1 Kings 7:2
1 Kings 7:2
He built the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon a hundred cubits long, fifty wide and thirty high, with four rows of cedar columns supporting trimmed cedar beams.

One of Solomon's buildings was called the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon. It was 150 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. There were four rows of cedar pillars, and great cedar beams rested on the pillars.

He built the House of the Forest of Lebanon. Its length was a hundred cubits and its breadth fifty cubits and its height thirty cubits, and it was built on four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams on the pillars.

He built the house of the forest of Lebanon; its length was 100 cubits and its width 50 cubits and its height 30 cubits, on four rows of cedar pillars with cedar beams on the pillars.

He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.

He built the House of the Forest of Lebanon. It was 150 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high on four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams on top of the pillars.

He built his own palace out of timber supplied from the forest of Lebanon. It was 100 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 20 cubits tall, and was constructed on four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams interlocking the pillars.

He named it "The Palace of the Lebanon Forest"; it was 150 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. It had four rows of cedar pillars and cedar beams above the pillars.

He built a hall [named] the Forest of Lebanon. It was 150 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. It had four rows of cedar pillars supporting cedar beams.

He also built the house of the forest of Lebanon, which was one hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.

He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length of it was a hundred cubits, and the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.

He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, on four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams on the pillars.

For he built the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was a hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.

He built also the house of the forest of Libanus, the length of it was a hundred cubits, and the breadth fifty cubits, and the height thirty cubits: and four galleries between pillars of cedar: for he had cut cedar trees into pillars.

And he built the house of the forest of Lebanon; its length was a hundred cubits, and its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar-pillars, with cedar-beams upon the pillars;

For he built the house of the forest of Lebanon; the length thereof was an hundred cubits, and the breadth thereof fifty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.

He built also the house of the forest of Lebanon; its length was a hundred cubits, and its breadth fifty cubits, and its hight thirty cubits, upon four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams upon the pillars.

For he built the house of the forest of Lebanon; its length was one hundred cubits, and its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits, on four rows of cedar pillars, with cedar beams on the pillars.

And he buildeth the house of the forest of Lebanon; a hundred cubits is its length, and fifty cubits its breadth, and thirty cubits its height, on four rows of cedar pillars, and cedar-beams on the pillars;

1 i Mbretërve 7:2
Ai ndërtoi shtëpinë e "Pyllit të Libanit", e gjatë njëqind kubitë, e gjerë pesëdhjetë e lartë tridhjetë; ajo mbështetej mbi katër radhë shtyllash kedri, mbi të cilat mbështeteshin trarët e kedrit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 7:2
وبنى بيت وعر لبنان طوله مئة ذراع وعرضه خمسون ذراعا وسمكه ثلاثون ذراعا على اربعة صفوف من اعمدة ارز وجوائز ارز على الاعمدة.

De Künig A 7:2
Er gabaut s Weissnbergwaldhaus, fuchzg Elln lang, fümfyzwainzge brait und fuchzöne hooh, mit drei Reihnen Zödernsäulnen und mit zöderne Traeum über d Säulnen überhin.

3 Царе 7:2
Защото построи къщата Ливански лес, на която дължината бе сто лакътя, широчината петдесет лакътя, и височината тридесет лакътя, върху четири реда кедрови стълбове, с кедрови греди върху стълбовете.

列 王 紀 上 7:2
又 建 造 利 巴 嫩 林 宮 , 長 一 百 肘 , 寬 五 十 肘 , 高 三 十 肘 , 有 香 柏 木 柱 三 ( 原 文 作 四 ) 行 , 柱 上 有 香 柏 木 柁 梁 。

又 建 造 利 巴 嫩 林 宫 , 长 一 百 肘 , 宽 五 十 肘 , 高 三 十 肘 , 有 香 柏 木 柱 三 ( 原 文 作 四 ) 行 , 柱 上 有 香 柏 木 柁 梁 。



1 Kings 7:2
Sagradio je dvor od libanonske šume: stotinu lakata dug, pedeset širok i trideset lakata visok, na četiri reda cedrovih stupova, a na stupovima bijahu cedrove grede.

První Královská 7:2
Vystavěl též dům z lesu Libánského, sto loket zdélí a padesáte loket zšíří a třidceti loket zvýší na čtyřech řadích sloupů cedrových, a trámové cedroví byli na těch sloupích.

Første Kongebog 7:2
Han byggede Libanonskovhuset, hundrede Alen langt, halvtredsindstyve Alen bredt og tredive Alen højt, hvilende paa tre Rækker Cedersøjler med Skraastøtter af Cedertræ.

1 Koningen 7:2
Hij bouwde ook het huis des wouds van Libanon, van honderd ellen in zijn lengte, en vijftig ellen in zijn breedte, en dertig ellen in zijn hoogte, op vier rijen van cederen pilaren, en cederen balken op de pilaren.

