1 Peter 4:14
1 Peter 4:14
If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

So be happy when you are insulted for being a Christian, for then the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you.

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.

If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

If you are ridiculed for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

If you are insulted because of the name of the Messiah, you are blessed, for the glorious Spirit of God is resting on you.

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory, who is the Spirit of God, rests on you.

And if you are reproached for the sake of the name of The Messiah, you are blessed, because The Glorious Spirit of God rests upon you.

If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed because the Spirit of glory-the Spirit of God-is resting on you.

If ye are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are ye; for the glory and the Spirit of God rests upon you; certainly on their part he is blasphemed, but on your part he is glorified.

If you be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you; for the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

If you be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you; for the spirit of glory and of God rests on you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

If ye are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are ye ; because the'spirit of glory and the Spirit of God resteth upon you.

If you be reproached for the name of Christ, you shall be blessed: for that which is of the honour, glory, and power of God, and that which is his Spirit, resteth upon you.

If ye are reproached in the name of Christ, blessed are ye; for the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God rests upon you: on their part he is blasphemed, but on your part he is glorified.

If ye are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are ye; because the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God resteth upon you.

If ye are reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you. On their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.

You are to be envied, if you are being reproached for bearing the name of Christ; for in that case the Spirit of glory-- even the Spirit of God--is resting upon you.

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed; because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. On their part he is blasphemed, but on your part he is glorified.

if ye be reproached in the name of Christ -- happy are ye, because the Spirit of glory and of God upon you doth rest; in regard, indeed, to them, he is evil-spoken of, and in regard to you, he is glorified;

1 Pjetrit 4:14
Në qoftë se ju fyejnë për emrin e Krishtit, lum ju, sepse Fryma e lavdisë dhe Fryma e Perëndisë prehet mbi ju; nga ana e tyre ai blasfemohet, kurse nga ana juaj ai përlëvdohet.

ﺑﻄﺮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 4:14
ان عيّرتم باسم المسيح فطوبى لكم لان روح المجد والله يحل عليكم. اما من جهتهم فيجدّف عليه واما من جهتكم فيمجد.

1 ՊԵՏՐՈՍ 4:14
Եթէ նախատուիք Քրիստոսի անունին համար՝ երանելի՜ էք, որովհետեւ փառքի (ու զօրութեան) եւ Աստուծոյ Հոգին հանգչած է ձեր վրայ. արդարեւ ան կը հայհոյուի անոնցմէ, բայց կը փառաւորուի ձեզմէ՝՝:

1 S. Pierrisec. 4:14
Baldin Christen icenean iniuriatzen baçarete, dohatsu çarete ecen çuen gainean reposatzen da gloriaren eta Iaincoaren Spiritua, heçaz den becembatean blasphematzen dena, baina çueçaz den becembatean glorificatzen dena.

Dyr Peeters A 4:14
Saelig seitß, wenntß gschmaeht werdtß wögn yn n Nam von n Kristn, denn dyr Geist der Herrlichkeit, dyr Geist Gottes, ruet auf enk.

1 Петрово 4:14
Блажени [сте], ако ви опозоряват за Христовото име; защото Духът на славата и на Бога почива на вас [[откъм тях се хули, а откъм вас се прославя]].

彼 得 前 書 4:14
你 們 若 為 基 督 的 名 受 辱 罵 , 便 是 有 福 的 ; 因 為 神 榮 耀 的 靈 常 住 在 你 們 身 上 。

你 们 若 为 基 督 的 名 受 辱 骂 , 便 是 有 福 的 ; 因 为 神 荣 耀 的 灵 常 住 在 你 们 身 上 。





Prva Petrova poslanica 4:14
Pogrđuju li vas zbog imena Kristova, blago vama, jer Duh Slave, Duh Božji u vama počiva.

První Petrův 4:14
Trpíte-li pohanění pro jméno Kristovo, blahoslavení jste. Nebo Duch ten slávy a Boží na vás odpočívá, kterémužto z strany jich zajisté rouhání se děje, ale z strany vaší oslavován bývá.

1 Peter 4:14
Dersom I haanes for Kristi Navns Skyld, ere I salige; thi Herlighedens og Guds Aand hviler over eder.

1 Petrus 4:14
Indien gij gesmaad wordt om den Naam van Christus, zo zijt gij zalig; want de Geest der heerlijkheid, en de Geest van God rust op u. Wat hen aangaat, Hij wordt wel gelasterd, maar wat u aangaat, Hij wordt verheerlijkt.

