2 Chronicles 8:11
2 Chronicles 8:11
Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter up from the City of David to the palace he had built for her, for he said, "My wife must not live in the palace of David king of Israel, because the places the ark of the LORD has entered are holy."

Solomon moved his wife, Pharaoh's daughter, from the City of David to the new palace he had built for her. He said, "My wife must not live in King David's palace, for the Ark of the LORD has been there, and it is holy ground."

Solomon brought Pharaoh’s daughter up from the city of David to the house that he had built for her, for he said, “My wife shall not live in the house of David king of Israel, for the places to which the ark of the LORD has come are holy.”

Then Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter up from the city of David to the house which he had built for her, for he said, "My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy where the ark of the LORD has entered."

And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had built for her: for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, whereunto the ark of the LORD hath come.

Solomon brought the daughter of Pharaoh from the city of David to the house he had built for her, for he said, "My wife must not live in the house of David king of Israel because the places the ark of the LORD has come into are holy."

Later, Solomon moved Pharaoh's daughter from the City of David to the palace that he had constructed to house her, because he reasoned, "My wife isn't going to live in the palace where King David of Israel lived, because wherever the ark of the LORD entered is holy."

Solomon moved Pharaoh's daughter up from the City of David to the palace he had built for her, for he said, "My wife must not live in the palace of King David of Israel, for the places where the ark of the LORD has entered are holy."

Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter from the City of David to a palace he had built for her. He said, "My wife will not live in the palace of King David of Israel because these places where the LORD's ark has come are holy."

And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had built for her, for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David, king of Israel, because the places are holy, unto which the ark of the LORD has come.

And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had built for her: for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, to which the ark of the LORD has come.

And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David to the house that he had built for her: for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, whereunto the ark of the LORD has come.

And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had built for her; for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, whereunto the ark of Jehovah hath come.

And he removed the daughter of Pharao from the city of David, to the house which he had built for her. For the king said: My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, for it is sanctified: because the ark of the Lord came into it.

And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David to the house which he had built for her; for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy to which the ark of Jehovah has come.

And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had built for her: for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, whereunto the ark of the LORD hath come.

And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh from the city of David to the house that he had built for her: for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, to which the ark of the LORD hath come.

Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David to the house that he had built for her; for he said, "My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places where the ark of Yahweh has come are holy."

And the daughter of Pharaoh hath Solomon brought up from the city of David to the house that he built for her, for he said, 'My wife doth not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, for they are holy unto whom hath come the ark of Jehovah.'

2 i Kronikave 8:11
Por Salomoni bëri që vajza e Faraonit të ngjitej nga qyteti i Davidit në shtëpinë që kishte ndërtuar për të, sepse mendonte: "bashkëshortja ime nuk duhet të banojë në shtëpinë e Davidit, mbretit të Izraelit, sepse vendet ku ka hyrë arka e Zotit janë të shenjta".

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 8:11
واما بنت فرعون فاصعدها سليمان من مدينة داود الى البيت الذي بناه لها لانه قال لا تسكن امرأة لي في بيت داود ملك اسرائيل لان الاماكن التي دخل اليها تابوت الرب انما هي مقدسة

Dyr Lauft B 8:11
Dyr Salman brang yn n Färgn sein Tochter aus dyr Dafetnstat eyn dös Schloß, wo yr für is baut hiet, denn er gsait syr: Ayn Weib sollt nit in n Pflast von n Künig Dafet wonen. Der ist ayn Heiligtuem, weil daadl dyr Schrein von n Trechtein gstanddn ist.

2 Летописи 8:11
Тогава Соломон възведе Фараоновата дъщеря от Давидовия град в къщата, която беше построил за нея; защото рече: Жена ми да не живее в къщата на Израилевия цар Давида, понеже местата, в които е влизал Господният ковчег, са свети.