מלכים א 7:2
וַיִּ֜בֶן אֶת־בֵּ֣ית ׀ יַ֣עַר הַלְּבָנֹ֗ון מֵאָ֨ה אַמָּ֤ה אָרְכֹּו֙ וַחֲמִשִּׁ֤ים אַמָּה֙ רָחְבֹּ֔ו וּשְׁלֹשִׁ֥ים אַמָּ֖ה קֹומָתֹ֑ו עַ֗ל אַרְבָּעָה֙ טוּרֵי֙ עַמּוּדֵ֣י אֲרָזִ֔ים וּכְרֻתֹ֥ות אֲרָזִ֖ים עַל־הָעַמּוּדִֽים׃

ב ויבן את בית יער הלבנון מאה אמה ארכו וחמשים אמה רחבו ושלשים אמה קומתו על ארבעה טורי עמודי ארזים וכרתות ארזים על העמודים

ויבן את־בית ׀ יער הלבנון מאה אמה ארכו וחמשים אמה רחבו ושלשים אמה קומתו על ארבעה טורי עמודי ארזים וכרתות ארזים על־העמודים׃

1 Királyok 7:2
Megépíté a Libánon erdõ házát is, melynek hossza száz sing [vala,] szélessége ötven sing, magassága harmincz sing; [építé azt] négy rend czédrusoszlopon és az oszlopokon czédrusgerendák valának.

Reĝoj 1 7:2
Kaj li konstruis la domon de la arbaro Lebanona; gxi havis la longon de cent ulnoj, la largxon de kvindek ulnoj, kaj la alton de tridek ulnoj; sur kvar vicoj da cedraj kolonoj, kaj cedraj traboj estis sur la kolonoj.

Ja hän rakensi Libanonin metsästä huoneen, sata kyynärää pituudelle, viisikymmentä kyynärää leveydelle ja kolmekymmentä kyynärää korkeudelle; neljällä taholla olivat sedripuiset patsaat, ja vuollut sedripuiset kaaret patsasten päällä.

1 Rois 7:2
Et il bâtit la maison de la forêt du Liban, longue de cent coudées, et large de cinquante coudées, et haute de trente coudées, sur quatre rangs de colonnes de cèdre, et il y avait des poutres de cèdre sur les colonnes;

Il construisit d'abord la maison de la forêt du Liban, longue de cent coudées, large de cinquante coudées, et haute de trente coudées. Elle reposait sur quatre rangées de colonnes de cèdre, et il y avait des poutres de cèdre sur les colonnes.

Il bâtit aussi la maison du parc du Liban, de cent coudées de long, et de cinquante coudées de large, et de trente coudées de haut, sur quatre rangées de colonnes de cèdre; et sur les colonnes il y avait des poutres de cèdre.

1 Koenige 7:2
Nämlich er bauete ein Haus vom Wald Libanon, hundert Ellen lang, fünfzig Ellen weit und dreißig Ellen hoch. Auf dasselbige Gevierte legte er den Boden von zedernen Brettern, auf zedernen Säulen, nach den Riegen hin,

Nämlich er baute das Haus vom Wald Libanon, hundert Ellen lang, fünfzig Ellen weit und dreißig Ellen hoch. Auf vier Reihen von zedernen Säulen legte er den Boden von zedernen Balken,

Nämlich er erbaute das Libanonwald-Haus, hundert Ellen lang, fünfzig Ellen breit und dreißig Ellen hoch, auf vier Reihen von Cedernsäulen, und Cedernbalken lagen auf den Säulen.

1 Re 7:2
Fabbricò prima di tutto la casa della "Foresta del Libano", di cento cubiti di lunghezza, di cinquanta di larghezza e di trenta d’altezza. Era basata su quattro ordini di colonne di cedro, sulle quali poggiava una travatura di cedro.

Edificò ancora la casa del Bosco del Libano, di lunghezza di cento cubiti, e di larghezza di cinquanta, e d’altezza di trenta; ed era posta sopra quattro ordini di colonne di cedro, sopra le quali vi era una travatura di cedro.

Dan lagi dibangunkannya istana di rimba Libanon, panjangnya seratus hasta, lebarnya lima puluh hasta, tingginya tiga puluh hasta dilingkung dengan empat jajar tiang dari pada kayu araz, dan di atas tiang itu adalah lagi tiang dari pada kayu araz, bersulur batang.

열왕기상 7:2
저가 레바논 나무로 궁을 지었으니 장이 일백 규빗이요, 광이 오십규빗이요, 고가 삼십 규빗이라 백향목 기둥이 네 줄이요, 기둥 위에 백향목 들보가 있으며

I Regum 7:2
aedificavit quoque domum saltus Libani centum cubitorum longitudinis et quinquaginta cubitorum latitudinis et triginta cubitorum altitudinis et quattuor deambulacra inter columnas cedrinas ligna quippe cedrina exciderat in columnas

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 7:2
Jis statė namus iš Libano kedrų. Namai buvo šimto uolekčių ilgio, penkiasdešimties pločio ir trisdešimties aukščio; jie stovėjo ant keturių eilių kedro medžio stulpų, ant kurių buvo kedro rąstai.