ΠΕΤΡΟΥ Α΄ 4:14
εἰ ὀνειδίζεσθε ἐν ὀνόματι Χριστοῦ, μακάριοι, ὅτι τὸ τῆς δόξης καὶ τὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ Πνεῦμα ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ἀναπαύεται.

εἰ ὀνειδίζεσθε ἐν ὀνόματι Χριστοῦ, μακάριοι, ὅτι τὸ τῆς δόξης καὶ τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ πνεῦμα ἐφ' ὑμᾶς ἀναπαύεται.

εἰ ὀνειδίζεσθε ἐν ὀνόματι Χριστοῦ, μακάριοι, ὅτι τὸ τῆς δόξης καὶ τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ πνεῦμα ἐφ' ὑμᾶς ἀναπαύεται.

Εἰ ὀνειδίζεσθε ἐν ὀνόματι χριστοῦ, μακάριοι· ὅτι τὸ τῆς δόξης καὶ τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ πνεῦμα ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ἀναπαύεται· κατὰ μὲν αὐτοὺς βλασφημεῖται, κατὰ δὲ ὑμᾶς δοξάζεται.

Εἰ ὀνειδίζεσθε ἐν ὀνόματι Χριστοῦ, μακάριοι, ὅτι τὸ τῆς δόξης καὶ δυνάμεως καὶ τὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ Πνεῦμα ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ἀναπαύεται· κατὰ μὲν αὐτοὺς βλασφημεῖται, κατὰ δὲ ὑμᾶς δοξάζεται.

εἰ ὀνειδίζω ἐν ὄνομα Χριστός μακάριος ὅτι ὁ ὁ δόξα καί ὁ ὁ θεός πνεῦμα ἐπί ὑμεῖς ἀναπαύω

εἰ ὀνειδίζεσθε ἐν ὀνόματι Χριστοῦ, μακάριοι· ὅτι τὸ τῆς δόξης καὶ τὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ Πνεῦμα ἐφ’ ὑμᾶς ἀναπαύεται· κατὰ μὲν αὐτοὺς βλασφημεῖται, κατὰ δὲ ὑμᾶς δοξάζεται.

εἰ ὀνειδίζεσθε ἐν ὀνόματι Χριστοῦ μακάριοι ὅτι τὸ τῆς δόξης καὶ τὸ τοῦ θεοῦ πνεῦμα ἐφ' ὑμᾶς ἀναπαύεται κατὰ μὲν αὐτοὺς βλασφημεῖται, κατὰ δὲ ὑμᾶς δοξάζεται

ει ονειδιζεσθε εν ονοματι χριστου μακαριοι οτι το της δοξης και το του θεου πνευμα εφ υμας αναπαυεται

ει ονειδιζεσθε εν ονοματι χριστου μακαριοι οτι το της δοξης και το του θεου πνευμα εφ υμας αναπαυεται

ει ονειδιζεσθε εν ονοματι χριστου μακαριοι οτι το της δοξης και το του θεου πνευμα εφ υμας αναπαυεται κατα μεν αυτους βλασφημειται κατα δε υμας δοξαζεται

ει ονειδιζεσθε εν ονοματι Χριστου, μακαριοι· οτι το της δοξης και το του Θεου Πνευμα εφ υμας αναπαυεται· κατα μεν αυτους βλασφημειται, κατα δε υμας δοξαζεται.

ει ονειδιζεσθε εν ονοματι χριστου μακαριοι οτι το της δοξης και το του θεου πνευμα εφ υμας αναπαυεται κατα μεν αυτους βλασφημειται κατα δε υμας δοξαζεται

ει ονειδιζεσθε εν ονοματι χριστου μακαριοι οτι το της δοξης και το του θεου πνευμα εφ υμας αναπαυεται

ei oneidizesthe en onomati Christou, makarioi, hoti to tēs doxēs kai to tou Theou Pneuma eph’ hymas anapauetai.

ei oneidizesthe en onomati Christou, makarioi, hoti to tes doxes kai to tou Theou Pneuma eph’ hymas anapauetai.

ei oneidizesthe en onomati Christou, makarioi, hoti to tēs doxēs kai to tou theou pneuma eph' hymas anapauetai.

ei oneidizesthe en onomati Christou, makarioi, hoti to tes doxes kai to tou theou pneuma eph' hymas anapauetai.

