1 Kings 2:42
1 Kings 2:42
the king summoned Shimei and said to him, "Did I not make you swear by the LORD and warn you, 'On the day you leave to go anywhere else, you can be sure you will die'? At that time you said to me, 'What you say is good. I will obey.'

So the king sent for Shimei and demanded, "Didn't I make you swear by the LORD and warn you not to go anywhere else or you would surely die? And you replied, 'The sentence is fair; I will do as you say.'

the king sent and summoned Shimei and said to him, “Did I not make you swear by the LORD and solemnly warn you, saying, ‘Know for certain that on the day you go out and go to any place whatever, you shall die’? And you said to me, ‘What you say is good; I will obey.’

So the king sent and called for Shimei and said to him, "Did I not make you swear by the LORD and solemnly warn you, saying, 'You will know for certain that on the day you depart and go anywhere, you shall surely die '? And you said to me, 'The word which I have heard is good.'

And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said unto him, Did I not make thee to swear by the LORD, and protested unto thee, saying, Know for a certain, on the day thou goest out, and walkest abroad any whither, that thou shalt surely die? and thou saidst unto me, The word that I have heard is good.

So the king summoned Shimei and said to him, "Didn't I make you swear by the LORD and warn you, saying, 'On the day you leave and go anywhere else, know for sure that you will certainly die? And you said to me, 'The sentence is fair; I will obey.'

so the king sent for Shimei and asked him, "Didn't I make a promise to the LORD and warn you, 'The day you leave and go anywhere else, you can be sure you'll die'? And you told me, 'What your majesty has decreed is acceptable to me.'

the king summoned Shimei and said to him, "You will recall that I made you take an oath by the LORD, and I solemnly warned you, 'If you ever leave and go anywhere, know for sure that you will certainly die.' You said to me, 'The proposal is acceptable; I agree to it.'

he summoned Shimei. Solomon asked him, "Didn't I make you take an oath by the LORD? Didn't I warn you that if you left [the city] to go anywhere, you could be certain that you would die? Didn't you say to me, 'Very well. I'll do just what you said'?

Then the king sent and called for Shimei and said unto him, Did I not make thee to swear by the LORD and protested unto thee, saying, Know for certain, on the day thou goest out and walkest abroad anywhere that thou shalt surely die? And thou didst say unto me, The word that I have heard is good.

And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said unto him, Did I not make you to swear by the LORD, and admonished you, saying, Know for a certain, on the day you go out, and travel anywhere, that you shall surely die? and you said unto me, The word that I have heard is good.

And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said to him, Did I not make you to swear by the LORD, and protested to you, saying, Know for a certain, on the day you go out, and walk abroad any where, that you shall surely die? and you said to me, The word that I have heard is good.

And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said unto him, Did I not adjure thee by Jehovah, and protest unto thee, saying, Know for certain, that on the day thou goest out, and walkest abroad any whither, thou shalt surely die? and thou saidst unto me, The saying that I have heard is good.

And sending he called for him, and said to him: Did I not protest to thee by the Lord, and tell thee before: On what day soever thou shalt go out and walk abroad any whither, know that thou shalt die? And thou answeredst me: The word that I have heard is good.

And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said to him, Did I not make thee swear by Jehovah, and protest to thee, saying, Know for certain, that on the day thou goest forth, and walkest abroad anywhere, thou shalt surely die? and thou saidst to me, The word that I have heard is good.

And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said unto him, Did I not make thee to swear by the LORD, and protested unto thee, saying, Know for certain, that on the day thou goest out, and walkest abroad any whither, thou shalt surely die? and thou saidst unto me, The saying that I have heard is good.

And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said to him, Did I not make thee to swear by the LORD, and protest to thee, saying, Know for a certain, on the day thou goest out, and walkest any where abroad, that thou shalt surely die? and thou saidst to me, The word that I have heard is good.

