1 Kings 7:4
1 Kings 7:4
Its windows were placed high in sets of three, facing each other.

On each end of the long hall were three rows of windows facing each other.

There were window frames in three rows, and window opposite window in three tiers.

There were artistic window frames in three rows, and window was opposite window in three ranks.

And there were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks.

There were three rows of window frames, facing each other in three tiers.

with three rows of framed windows facing each other in three ranks.

There were three rows of windows arranged in sets of three.

The windows were in three rows facing each other on opposite sides [of the palace].

And there were windows in three orders, one against another in three orders.

And there were windows in three rows, and window was opposite window in three tiers.

And there were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks.

And there were beams in three rows, and window was over against window in three ranks.

Set one against another,

And there were cross-beams in three rows, and window was against window in three ranks.

And there were prospects in three rows, and light was over against light in three ranks.

And there were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks.

There were beams in three rows, and window was over against window in three ranks.

And windows are in three rows, and sight is over-against sight three times.

1 i Mbretërve 7:4
Kishte tri radhë dritaresh, të kundërvëna njëra me tjetrën në tri plane të ndryshme.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 7:4
والسقوف ثلاث طباق وكوّة مقابل كوّة ثلاث مرّات.

De Künig A 7:4
In drei Reihenn warnd d Fenster yso einhinbaut, däß dreumaal ayn Fensterreih ayner andern gögnüberstuendd.

3 Царе 7:4
И имаше решетки в трите етажа, така че светене беше поставено срещу светене в трите етажа.

列 王 紀 上 7:4
有 窗 戶 三 層 , 窗 與 窗 相 對 。

有 窗 户 三 层 , 窗 与 窗 相 对 。



1 Kings 7:4
Bila su tri reda prozora: po tri su prozora gledala jedan prema drugome.

První Královská 7:4
Oken také byly tři řady, okno proti oknu třmi řady.

Første Kongebog 7:4
Der var tre Lag Bjælker, og Lysaabning sad over for Lysaabning tre Gange.

1 Koningen 7:4
Er waren drie rijen van uitzichten, dat het ene venster was over het andere venster, in drie orden.

מלכים א 7:4
וּשְׁקֻפִ֖ים שְׁלֹשָׁ֣ה טוּרִ֑ים וּמֶחֱזָ֥ה אֶל־מֶחֱזָ֖ה שָׁלֹ֥שׁ פְּעָמִֽים׃

ד ושקפים שלשה טורים ומחזה אל מחזה שלש פעמים

ושקפים שלשה טורים ומחזה אל־מחזה שלש פעמים׃

1 Királyok 7:4
És három rend ablak rajta egymással átellenben, három-három ellenében.

Reĝoj 1 7:4
Kaj da fenestraj kadroj estis tri vicoj, kaj fenestroj kontraux fenestroj trifoje.

Ja kolme akkunariviä, kolmeen kertaan suutasuuksin.

1 Rois 7:4
et il y avait trois rangées de fenêtres à linteaux saillants, un jour vis-à-vis d'un jour, trois fois.

Il y avait trois étages, à chacun desquels se trouvaient des fenêtres les unes vis-à-vis des autres.

Et il y avait trois rangées de fenêtrages; et une fenêtre répondait à l'autre en trois endroits.

1 Koenige 7:4
Und waren Fenster gegen die drei Riegen gegeneinander über, drei gegen drei.

Und Gebälk lag in drei Reihen, und waren Fenster einander gegenüber dreimal.

Und das Balkenwerk lag in drei Reihen, und Lichtöffnungen lagen einander gegenüber dreimal.

1 Re 7:4
E v’erano tre ordini di camere, le cui finestre si trovavano le une dirimpetto alle altre lungo tutti e tre gli ordini.

E vi erano tre ordini di finestre, il cui aspetto rispondeva l’uno all’altro triplicatamente.

Dan lagi adalah tiga jajar natang, yaitu tingkap di atas tingkap sampai tiga tingkap tingginya.

열왕기상 7:4
또 창틀이 세 줄로 있는데 창과 창이 세 층으로 서로 대하였고

I Regum 7:4
contra se invicem positas

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 7:4
Langai buvo trimis eilėmis, langas priešais langą trijuose aukštuose.

1 Kings 7:4
A e toru nga rarangi o nga matapihi; rite tonu tenei wini ki tenei wini; e toru nga rarangi.

1 Kongebok 7:4
Der var tre rader bjelkelag og vindu mot vindu i tre høider.

1 Reyes 7:4
Y había tres hileras de ventanas con celosías, una ventana frente a la otra en tres filas.

Y había tres hileras de ventanas con celosías, una ventana frente a la otra en tres filas.

Y había tres hileras de ventanas, una ventana contra la otra en tres hileras.

Y había tres órdenes de ventanas, una ventana contra la otra en tres órdenes.

Las ventanas estaban por tres órdenes, una ventana contra la otra por tres órdenes.

1 Reis 7:4
Havia três fileiras de janelas, uma janela de frente para outra.

E havia três ordens de janelas, e uma janela estava defronte da outra janela, em três fileiras.   

1 Imparati 7:4
Erau trei caturi, şi fiecare din ele avea ferestrele faţă în faţă.

3-я Царств 7:4
Оконных косяков было три ряда; и три ряда окон , окно против окна.

Оконных косяков [было] три ряда; и три ряда [окон], окно противокна.[]

1 Kungaboken 7:4
Och det hade bjälklag i tre rader; och fönsteröppningarna sutto mitt emot varandra i tre omgångar.

1 Kings 7:4
At may mga dungawan sa tatlong grado, at ang liwanag ng mga yaon ay nangagkakatapatan, sa tatlong grado.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 7:4
มีกรอบหน้าต่างสามแถบ หน้าต่างอยู่ตรงข้ามหน้าต่างทั้งสามแถว

1 Krallar 7:4
Kafesli pencereler üç sıra halinde birbirine bakacak biçimde yapılmıştı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 7:4
Có ba dãy phòng, cửa sổ đối ngang nhau.

1 Kings 7:3
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