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tēs doxēs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tEs doxEs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tēs doxēs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai kata men autous blasphēmeitai kata de umas doxazetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tEs doxEs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai kata men autous blasphEmeitai kata de umas doxazetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tēs doxēs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai kata men autous blasphēmeitai kata de umas doxazetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tEs doxEs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai kata men autous blasphEmeitai kata de umas doxazetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tēs doxēs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai kata men autous blasphēmeitai kata de umas doxazetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tEs doxEs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai kata men autous blasphEmeitai kata de umas doxazetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tēs doxēs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tEs doxEs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tēs doxēs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai

ei oneidizesthe en onomati christou makarioi oti to tEs doxEs kai to tou theou pneuma eph umas anapauetai

1 Péter 4:14
Boldogok [vagytok,] ha Krisztus nevéért gyaláznak titeket; mert megnyugszik rajtatok a dicsõségnek és az Istennek Lelke, [a mit] amazok káromolnak ugyan, de ti dicsõítitek azt.

De Petro 1 4:14
Se vi estas riprocxataj pro la nomo de Kristo, felicxegaj vi estas; cxar la Spirito de gloro kaj la Spirito de Dio restas sur vi.

Toinen Pietarin kirje 4:14
Autuaat olette te, jos teitä Kristuksen nimen tähden pilkataan; sillä se Henki, joka on kunnian ja Jumalan Henki, lepää teidän päällänne: heiltä hän pilkataan, vaan teiltä hän kunnioitetaan.

1 Pierre 4:14
Si vous êtes insultés pour le nom de Christ, vous êtes bienheureux, car l'Esprit de gloire et de Dieu repose sur vous: de leur part, il est blasphémé, mais quant à vous, glorifié.

Si vous êtes outragés pour le nom de Christ, vous êtes heureux, parce que l'Esprit de gloire, l'Esprit de Dieu, repose sur vous.

Si on vous dit des injures pour le Nom de Christ, vous êtes bienheureux : car l'Esprit de gloire et de Dieu repose sur vous, lequel est blasphémé par ceux qui [vous noircissent] mais pour vous vous le glorifiez.

1 Petrus 4:14
Selig seid ihr, wenn ihr geschmähet werdet über dem Namen Christi; denn der Geist, der ein Geist der HERRLIchkeit und Gottes ist, ruhet auf euch. Bei ihnen ist er verlästert, aber bei euch ist er gepreiset.

Selig seid ihr, wenn ihr geschmäht werdet über den Namen Christi; denn der Geist, der ein Geist der Herrlichkeit und Gottes ist, ruht auf euch. Bei ihnen ist er verlästert, aber bei euch ist er gepriesen.

Werdet ihr über den Namen Christi geschmäht, selig seid ihr, weil der Geist der Herrlichkeit, der Geist Gottes sich auf euch niederläßt.

1 Pietro 4:14
Se siete vituperati per il nome di Cristo, beati voi! perché lo Spirito di gloria, lo spirito di Dio, riposa su voi.

Se siete vituperati per lo nome di Cristo, beati voi; poichè lo Spirito di gloria e di Dio, riposa sopra voi; ben è egli, quant’è a loro, bestemmiato; ma, quant’è a voi, è glorificato.

1 PET 4:14
Jikalau kamu terkena cela karena nama Kristus berbahagialah kamu, karena Roh kemuliaan, yaitu Roh Allah diam di atas kamu.

1 Peter 4:14
Amarezg-nwen ma yella iɛedda fell-awen lbaṭel imi tumnem s Lmasiḥ ! Axaṭer Ṛṛuḥ iqedsen iččuṛen ț-țamanegt, Ṛṛuḥ n Sidi Ṛebbi yella deg-wen !

베드로전서 4:14
너희가 그리스도의 이름으로 욕을 받으면 복 있는 자로다 영광의 영 곧 하나님의 영이 너희 위에 계심이라

I Petri 4:14
si exprobramini in nomine Christi beati quoniam gloriae Dei Spiritus in vobis requiescit

Pētera 1 vēstule 4:14
Ja jūs nievā Kristus vārda dēļ, tad jūs esat svētīgi, jo Dieva gods, godība un spēks, un Viņa Gars mīt pār jums.

Pirmasis Petro laiðkas 4:14
Jei jus užgaulioja dėl Jėzaus vardo,­jūs palaiminti, nes šlovės ir Dievo Dvasia ilsisi ant jūsų. Jų Ji keikiama, o jūsų­šlovinama.

1 Peter 4:14
Ki te tawaia koutou mo te ingoa o te Karaiti, ka hari koutou; no te mea e tau ana te Wairua o te kororia, me te Wairua o te Atua ki runga ki a koutou.

