1 Kings 6:24
1 Kings 6:24
One wing of the first cherub was five cubits long, and the other wing five cubits--ten cubits from wing tip to wing tip.

The wingspan of each of the cherubim was 15 feet, each wing being 7-1/2 feet long.

Five cubits was the length of one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the length of the other wing of the cherub; it was ten cubits from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other.

Five cubits was the one wing of the cherub and five cubits the other wing of the cherub; from the end of one wing to the end of the other wing were ten cubits.

And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

One wing of the first cherub was 7 1/2 feet long, and the other wing was 7 1/2 feet long. The wingspan was 15 feet from tip to tip.

Each wing of one cherub was five cubits long, and each wing of the other cherub was five cubits long, so that the distance from the end of one wing to the end of the other wing was ten cubits.

Each of the first cherub's wings was seven and a half feet long; its entire wingspan was 15 feet.

Each wing of the angels was 71/2 feet long. The distance from the tip of one wing to the tip of the other was 15 feet.

And one wing of the cherub was five cubits, and the other wing of the cherub five cubits; from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the tip of the one wing unto the tip of the other were ten cubits.

And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing to the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

One wing of the cherub was five cubits, and the other wing of the cherub was five cubits: that is, in all ten cubits, from the extremity of one wing to the extremity of the other wing.

and one wing of the cherub was five cubits, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub, ten cubits from the end of one wing to the end of the other wing;

And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing to the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

Five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing to the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits.

and five cubits is the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the second wing of the cherub, ten cubits from the ends of its wings even unto the ends of its wings;

1 i Mbretërve 6:24
Krahu i një kerubini ishte pesë kubitë dhe tjetri ishte gjithashtu pesë kubitë; kishte, pra, dhjetë kubitë nga maja e një krahu deri te maja e tjetrit.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 6:24
وخمس اذرع جناح الكروب الواحد وخمس اذرع جناح الكروب الآخر. عشر اذرع من طرف جناحيه الى طرف جناحه.

De Künig A 6:24
Zwaiaynhalb Elln maaß dyr aine Flügl von aynn Kerebn und dyr ander aau. Von ainn Flüglend hinst eyn dös ander hiet yr also fümf Elln.

3 Царе 6:24
Едното крило на единия херувим беше пет лакътя [дълго], и другото крило на единия херувим пет лакътя; от края на едното му крило, до края на другото му крило, имаше десет лакътя.

列 王 紀 上 6:24
這 一 個 基 路 伯 有 兩 個 翅 膀 , 各 長 五 肘 , 從 這 翅 膀 尖 到 那 翅 膀 尖 共 有 十 肘 ;

这 一 个 基 路 伯 有 两 个 翅 膀 , 各 长 五 肘 , 从 这 翅 膀 尖 到 那 翅 膀 尖 共 有 十 肘 ;



1 Kings 6:24
Jedno je krilo u kerubina bilo pet lakata i drugo je krilo u kerubina bilo pet lakata; deset je lakata bilo od jednoga kraja krila do drugoga.

První Královská 6:24
A bylo na pět loket křídlo cherubína jedno, a na pět loket křídlo cherubína druhé; deset loket bylo od konce křídla jednoho až k konci křídla druhého.

Første Kongebog 6:24
den ene Kerubs Vinger var hver fem Alen, der var ti Alen fra den ene Vingespids til den anden;

1 Koningen 6:24
En van vijf ellen was de ene vleugel des cherubs, en van vijf ellen de andere vleugel des cherubs; van het einde van zijn enen vleugel, tot aan het einde van zijn anderen vleugel, waren tien ellen.

מלכים א 6:24
וְחָמֵ֣שׁ אַמֹּ֗ות כְּנַ֤ף הַכְּרוּב֙ הָֽאֶחָ֔ת וְחָמֵ֣שׁ אַמֹּ֔ות כְּנַ֥ף הַכְּר֖וּב הַשֵּׁנִ֑ית עֶ֣שֶׂר אַמֹּ֔ות מִקְצֹ֥ות כְּנָפָ֖יו וְעַד־קְצֹ֥ות כְּנָפָֽיו׃

כד וחמש אמות כנף הכרוב האחת וחמש אמות כנף הכרוב השנית עשר אמות מקצות כנפיו ועד קצות כנפיו

וחמש אמות כנף הכרוב האחת וחמש אמות כנף הכרוב השנית עשר אמות מקצות כנפיו ועד־קצות כנפיו׃

1 Királyok 6:24
És öt sing volt az egyik Kérub szárnya, és öt sing a másik Kérub szárnya is, úgy, hogy az egyik szárnya végétõl, a [másik] szárnya végéig tíz sing vala.

Reĝoj 1 6:24
Kvin ulnojn havis unu flugilo de kerubo, kaj kvin ulnojn la dua flugilo de kerubo; dek ulnoj estis de unu fino de gxiaj flugiloj gxis la dua fino de gxiaj flugiloj.

Viisi kyynärää pitkä oli kummankin Kerubimin siipi, niin että kymmenen kyynärää oli yhden siiven äärestä niin toisen siiven ääreen.

1 Rois 6:24
Et une aile d'un chérubin avait cinq coudées, et l'autre aile du chérubin avait cinq coudées: dix coudées d'un bout de ses ailes jusqu'à l'autre bout de ses ailes;

Chacune des deux ailes de l'un des chérubins avait cinq coudées, ce qui faisait dix coudées de l'extrémité d'une de ses ailes à l'extrémité de l'autre.