The king sent and called for Shimei, and said to him, "Didn't I adjure you by Yahweh, and warn you, saying, 'Know for certain, that on the day you go out, and walk abroad any where, you shall surely die?' You said to me, 'The saying that I have heard is good.'

and the king sendeth and calleth for Shimei, and saith unto him, 'Have I not caused thee to swear by Jehovah -- and I testify against thee, saying, In the day of thy going out, and thou hast gone anywhere, thou dost certainly know that thou dost surely die; and thou sayest unto me, The word I have heard is good?

1 i Mbretërve 2:42
Atëherë mbreti dërgoi e thirri Shimein dhe i tha: "A nuk të vura të betoheshe në emër të Zotit dhe të kisha paralajmëruar solemnisht, duke të thënë: "Dije me siguri që ditën që do të dalësh andej këtej, ke për të vdekur". Dhe ti m'u përgjigje: "Fjala që dëgjova më shkon mbarë".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 2:42
فارسل الملك ودعا شمعي وقال له أما استحلفتك بالرب واشهدت عليك قائلا انك يوم تخرج وتذهب الى هنا وهنالك اعلمنّ بانك موتا تموت فقلت لي حسن الأمر. قد سمعت.

De Künig A 2:42
Drum ließ yr önn Schimi rueffen und gstöllt n zuer Röd: "Haan i di nit bei n Trechtein schwörn laassn und di gwarnt, däßst stirbst, baldst eyn Ort von dyr Stat aushingeest? Du gantwortst non aau, däßst ys vernummen habebst.

3 Царе 2:42
Тогава царят прати да повикат Семея, и му рече: Не те ли заклех в Господа и те предупредих, като рекох: Знай положително, че в деня, когато излезеш и отидеш вън, где и да е, непременно ще умреш; и ти ми рече: Добра е думата, която чух?

列 王 紀 上 2:42
王 就 差 遣 人 將 示 每 召 了 來 , 對 他 說 : 我 豈 不 是 叫 你 指 著 耶 和 華 起 誓 , 並 且 警 戒 你 說 你 當 確 實 地 知 道 , 你 哪 日 出 來 往 別 處 去 , 那 日 必 死 麼 ? 你 也 對 我 說 : 這 話 甚 好 , 我 必 聽 從 。

王 就 差 遣 人 将 示 每 召 了 来 , 对 他 说 : 我 岂 不 是 叫 你 指 着 耶 和 华 起 誓 , 并 且 警 戒 你 说 你 当 确 实 地 知 道 , 你 哪 日 出 来 往 别 处 去 , 那 日 必 死 麽 ? 你 也 对 我 说 : 这 话 甚 好 , 我 必 听 从 。



1 Kings 2:42
Kralj pozva Šimeja i reče mu: "Nisam li ti se zakleo Jahvom i strogo te opomenuo: 'Onoga dana kad budeš izišao i pošao bilo kamo, znaj dobro da ćeš umrijeti!' A ti si mi tada odgovorio: 'Dobra je riječ koju sam čuo.'

První Královská 2:42
Tedy poslav král, povolal Semei a řekl jemu: Zdaliž jsem tě přísahou nezavázal skrze Hospodina, a osvědčil jsem proti tobě, řka: V kterýkoli den vyjdeš, a sem i tam choditi budeš, věz jistotně, že smrtí umřeš? A řekl jsi mi: Dobrá jest ta řeč, kterouž jsem slyšel.

Første Kongebog 2:42
lod Kongen ham kalde og sagde til ham: »Tog jeg dig ikke i Ed ved HERREN, og advarede jeg dig ikke: Den Dag du drager bort og begiver dig andetsteds hen, hvor det end er, maa du vide, du er dødsens! Og svarede du mig ikke: Godt! Jeg har hørt det?

