, ma nelle tavole di carne del cuore.

2 KOR 3:3
Maka nyatalah kamu menjadi surat Kristus yang ditulis oleh kami, tertulis oleh kami, tertulis bukannya dengan dawat, melainkan dengan roh Allah yang hidup, bukannya di atas loh batu, melainkan pada loh, yaitu hati manusia.

2 Corinthians 3:3
Iban belli tabṛaț-agi yura-ț Lmasiḥ s yiman-is mi wen-d nbecceṛ lexbaṛ n lxiṛ ; mačči s lmidad i ț-yura lameɛna s Ṛṛuḥ n Ṛebbi yeddren, mačči ɣef teblaḍin n wezṛu i ț-ijerred lameɛna deg ulawen-nwen.

고린도후서 3:3
너희는 우리로 말미암아 나타난 그리스도의 편지니 이는 먹으로 쓴 것이 아니요 오직 살아 계신 하나님의 영으로 한 것이며 또 돌비에 쓴 것이 아니요 오직 육의 심비에 한 것이라

II Corinthios 3:3
manifestati quoniam epistula estis Christi ministrata a nobis et scripta non atramento sed Spiritu Dei vivi non in tabulis lapideis sed in tabulis cordis carnalibus

Korintiešiem 2 3:3
Ir redzams, ka jūs esat Kristus vēstule, ko mēs esam sastādījuši un uzrakstījuši ne ar tinti, bet ar dzīvā Dieva Garu, ne uz akmens, bet uz miesīgām sirds plāksnēm.

Antrasis laiðkas korintieèiams 3:3
Jūs pasirodote esą Kristaus laiškas, mūsų tarnavimu parašytas ne rašalu, bet gyvojo Dievo Dvasia, ne akmens plokštėse, bet gyvų širdžių plokštėse.

2 Corinthians 3:3
Kua marama na hoki, ko koutou he pukapuka na te Karaiti, he mea minita na matou, ehara i te mea tuhituhi ki te mangumangu, engari ki te Wairua o te Atua ora; he teka ki nga papa kohatu, engari ki runga ki nga papa kikokiko o te ngakau.

2 Korintierne 3:3
idet det blir vitterlig at I er Kristi brev, tilblitt ved vår tjeneste, innskrevet ikke med blekk, men med den levende Guds Ånd, ikke på stentavler, men på hjertets kjødtavler.

2 Corintios 3:3
siendo manifiesto que sois carta de Cristo redactada por nosotros, no escrita con tinta, sino con el Espíritu del Dios vivo; no en tablas de piedra, sino en tablas de corazones humanos.

siendo manifiesto que son carta de Cristo redactada por nosotros, no escrita con tinta, sino con el Espíritu del Dios vivo; no en tablas de piedra, sino en tablas de corazones humanos.

siendo manifiesto que sois carta de Cristo ministrada por nosotros, escrita no con tinta, sino con el Espíritu del Dios vivo; no en tablas de piedra, sino en tablas de carne del corazón.

Siendo manifiesto que sois letra de Cristo administrada de nosotros, escrita no con tinta, mas con el Espíritu del Dios vivo; no en tablas de piedra, sino en tablas de carne del corazón.

cuando es manifiesto que sois letra de Cristo administrada por nosotros, escrita no con tinta, sino con el Espíritu del Dios vivo; no en tablas de piedra, sino en tablas de carne del corazón.

2 Coríntios 3:3
Vós mesmos tendes demonstrado que sois uma carta de Cristo, resultante de nosso ministério, escrita não com tinta, mas com o Espírito do Deus vivo, não em tábuas de pedra, mas em tábuas de corações humanos!

sendo manifestos como carta de Cristo, ministrada por nós, e escrita, não com tinta, mas com o Espírito do Deus vivo, não em tábuas de pedra, mas em tábuas de carne do coração.   

