2 Chronicles 33:13
2 Chronicles 33:13
And when he prayed to him, the LORD was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD is God.

And when he prayed, the LORD listened to him and was moved by his request. So the LORD brought Manasseh back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh finally realized that the LORD alone is God!

He prayed to him, and God was moved by his entreaty and heard his plea and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God.

When he prayed to Him, He was moved by his entreaty and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God.

And prayed unto him: and he was intreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD he was God.

He prayed to Him, so He heard his petition and granted his request, and brought him back to Jerusalem, to his kingdom. So Manasseh came to know that Yahweh is God.

and prayed to him. Moved by Manasseh's entreaties, the LORD heard his supplications and brought him back to his kingdom in Jerusalem. That's how Manasseh learned that the LORD is God.

When he prayed to the LORD, the LORD responded to him and answered favorably his cry for mercy. The LORD brought him back to Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh realized that the LORD is the true God.

He prayed to the LORD, and the LORD accepted his prayer and listened to his request. The LORD brought him back to his kingdom in Jerusalem. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD is God.

and when he prayed unto him, he was heard; for he heard his supplication and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God.

And prayed unto him: and he received his entreaty, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God.

And prayed to him: and he was entreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD he was God.

And he prayed unto him; and he was entreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that Jehovah he was God.

And he entreated him, and besought him earnestly: and he heard his prayer, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom, and Manasses knew that the Lord was God.

and prayed to him. And he was intreated of him and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that Jehovah, he was God.

And he prayed unto him; and he was entreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD he was God.

And prayed to him: and he was entreated by him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD he is God.

He prayed to him; and he was entreated by him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that Yahweh was God.

and prayeth unto Him, and He is entreated of him, and heareth his supplication, and bringeth him back to Jerusalem, to his kingdom, and Manasseh knoweth that Jehovah -- He is God.

2 i Kronikave 33:13
Pastaj iu fal dhe iu lut shumë dhe Perëndia e dëgjoi lutjen e tij dhe e çoi përsëri në Jeruzalem, në mbretërinë e tij. Atëherë Manasi njohu që Zoti është Perëndia.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 33:13
وصلّى اليه فاستجاب له وسمع تضرعه ورده الى اورشليم الى مملكته. فعلم منسّى ان الرب هو الله.

Dyr Lauft B 33:13
und glernt s Bettn wider. Dyr Herrgot gyrbarmt si seiner; er gerhoert sein Fleeh und ließ n als Künig auf Ruslham zruggkeern. Daa +gwaiß s dyr Mantz, däß dyr Trechtein dyr waare Got ist.

2 Летописи 33:13
И когато му се помоли, [Бог] даде внимание на него, и послуша молбата му, та го доведе пак в Ерусалим, на царството му. Тогава Манасия позна, че Господ- Той е Бог.

歷 代 志 下 33:13
他 祈 禱 耶 和 華 , 耶 和 華 就 允 准 他 的 祈 求 , 垂 聽 他 的 禱 告 , 使 他 歸 回 耶 路 撒 冷 , 仍 坐 國 位 。 瑪 拿 西 這 才 知 道 惟 獨 耶 和 華 是   神 。

他 祈 祷 耶 和 华 , 耶 和 华 就 允 准 他 的 祈 求 , 垂 听 他 的 祷 告 , 使 他 归 回 耶 路 撒 冷 , 仍 坐 国 位 。 玛 拿 西 这 才 知 道 惟 独 耶 和 华 是   神 。



2 Chronicles 33:13
Molio se i Bog mu se smilovao te usliša njegovu prošnju i vrati ga u Jeruzalem u kraljevstvo. Manaše tada spozna da je Jahve Bog.

Druhá Paralipomenon 33:13
A modlil se jemu. I naklonil se k němu, a vyslyšel modlitbu jeho, a uvedl jej zase do Jeruzaléma do království jeho. Tehdy poznal Manasses, že sám Hospodin jest Bohem.

Anden Krønikebog 33:13
Og da han bad til ham, bønhørte han ham; han hørte hans Bøn og bragte ham tilbage til Jerusalem til hans Kongedømme; da indsaa Manasse, at HERREN er Gud.