1 Kings 7:2
Nana hoki i hanga te whare o te ngahere o Repanona; ko te roa, kotahi rau whatianga, ko te whanui e rima tekau whatianga, ko te tiketike e toru tekau whatianga; ko te turanga e wha nga rarangi pou, he mea hita, he kurupae hita ano i runga i aua p ou.

1 Kongebok 7:2
Han bygget Libanon-skoghuset, hundre alen langt og femti alen bredt og tretti alen høit, på fire rader sederstolper og med sederbjelker ovenpå stolpene.

1 Reyes 7:2
Edificó la casa del bosque del Líbano, de cien codos de largo, cincuenta codos de ancho y treinta codos de alto, sobre cuatro hileras de columnas de cedro con vigas de cedro sobre las columnas.

Edificó la casa del bosque del Líbano, que tenía 45 metros de largo, 22.5 metros de ancho y 13.5 metros de alto, sobre cuatro hileras de columnas de cedro con vigas de cedro sobre las columnas.

Asimismo edificó la casa del bosque del Líbano, la cual tenía cien codos de longitud, y cincuenta codos de anchura, y treinta codos de altura, sobre cuatro hileras de columnas de cedro, con vigas de cedro sobre las columnas.

Asimismo edificó la casa del bosque del Líbano, la cual tenía cinco codos de longitud, y cincuenta codos de anchura, y treinta codos de altura, sobre cuatro órdenes de columnas de cedro, con vigas de cedro sobre las columnas.

Y asimismo edificó la casa del bosque del Líbano, la cual tenía cien codos de longitud, y cincuenta codos de anchura, y treinta codos de altura, sobre cuatro órdenes de columnas de cedro, con vigas de cedro sobre las columnas.

1 Reis 7:2
Construiu o Palácio da Floresta do Líbano com quarenta e cinco metros de comprimento, vinte e dois metros e meio de largura e treze metros e meio de altura, a Casa era toda sustentada por quatro fileiras de colunas de cedro sobre os quais apoiavam-se vigas de cedro aparelhadas.

Edificou ainda a casa do bosque de Líbano, de cem côvados de comprimento, cinqüenta de largura e trinta de altura, sobre quatro ordens de colunas de cedros, e vigas de cedro sobre as colunas.   

1 Imparati 7:2
A zidit mai întîi casa din pădurea Libanului, lungă de o sută de coţi, lată de cincizeci de coţi, şi înaltă de treizeci de coţi. Se sprijinea pe patru rînduri de stîlpi de cedru, şi pe stîlpi erau grinzi de cedru.

3-я Царств 7:2
И построил он дом из дерева Ливанского, длиною во сто локтей, шириною в пятьдесят локтей, а вышиною в тридцать локтей, на четырех рядах кедровых столбов; и кедровые бревна положены были на столбах.

И построил он дом из дерева Ливанского, длиною во столоктей, шириною в пятьдесят локтей, а вышиною в тридцать локтей, на четырех рядах кедровых столбов; и кедровые бревна [положены были] на столбах.[]

1 Kungaboken 7:2
Han byggde Libanonskogshuset, hundra alnar långt, femtio alnar brett och trettio alnar högt, med fyra rader pelare av cederträ och med huggna bjälkar av cederträ ovanpå pelarna.

1 Kings 7:2
Sapagka't kaniyang itinayo ang bahay na kahoy sa gubat ng Libano; ang haba'y isang daang siko, at ang luwang ay limang pung siko, at ang taas ay tatlong pung siko, sa apat na hanay na haliging sedro na may sikang na sedro sa ibabaw ng mga haligi.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 7:2
พระองค์ทรงสร้างพระตำหนักพนาเลบานอน ยาวหนึ่งร้อยศอก กว้างห้าสิบศอกและสูงสามสิบศอก อยู่บนเสาไม้สนสีดาร์สี่แถว มีคานไม้สนสีดาร์อยู่บนเสา

1 Krallar 7:2
Uzunluğu yüzfö, genişliği elli, yüksekliği otuz arşın olan Lübnan Ormanı adında bir saray daha yaptırdı. Saray sedir kirişler yerleştirilmiş dört sıra halindeki sedir sütunların üzerine yapılmıştı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 7:2
Người lại cất cái cung rừng Li-ban, bề dài một trăm thước, bề ngang năm mươi thước và bề cao ba mươi thước, đặt trên bốn hàng cột bằng gỗ bá hương có những xà ngang bằng gỗ bá hương để trên những cột.

1 Kings 7:1
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