L'une des ailes de l'un des Chérubins avait cinq coudées, et l'autre aile du [même] Chérubin avait aussi cinq coudées; depuis le bout d'une aile jusqu'au bout de l'autre aile il y avait dix coudées.

1 Koenige 6:24
Fünf Ellen hatte ein Flügel eines jeglichen Cherubs, daß zehn Ellen waren von dem Ende seines einen Flügels zum Ende seines andern Flügels.

Fünf Ellen hatte ein Flügel eines jeglichen Cherubs, daß zehn Ellen waren vom Ende seines einen Flügels zum Ende des andern Flügels. {~} {~} {~} {~} {~}

Fünf Ellen aber maß der eine Flügel des Kerub und fünf Ellen der andere Flügel des Kerub, so daß es von dem einen Ende seiner Flügel bis zum anderen zehn Ellen waren.

1 Re 6:24
L’una delle ali d’un cherubino misurava cinque cubiti, e l’altra, pure cinque cubiti; il che faceva dieci cubiti, dalla punta d’un’ala alla punta dell’altra.

E l’una delle ale dell’uno de’ Cherubini era lunga cinque cubiti, e l’altra altrettanto; dall’estremità d’una delle ale di esso, fino all’estremità dell’altra, vi erano dieci cubiti.

1 RAJA-RAJA 6:24
Adapun panjang sayap kerubiun itu sebelah-menyebelah lima hasta, sehingga sepuluh hasta jauhnya dari pada ujung sayap sebelah sampai kepada ujung sayap sebelahnya.

열왕기상 6:24
한 그룹의 이 날개는 다섯 규빗이요, 저 날개도 다섯 규빗이니, 이 날개 끝으로부터 저 날개 끝까지 십 규빗이며

I Regum 6:24
quinque cubitorum ala cherub una et quinque cubitorum ala cherub altera id est decem cubitos habentes a summitate alae usque ad alae alterius summitatem

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 6:24
Vienas cherubo sparnas buvo penkių uolekčių ir kitas sparnas penkių uolekčių; dešimt uolekčių nuo vieno sparno galo iki kito.

1 Kings 6:24
A e rima whatianga tetahi parirau o te kerupa kotahi, e rima hoki whatianga tetahi parirau o taua kerupa; ko te pito o tetahi parirau a tae noa ki te pito o tetahi, tekau whatianga.

1 Kongebok 6:24
Kjerubens ene vinge var fem alen og kjerubens andre vinge fem alen - det var ti alen fra vingespiss til vingespiss.

1 Reyes 6:24
Un ala del querubín tenía cinco codos y la otra ala del querubín cinco codos; desde la punta de una de sus alas hasta la punta de la otra de sus alas había diez codos.

Un ala del querubín tenía 2.25 metros y la otra ala del querubín 2.25 metros. Desde la punta de una de sus alas hasta la punta de la otra de sus alas había 4.5 metros.

Una ala del querubín tenía cinco codos, y la otra ala del querubín otros cinco codos; así que había diez codos desde la punta de una ala hasta la punta de la otra.

La una ala del querubín tenía cinco codos, y la otra ala del querubín otros cinco codos: así que había diez codos desde la punta de la una ala hasta la punta de la otra.

Una ala del querubín tenía cinco codos, y la otra ala del mismo querubín otros cinco codos; así que había diez codos desde la punta de una ala hasta la punta de la otra.

1 Reis 6:24
As asas abertas da escultura destes seres celestiais mediam dois metros e vinte e cinco centímetros: quatro metros e meio de uma extremidade à outra.

Uma asa de um querubim era de cinco côvados, e a outra de cinco côvados; dez côvados havia desde a extremidade de uma das suas asas até a extremidade da outra.   

1 Imparati 6:24
Fiecare din cele două aripi ale unuia din heruvimi avea cinci coţi, ceeace făcea zece coţi dela capătul uneia din aripile lui pînă la capătul celeilalte.

3-я Царств 6:24
Одно крыло херувима было в пять локтей и другое крыло херувима впять локтей; десять локтей было от одного конца крыльев его до другого конца крыльевего.

Одно крыло херувима было в пять локтей и другое крыло херувима в пять локтей; десять локтей было от одного конца крыльев его до другого конца крыльев его.[]

1 Kungaboken 6:24
och den kerubens ena vinge var fem alnar, och kerubens andra vinge var ock fem alnar, så att det var tio alnar från den ena vingspetsen till den andra.

1 Kings 6:24
At limang siko ang isang pakpak ng querubin, at limang siko ang kabilang pakpak ng querubin: mula sa dulo ng isang pakpak hanggang sa dulo ng kabila ay sangpung siko.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 6:24
ปีกข้างหนึ่งของเครูบยาวห้าศอก ปีกอีกข้างหนึ่งของเครูบยาวห้าศอก จากปลายปีกข้างหนึ่งไปถึงปลายปีกอีกข้างหนึ่งยาวสิบศอก

1 Krallar 6:24
Her kanadı beşer arşın olan Keruvun açık kanatları bir uçtan öbür uca toplam on arşındı.[]

1 Caùc Vua 6:24
Cánh này và cánh kia của mỗi chê-ru-bin có năm thước, thế là mười thước từ chót cánh này tới chót cánh kia.

1 Kings 6:23
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