2 Kronieken 33:13
En bad Hem; en Hij liet Zich van hem verbidden, en hoorde zijn smeking, en Hij bracht hem weder te Jeruzalem, in zijn koninkrijk. Toen erkende Manasse, dat de HEERE God is.

דברי הימים ב 33:13
וַיִּתְפַּלֵּ֣ל אֵלָ֗יו וַיֵּעָ֤תֶר לֹו֙ וַיִּשְׁמַ֣ע תְּחִנָּתֹ֔ו וַיְשִׁיבֵ֥הוּ יְרוּשָׁלִַ֖ם לְמַלְכוּתֹ֑ו וַיֵּ֣דַע מְנַשֶּׁ֔ה כִּ֥י יְהוָ֖ה ה֥וּא הָֽאֱלֹהִֽים׃

יג ויתפלל אליו ויעתר לו וישמע תחנתו וישיבהו ירושלם למלכותו וידע מנשה כי יהוה הוא האלהים

ויתפלל אליו ויעתר לו וישמע תחנתו וישיבהו ירושלם למלכותו וידע מנשה כי יהוה הוא האלהים׃

2 Krónika 33:13
És könyörögvén hozzá megkegyelmeze néki, és meghallgatván könyörgését, visszahozá õt Jeruzsálembe, az õ országába. Akkor ismeré meg Manasse, hogy az Úr az [igaz] Isten.

Kroniko 2 33:13
Kiam li pregxis al Li kaj petegis Lin, Li auxskultis lian peton kaj revenigis lin en Jerusalemon al lia regno. Kaj Manase eksciis, ke la Eternulo estas la vera Dio.

Ja rukoili häntä hartaasti; ja hän kuuli laupiaasti hänen hartaan rukouksensa ja johdatti hänen jälleen valtakuntaansa Jerusalemiin. Niin Manasse ymmärsi, että Herra on Jumala.

2 Chroniques 33:13
et il se laissa fléchir par lui, et écouta sa supplication, et le ramena à Jérusalem dans son royaume; et Manassé reconnut que c'est l'Éternel qui est Dieu.

Il lui adressa ses prières; et l'Eternel, se laissant fléchir, exauça ses supplications, et le ramena à Jérusalem dans son royaume. Et Manassé reconnut que l'Eternel est Dieu.

Il lui adressa donc ses supplications, et [Dieu] fléchi par ses prières, exauça sa supplication, et le fit retourner à Jérusalem dans son Royaume; et Manassé reconnut que l'Eternel est celui qui est Dieu.

2 Chronik 33:13
und bat und flehete ihn. Da erhörete er sein Flehen und brachte ihn wieder gen Jerusalem zu seinem Königreich. Da erkannte Manasse, daß der HERR Gott ist.

und bat und flehte zu ihm. Da erhörte er sein Flehen und brachte ihm wieder gen Jerusalem zu seinem Königreich. Da erkannte Manasse, daß der HERR Gott ist.

Als er nun zu ihm betete, ließ er sich von ihm erbitten. Er erhörte sein Flehen und brachte ihn zurück nach Jerusalem in sein Königtum. Da erkannte Manasse, daß Jahwe der wahre Gott sei.

2 Cronache 33:13
A lui rivolse le sue preghiere ed egli s’arrese ad esse, esaudì le sue supplicazioni, e lo ricondusse a Gerusalemme nel suo regno. Allora Manasse riconobbe che l’Eterno Dio.

Ed avendogli fatta orazione, egli fu placato inverso lui, ed esaudì la sua supplicazione, e lo ricondusse in Gerusalemme al suo regno. E Manasse conobbe che il Signore è Dio.

2 TAWARIKH 33:13
Maka apabila dipintanya doa kepada-Nya, diluluskan Tuhan permintaannya dan didengar-Nya akan permohonannya, lalu dibawa-Nya akan dia kembali ke Yeruzalem dan ke dalam kerajaannya. Maka pada masa itu diketahuilah Manasye akan Tuhan itu Allah adanya.

역대하 33:13
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 33:13
deprecatusque est eum et obsecravit intente et exaudivit orationem eius reduxitque eum Hierusalem in regnum suum et cognovit Manasses quod Dominus ipse esset Deus

Antroji Kronikø knyga 33:13
Viešpats išgirdo jo prašymą, išklausė jo maldavimą ir leido jam grįžti į Jeruzalę, į jo karalystę. Tada Manasas suprato, kad Viešpats yra Dievas.