歷 代 志 下 8:11
所 羅 門 將 法 老 的 女 兒 帶 出 大 衛 城 , 上 到 為 他 建 造 的 宮 裡 ; 因 所 羅 門 說 : 耶 和 華 約 櫃 所 到 之 處 都 為 聖 地 , 所 以 我 的 妻 不 可 住 在 以 色 列 王 大 衛 的 宮 裡 。

所 罗 门 将 法 老 的 女 儿 带 出 大 卫 城 , 上 到 为 他 建 造 的 宫 里 ; 因 所 罗 门 说 : 耶 和 华 约 柜 所 到 之 处 都 为 圣 地 , 所 以 我 的 妻 不 可 住 在 以 色 列 王 大 卫 的 宫 里 。



2 Chronicles 8:11
Salomon preseli i faraonovu kćer iz Davidova grada u kuću koju joj bijaše sagradio, jer je mislio: "Neće moja žena živjeti u dvoru izraelskoga kralja Davida, jer je svet otkako je u nj došao Kovčeg Jahvin."

Druhá Paralipomenon 8:11
Dceru pak Faraonovu přestěhoval Šalomoun z města Davidova do domu, kterýž jí byl vystavěl. Nebo řekl: Nemohlať by bydliti manželka má v domě Davida krále Izraelského, nebo svatý jest, proto že vešla do něho truhla Hospodinova.

Anden Krønikebog 8:11
Faraos Datter flyttede Salomo fra Davidsbyen ind i det Hus, han havde bygget til hende; thi han tænkte: »Jeg vil ikke have en Kvinde boende i Kong David af Israels Palads, thi hellige er de Steder, hvor HERRENS Ark kommer.«

2 Kronieken 8:11
Salomo nu deed de dochter van Farao opkomen uit de stad Davids, tot het huis, dat hij voor haar gebouwd had; want hij zeide: Mijn vrouw zal in het huis van David, den koning van Israel, niet wonen, omdat de plaatsen heilig zijn, tot dewelke de ark des HEEREN gekomen is.

דברי הימים ב 8:11
וְאֶת־בַּת־פַּרְעֹ֗ה הֶעֱלָ֤ה שְׁלֹמֹה֙ מֵעִ֣יר דָּוִ֔יד לַבַּ֖יִת אֲשֶׁ֣ר בָּֽנָה־לָ֑הּ כִּ֣י אָמַ֗ר לֹא־תֵשֵׁ֨ב אִשָּׁ֥ה לִי֙ בְּבֵית֙ דָּוִ֣יד מֶֽלֶךְ־יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל כִּי־קֹ֣דֶשׁ הֵ֔מָּה אֲשֶׁר־בָּֽאָ֥ה אֲלֵיהֶ֖ם אֲרֹ֥ון יְהוָֽה׃ פ

יא ואת בת פרעה העלה שלמה מעיר דויד לבית אשר בנה לה  כי אמר לא תשב אשה לי בבית דויד מלך ישראל--כי קדש המה אשר באה אליהם ארון יהוה  {פ}

ואת־בת־פרעה העלה שלמה מעיר דויד לבית אשר בנה־לה כי אמר לא־תשב אשה לי בבית דויד מלך־ישראל כי־קדש המה אשר־באה אליהם ארון יהוה׃ פ

2 Krónika 8:11
És felviteté Salamon a Faraó leányát a Dávid városából a házba, a melyet néki épített vala; mert ezt mondá: Nem lakhatik az én feleségem az Izráel királyának, Dávidnak házában; mert szentséges [hely] az, mivel az Úr ládája abba vitetett.

Kroniko 2 8:11
La filinon de Faraono elkondukis Salomono el la urbo de David en la domon, kiun li konstruis por sxi; cxar li diris:Virino ne devas logxi cxe mi en la domo de David, regxo de Izrael, cxar gxi estas sankta pro tio, ke en gxin eniris la kesto de la Eternulo.

Ja Salomo antoi tuoda Pharaon tyttären ylös Davidin kaupungista siihen huoneesen, jonka hän hänelle rakentanut oli; sillä hän sanoi: emäntäni ei pidä Davidin Israelin kuninkaan huoneessa asuman; sillä se on pyhä, että Herran arkki on siihen tullut.

2 Chroniques 8:11
Et Salomon fit monter la fille du Pharaon, de la ville de David, dans la maison qu'il avait bâtie pour elle; car il dit: Ma femme n'habitera pas dans la maison de David, roi d'Israël, car les lieux où est entrée l'arche de l'Éternel sont saints.

Salomon fit monter la fille de Pharaon de la cité de David dans la maison qu'il lui avait bâtie; car il dit: Ma femme n'habitera pas dans la maison de David, roi d'Israël, parce que les lieux où est entrée l'arche de l'Eternel sont saints.