2 Corinteni 3:3
Voi sînteţi arătaţi ca fiind epistola lui Hristos, scrisă de noi, ca slujitori ai Lui, nu cu cerneală, ci cu Duhul Dumnezeului celui viu; nu pe nişte table de piatră, ci pe nişte table cari sînt inimi de carne.

2-е Коринфянам 3:3
вы показываете собою, что вы – письмоХристово, через служение наше написанное не чернилами, но Духом Бога живаго, не на скрижалях каменных, но на плотяныхскрижалях сердца.

вы показываете собою, что вы--письмо Христово, через служение наше написанное не чернилами, но Духом Бога живаго, не на скрижалях каменных, но на плотяных скрижалях сердца.

2 Corinthians 3:3
Iis, Tßtsujak. Papφ aarma N·nisketrume. Nu Papφ Kristu aarmaiti tura iisha N· Papφ atumin S·aji. Tφntiajainchu antsu iwiaaku Yusa Wakanφjiai aarmaiti. Kayanmasha aarchamuiti; antsu shuara Enentßin, auka, aarmaiti.

2 Korinthierbrevet 3:3
Ty det är uppenbart att I ären ett Kristus-brev, avfattat genom oss, skrivet icke med bläck, utan med den levande Gudens Ande, icke på tavlor av sten, utan på tavlor av kött, på människohjärtan.

2 Wakorintho 3:3
Ni dhahiri kwamba ninyi ni barua ya Kristo aliyoipeleka kwa mikono yetu. Barua yenyewe imeandikwa si kwa wino, bali kwa Roho wa Mungu hai; imeandikwa si juu ya kipande cha jiwe, bali juu ya mioyo ya watu.

2 Mga Taga-Corinto 3:3
Yamang nahahayag na kayo'y sulat ni Cristo, na pinangasiwaan namin, hindi isinulat ng tinta, kundi ng Espiritu, ng Dios na buhay, hindi sa mga tapyas ng bato, kundi sa mga tapyas ng pusong laman.

2 โครินธ์ 3:3
ท่านปรากฏเป็นหนังสือของพระคริสต์ซึ่งเราเป็นผู้ปรนนิบัติ และได้เขียนไว้ มิใช่ด้วยน้ำหมึก แต่ด้วยพระวิญญาณของพระเจ้าผู้ทรงพระชนม์ และมิได้เขียนไว้ที่แผ่นศิลา แต่เขียนไว้ที่แผ่นดวงใจมนุษย์

2 Korintliler 3:3
Hizmetimizin sonucu olup mürekkeple değil, yaşayan Tanrının Ruhuyla, taş levhalara değil, insan yüreğinin levhalarına yazılmış Mesihin mektubu olduğunuz açıktır.

2 Коринтяни 3:3
(А й надто) ви явлені, що ви посланнє Христове через служенне наше, написане не чернилом, а Духом Бога живого, не на камяних скрижалях, а на тілесних скрижалях серця.

2 Corinthians 3:3
Pai' meliu ngkai toe, ngkai po'ingku-ni ompi', monoto-mi hi hawe'ea tauna wua' pobago-kai mpokeni lolita Kristus hi koi'. Ma'ala-mi ta'uli', koi' hewa sura to na'uki' Kristus. Napa to na'uki' hi rala nono-ni toe meliu kalompe' -na ngkai sura to te'uki' hante tinta ba to te'uki' hi watu po'ukia', hewa Atura Musa to te'uki' owi hi watu po'ukia'. Apa' Kristus mpo'uki' lolita-na hi rala nono-ni hante baraka' Inoha' Alata'ala to Tuwu'.

2 Coâ-rinh-toâ 3:3
Vả, rõ thật rằng anh em là bức thơ của Ðấng Christ, bởi chức vụ chúng tôi viết ra, chẳng phải viết bằng mực, nhưng bằng Thánh Linh của Ðức Chúa Trời hằng sống, chẳng phải viết trên bảng đá, nhưng trên bảng thịt, tức là trên lòng anh em.

2 Corinthians 3:2
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