2 Chronicles 33:13
Inoi ana ki a ia; a ka tahuri tera ki a ia, ka rongo ki tana inoi. Na ka whakahokia ia ki Hiruharama, ki tona kingitanga. Katahi ka mohio a Manahi ko Ihowa te Atua.

2 Krønikebok 33:13
Og da han bad til Herren, bønnhørte han ham; han hørte hans ydmyke begjæring og førte ham tilbake til Jerusalem, så han fikk sitt rike igjen. Da sannet Manasse at Herren er Gud.

2 Crónicas 33:13
Y cuando oró a El, Dios se conmovió por su ruego, oyó su súplica y lo trajo de nuevo a Jerusalén, a su reino. Entonces Manasés supo que el SEÑOR era Dios.

Y cuando oró a El, Dios se conmovió por su ruego, oyó su súplica y lo trajo de nuevo a Jerusalén, a su reino. Entonces Manasés reconoció que el SEÑOR era Dios.

Y habiendo orado a Él, fue atendido de Él, pues oyó su oración, y lo volvió a Jerusalén, a su reino. Entonces conoció Manasés que Jehová era Dios.

(H33-12) Y habiendo á él orado, fué atendido; pues que oyó su oración, y volviólo á Jerusalem, á su reino. Entonces conoció Manasés que Jehová era Dios.

Y cuando oró a él, fue oído; porque él oyó su oración, y lo volvió a Jerusalén, a su reino. Entonces conoció Manasés que el SEÑOR era Dios.

2 Crônicas 33:13
Quando ele orou, Yahweh, o ouviu e atendeu o seu pedido e o trouxe de volta a Jerusalém e a seu reino. E assim Manassés concluiu em seu coração que Yahweh é Deus.

sim, orou a ele; e Deus se aplacou para com ele, e ouviu-lhe a súplica, e tornou a trazê-lo a Jerusalém, ao seu reino. Então conheceu Manassés que o Senhor era Deus.   

2 Cronici 33:13
I -a făcut rugăciuni; şi Domnul, lăsîndu-Se înduplecat, i -a ascultat cererile, şi l -a adus înapoi la Ierusalim în împărăţia lui. Şi Manase a cunoscut că Domnul este Dumnezeu.

2-я Паралипоменон 33:13
И помолился Ему, и Бог преклонился к нему и услышал моление его, и возвратил его в Иерусалим на царство его. И узнал Манассия, что Господь есть Бог.

И помолился Ему, и [Бог] преклонился к нему и услышал моление его, и возвратил его в Иерусалим на царство его. И узнал Манассия, что Господь есть Бог.[]

Krönikeboken 33:13
Och när han så bad till honom, lät han beveka sig och hörde hans bön och lät honom komma tillbaka till Jerusalem såsom konung. Och då besinnade Manasse att HERREN är Gud.

2 Chronicles 33:13
At siya'y dumalangin sa kaniya; at siya'y dininig, at pinakinggan ang kaniyang pamanhik, at ibinalik siya sa Jerusalem sa kaniyang kaharian. Nang magkagayo'y nakilala ni Manases na ang Panginoon ay siyang Dios.

2 พงศาวดาร 33:13
พระองค์ทรงอธิษฐานต่อพระเจ้า และพระเจ้าทรงรับคำวิงวอนของพระองค์ และทรงฟังคำอ้อนวอนของพระองค์ และนำพระองค์กลับมายังกรุงเยรูซาเล็มในราชอาณาจักรของพระองค์อีก แล้วมนัสเสห์ทรงทราบว่าพระเยโฮวาห์ทรงเป็นพระเจ้า

2 Tarihler 33:13
RABbe yalvarınca RAB yakarışını, duasını duydu ve onu yine Yeruşalime, krallığına getirdi. İşte o zaman Manaşşe RABbin Tanrı olduğunu anladı.[]

2 Söû-kyù 33:13
Ma-na-se cầu nguyện cùng Ngài; Ngài nhậm người, dủ nghe lời nài xin của người, dẫn người về Giê-ru-sa-lem trong nước người; khi ấy Ma-na-se nhìn biết Giê-hô-va là Ðức Chúa Trời.

2 Chronicles 33:12
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