Or Salomon fit monter la fille de Pharaon de la Cité de David en la maison qu'il lui avait bâtie; car il dit : Ma femme n'habitera point dans la maison de David Roi d'Israël, parce que les lieux auxquels l'Arche de l'Eternel est entrée sont saints.

2 Chronik 8:11
Und die Tochter Pharaos ließ Salomo heraufholen aus der Stadt Davids ins Haus, das er für sie gebauet hatte. Denn er sprach: Mein Weib soll mir nicht wohnen im Hause Davids, des Königs Israels; denn es ist geheiliget, weil die Lade des HERRN drein kommen ist.

Und die Tochter Pharaos ließ Salomo heraufholen aus der Stadt Davids in das Haus, das er für sie gebaut hatte. Denn er sprach: Mein Weib soll mir nicht wohnen im Hause Davids, des Königs Israels; denn es ist geheiligt, weil die Lade des HERRN hineingekommen ist.

Und die Tochter des Pharao brachte Salomo aus der Stadt Davids in das Haus, das er für sie erbaut hatte; denn er sprach: Es soll mir kein Weib im Palaste Davids, des Königs von Israel, wohnen; denn sie sind ein Heiligtum, weil die Lade Jahwes zu ihnen eingegangen ist.

2 Cronache 8:11
Or Salomone fece salire la figliuola di Faraone dalla città di Davide alla casa ch’egli le avea fatto costruire; perché disse: "La moglie mia non abiterà nella casa di Davide re d’Israele, perché i luoghi dov’è entrata l’arca dell’Eterno son santi".

Or Salomone fece salire la figliuola di Faraone dalla città di Davide, nella casa ch’egli le avea edificata; perciocchè disse: La mia moglie non abiterà nella casa di Davide, re d’Israele; perciocchè i luoghi, ne’ quali l’Arca del Signore è entrata, son santi.

Bermula, maka dibawalah naik oleh raja Sulaiman akan puteri Firaun dari dalam negeri Daud ke maligai yang telah dibuatnya akan dia, karena katanya: Bahwa tiada boleh isteriku duduk di dalam istana Daud, raja orang Israel, karena sucilah segala tempat yang tabut Tuhan sudah hampir kepadanya!

역대하 8:11
솔로몬이 바로의 딸을 데리고 다윗 성에서부터 저를 위하여 건축한 궁에 이르러 가로되 내 아내가 이스라엘 왕 다윗의 궁에 거하지 못하리니 이는 여호와의 궤가 이른 곳은 다 거룩함이니라 하였더라

II Paralipomenon 8:11
filiam vero Pharaonis transtulit de civitate David in domum quam aedificaverat ei dixit enim non habitabit uxor mea in domo David regis Israhel eo quod sanctificata sit quia ingressa est eam arca Domini

Antroji Kronikø knyga 8:11
Saliamonas perkėlė faraono dukterį iš Dovydo miesto į namus, kuriuos jis jai pastatė, nes sakė: “Mano žmona negyvens Izraelio karaliaus Dovydo namuose, nes jie šventi, kadangi juose buvo Viešpaties skrynia”.

2 Chronicles 8:11
I kawea atu hoki e Horomona te tamahine a Parao i te pa o Rawiri ki te whare i hanga e ia mona. I mea hoki ia, Kaua taku wahine e noho ki te whare o Rawiri kingi o Iharaira; he tapu hoki nga wahi i tae ai te aaka a Ihowa.

2 Krønikebok 8:11
Salomo førte Faraos datter fra Davids stad inn i det hus han hadde bygget for henne; for han sa: Det skal ikke bo nogen kvinne i Davids, Israels konges hus; det er hellig, fordi Herrens ark er kommet dit.

2 Crónicas 8:11
Y Salomón hizo subir a la hija de Faraón de la ciudad de David a la casa que él le había edificado; pues dijo: Mi mujer no habitará en la casa de David, rey de Israel, porque son sagrados los lugares donde el arca del SEÑOR ha entrado.

Y Salomón hizo subir a la hija de Faraón de la ciudad de David a la casa que él le había edificado; pues dijo: "Mi mujer no habitará en la casa de David, rey de Israel, porque los lugares donde el arca del SEÑOR ha entrado son sagrados."