1 Koningen 2:42
Toen zond de koning, en riep Simei, en zeide tot hem: Heb ik u niet beedigd bij den HEERE, en tegen u betuigd, zeggende: Ten dage van uw uitgaan, als gij zult herwaarts of derwaarts gaan, weet voorzeker, dat gij den dood zult sterven? En gij zeidet tot mij: Dat woord is goed, dat ik gehoord heb.

מלכים א 2:42
וַיִּשְׁלַ֨ח הַמֶּ֜לֶךְ וַיִּקְרָ֣א לְשִׁמְעִ֗י וַיֹּ֨אמֶר אֵלָ֜יו הֲלֹ֧וא הִשְׁבַּעְתִּ֣יךָ בַֽיהוָ֗ה וָאָעִ֤ד בְּךָ֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר בְּיֹ֣ום צֵאתְךָ֗ וְהָֽלַכְתָּ֙ אָ֣נֶה וָאָ֔נָה יָדֹ֥עַ תֵּדַ֖ע כִּ֣י מֹ֣ות תָּמ֑וּת וַתֹּ֧אמֶר אֵלַ֛י טֹ֥וב הַדָּבָ֖ר שָׁמָֽעְתִּי׃

מב וישלח המלך ויקרא לשמעי ויאמר אליו הלוא השבעתיך ביהוה ואעד בך לאמר ביום צאתך והלכת אנה ואנה ידע תדע כי מות תמות ותאמר אלי טוב הדבר שמעתי

וישלח המלך ויקרא לשמעי ויאמר אליו הלוא השבעתיך ביהוה ואעד בך לאמר ביום צאתך והלכת אנה ואנה ידע תדע כי מות תמות ותאמר אלי טוב הדבר שמעתי׃

1 Királyok 2:42
Akkor elkülde a király, és magához hivatá Sémeit, és monda néki: Nemde esküvéssel kényszerítettelek-é téged az Úrra, és bizonyságot tettem néked, ezt mondván: Valamely napon kimenéndesz, s ide s tova menéndesz, bizonynyal tudjad, hogy meghalsz; és azt mondád nékem: Tetszik e beszéd, megértettem.

Reĝoj 1 2:42
Tiam la regxo sendis, kaj vokigis SXimein, kaj diris al li:Mi jxurligis ja vin per la Eternulo kaj avertis vin, dirante, ke se iun tagon vi ien ajn foriros, tiam sciu, ke vi nepre mortos; kaj vi diris al mi:Bona estas tio, kion mi auxdis.

Niin lähetti kuningas ja antoi kutsua Simein, ja sanoi hänelle: enkö minä vannonut sinulle Herran kautta, todistanut ja sanonut: jona päivänä sinä lähdet ulos ja menet sinne eli tänne, niin sinun pitää hyvin tietämän, että sinun pitää totisesti kuoleman? Ja sinä sanoit minulle: minä olen kuullut hyvän puheen.

1 Rois 2:42
Et le roi envoya, et appela Shimhi, et lui dit: Ne t'ai-je pas fait jurer par l'Éternel, et ne t'ai-je pas protesté, disant: Au jour que tu sortiras et que tu t'en iras où que ce soit, sache bien que tu mourras? Et tu me dis: La parole que j'ai entendue est bonne.

Le roi fit appeler Schimeï, et lui dit: Ne t'avais-je pas fait jurer par l'Eternel, et ne t'avais-je pas fait cette déclaration formelle: Sache bien que tu mourras le jour où tu sortiras pour aller de côté ou d'autre? Et ne m'as-tu pas répondu: C'est bien! j'ai entendu?

Et le Roi envoya appeler Simhi, et lui dit : Ne t'avais-je pas fait jurer par l'Eternel, et ne t'avais-je pas protesté, disant : Sache certainement que le jour que tu seras sorti, et que tu seras allé çà ou là, tu mourras certainement? et ne me répondis-tu pas : La parole que j'ai entendue est bonne?