1 Peters 4:14
Om I hånes for Kristi navns skyld, er I salige, fordi herlighetens og Guds Ånd hviler over eder.

1 Pedro 4:14
Si sois vituperados por el nombre de Cristo, dichosos sois, pues el Espíritu de gloria y de Dios reposa sobre vosotros. Ciertamente, por ellos El es blasfemado, pero por vosotros es glorificado.

Si ustedes son insultados por el nombre de Cristo, dichosos son, pues el Espíritu de gloria y de Dios reposa sobre ustedes. Ciertamente, por ellos El es blasfemado, pero por ustedes es glorificado.

Si sois vituperados por el nombre de Cristo, sois bienaventurados; porque el Espíritu de gloria y de Dios reposa sobre vosotros. Cierto según ellos, Él es blasfemado, mas según vosotros Él es glorificado.

Si sois vituperados en el nombre de Cristo, sois bienaventurados; porque la gloria y el Espíritu de Dios reposan sobre vosotros. Cierto, según ellos, él es blasfemado, mas según vosotros es glorificado.

Si sois vituperados por el Nombre de Cristo, sois bienaventurados, porque la gloria y el Espíritu de Dios reposan sobre vosotros. Cierto, según ellos, él es blasfemado, mas según vosotros es glorificado.

1 Pedro 4:14
Se sois insultados por causa do nome de Cristo, bem-aventurados sois, porquanto sobre vós repousa o Espírito da glória, o Espírito de Deus.

Se pelo nome de Cristo sois vituperados, bem-aventurados sois, porque sobre vós repousa o Espírito da glória, o Espírito de Deus.   

1 Petru 4:14
Dacă sînteţi batjocoriţi pentru Numele lui Hristos, ferice de voi! Fiindcă Duhul slavei, Duhul lui Dumnezeu, Se odihneşte peste voi.

1-e Петра 4:14
Если злословят вас за имя Христово, то вы блаженны, ибо Дух Славы, Дух Божий почивает на вас. Теми Он хулится, а вами прославляется.

Если злословят вас за имя Христово, то вы блаженны, ибо Дух Славы, Дух Божий почивает на вас. Теми Он хулится, а вами прославляется.

1 Peter 4:14
Krφstunu asakrumin katsekkramkachartimpiash. T·maitkiuisha Yusa Wakani shiir ana nu atumiin pujurtamkui shiir awajsamuitrume. Katsekkramainia N· shuar imia Yusa Wakanin yajauch ßujmatainiawai. Tura ßtumka Yusa Wakani shiir awajearme.

1 Petrusbrevet 4:14
Saliga ären I, om I för Kristi namns skull bliven smädade, ty härlighetens Ande, Guds Ande, vilar då över eder.

1 Petro 4:14
Heri yenu ikiwa mnatukanwa kwa sababu ya jina la Kristo; jambo hilo lamaanisha kwamba Roho mtukufu, yaani Roho wa Mungu, anakaa juu yetu.

1 Pedro 4:14
Kung kayo'y mapintasan dahil sa pangalan ni Cristo, ay mapapalad kayo; sapagka't ang Espiritu ng kaluwalhatian at ang Espiritu ng Dios ay nagpapahingalay sa inyo.

1 เปโตร 4:14
ถ้าท่านถูกด่าว่าเพราะพระนามของพระคริสต์ ท่านก็เป็นสุข ด้วยว่าพระวิญญาณแห่งสง่าราศีและของพระเจ้าทรงสถิตอยู่กับท่าน ฝ่ายเขาก็กล่าวร้ายพระองค์ แต่ฝ่ายท่านก็ถวายเกียรติยศแด่พระองค์

1 Petrus 4:14
Mesihin adından ötürü hakarete uğrarsanız, ne mutlu size! Çünkü Tanrının yüce Ruhu üzerinizde bulunuyor.

1 Петрово 4:14
Коли докоряють вас за імя Христове, - ви блаженні; Дух бо слави й Бога почиває на вас; ними він хулить ся, вами ж прославляєть ся.

1 Peter 4:14
Marasi' -dakoi ompi' ane raruge' -koi sabana mpotuku' -koi Kristus, apa' toe mpobatuai kahompo-na Noto to mobaraka' hi koi', toe-mi Inoha' to ngkai Alata'ala.

1 Phi-e-rô 4:14
Ví bằng anh em vì cớ danh Ðấng Christ chịu sỉ nhục, thì anh em có phước; vì sự vinh hiển và Thánh Linh của Ðức Chúa Trời đậu trên anh em.

1 Peter 4:13
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