Y pasó Salomón a la hija de Faraón, de la ciudad de David a la casa que él había edificado para ella; porque dijo: Mi esposa no morará en la casa de David rey de Israel, porque aquellas habitaciones donde ha entrado el arca de Jehová, son santas.

Y pasó Salomón á la hija de Faraón, de la ciudad de David á la casa que él le había edificado; porque dijo: Mi mujer no morará en la casa de David rey de Israel, porque aquellas habitaciones donde ha entrado el arca de Jehová, son sagradas.

Y pasó Salomón a la hija de Faraón, de la ciudad de David a la casa que él le había edificado; porque dijo entre si : Mi mujer no morará en la casa de David rey de Israel, porque son lugares sagradas por haber entrado a ellas el arca del SEÑOR.

2 Crônicas 8:11
Então Salomão levou a filha do Faraó da Cidade de Davi para o palácio que ele havia edificado para ela, pois decidira: “Minha esposa não morará no palácio de Davi, rei de Israel, porquanto os lugares nos quais a Arca de Yahweh passou são sagrados!”

E Salomão levou a filha do Faraó da cidade de Davi para a casa que lhe edificara; pois disse: Minha mulher não morará na casa de Davi, rei de Israel, porquanto os lugares nos quais entrou a arca do Senhor são santos.   

2 Cronici 8:11
Solomon a suit pe fata lui Faraon din cetatea lui David în casa pe care i -o zidise; căci a zis: ,,Nevastă-mea să nu locuiască în casa lui David, împăratul lui Israel, pentrucă locurile în cari a intrat chivotul Domnului sînt sfinte.``

2-я Паралипоменон 8:11
А дочь Фараонову перевел Соломон из города Давидова в дом, которыйпостроил для нее, потому что, говорил он, не должна жить женщина у меня в доме Давида, царя Израилева, ибо свят он, так как вошел в него ковчег Господень.

А дочь Фараонову перевел Соломон из города Давидова в дом, который построил для нее, потому что, говорил он, не должна жить женщина у меня в доме Давида, царя Израилева, ибо свят он, так как вошел в него ковчег Господень.[]

Krönikeboken 8:11
Och Salomo lät Faraos dotter flytta upp från Davids stad till det hus som han hade byggt åt henne; ty han sade: »Jag vill icke att någon kvinna skall bo i Davids, Israels konungs, hus, ty det är en helig plats, eftersom HERRENS ark har kommit dit.»

2 Chronicles 8:11
At iniahon ni Salomon ang anak na babae ni Faraon mula sa bayan ni David hanggang sa bahay na kaniyang itinayo na ukol sa kaniya; sapagka't kaniyang sinabi, Hindi tatahan ang aking asawa sa bahay ni David na hari sa Israel, sapagka't ang mga dako ay banal na pinagpasukan sa kaban ng Panginoon.

2 พงศาวดาร 8:11
ซาโลมอนทรงนำธิดาของฟาโรห์ขึ้นมาจากนครดาวิดยังพระราชวังซึ่งพระองค์ทรงสร้างไว้ให้พระนาง เพราะพระองค์ตรัสว่า "มเหสีของเราไม่ควรอยู่ในวังของดาวิดกษัตริย์แห่งอิสราเอล เพราะสถานที่ทั้งหลายซึ่งหีบของพระเยโฮวาห์มาถึงเป็นที่บริสุทธิ์"

2 Tarihler 8:11
Süleyman, ‹‹Karım İsrail Kralı Davutun sarayında kalmamalı. Çünkü RABbin Antlaşma Sandığının girdiği yerler kutsaldır›› diyerek firavunun kızını Davut Kentinden kendisi için yaptırdığı saraya getirtti.[]

2 Söû-kyù 8:11
Sa-lô-môn sai rước công chúa Pha-ra-ôn ở thành Ða-vít lên cung mà người đã cất cho nàng; vì người nói rằng: Vợ ta chẳng nên ở trong cung Ða-vít, vua Y-sơ-ra-ên, vì nơi nào hòm của Ðức Giê-hô-va đến, thì đã nên thánh rồi.

2 Chronicles 8:10
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