1 Koenige 2:42
Da sandte der König hin und ließ Simei rufen und sprach zu ihm: Habe ich dir nicht geschworen bei dem HERRN und dir bezeuget und gesagt, welches Tages du würdest ausziehen und hie oder dahin gehen, daß du wissen solltest, du müßtest des Todes sterben? Und du sprachst zu mir: Ich habe eine gute Meinung gehöret.

Da sandte der König hin und ließ Simei rufen und sprach zu ihm: Habe ich dir nicht geschworen bei dem HERRN und dir bezeugt und gesagt, welches Tages du würdest ausziehen und hierhin oder dahin gehen, daß du wissen solltest, du müßtest des Todes sterben? und du sprachst zu mir: Ich habe eine gute Meinung gehört.

da sandte der König hin, ließ Simei rufen und sprach zu ihm: Habe ich dich nicht bei Jahwe beschworen und dir beteuert: Sobald du von dannen gehst und dich irgendwohin begiebst, mußt du - das merke dir - sofort sterben? Und du antwortetest mir: Gut so, ich habe es gehört!

1 Re 2:42
Il re mandò a chiamare Scimei, e gli disse: "Non t’avevo io fatto giurare per l’Eterno, e non t’avevo solennemente avvertito, dicendoti: Sappi per certo che il giorno che uscirai per andar qua o là, morrai? E non mi rispondesti tu: La parola che ho udita sta bene?

E il re mandò a chiamar Simi, e gli disse: Non ti avea io fatto giurare per lo Signore, e non ti avea io protestato, dicendo: Al giorno che tu uscirai, e andrai o qua o là, sappi pur che del tutto tu morrai? E tu mi dicesti: La parola che io ho udita è buona.

1 RAJA-RAJA 2:42
Maka disuruh baginda panggilkan Simai, lalu titah baginda kepadanya: Bukankah aku sudah menyumpahi akan dikau demi Tuhan dan sudah bersaksi atasmu sambil titahku demikian: Pada hari engkau keluar pergi ke sana ke mari, ketahuilah olehmu, bahwasanya engkau akan mati dibunuh? lalu sembahmu kepadaku: Benarlah titah tuanku, patik junjung.

열왕기상 2:42
왕이 사람을 보내어 시므이를 불러서 이르되 `내가 너로 여호와를 가리켜 맹세하게 하고 경계하여 이르기를 너는 분명히 알라 네가 밖으로 나가서 어디든지 가는 날에는 죽임을 당하리라 하지 아니하였느냐 너도 내게 말하기를 내가 들은 말씀이 좋으니이다 하였거늘

I Regum 2:42
et mittens vocavit eum dixitque illi nonne testificatus sum tibi per Dominum et praedixi tibi quacumque die egressus ieris huc et illuc scito te esse moriturum et respondisti mihi bonus sermo audivi

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 2:42
Karalius pasikvietė Šimį ir jam tarė: “Ar aš neprisaikdinau tavęs Viešpačiu, kad tą dieną, kai tu iš Jeruzalės išeisi ir kur nors išvyksi, tikrai mirsi? Tu man sakei: ‘Gerai pasakyta’.

1 Kings 2:42
Na ka tono tangata te kingi ki te karanga i a Himei, a ka mea ki a ia, Kahore ianei koe i whakaoatitia e ahau ki a Ihowa, me taku whakaatu ano ki a koe, me taku ki atu ano, Ko te ra e puta ai koe ki waho, e haere ai ki hea ranei, ki hea ranei, k ia tino mohio koe, ko te mate kau mou? I mea mai ano koe ki ahau, He pai te kupu i rongo ai ahau.

1 Kongebok 2:42
Da sendte kongen bud efter Sime'i og sa til ham: Har jeg ikke svoret ved Herren og høitidelig sagt dig: Det skal du vite for visst at den dag du går ut og drar til noget annet sted, skal du dø? Og du svarte: Det er rett det du sier; jeg har hørt det.

1 Reyes 2:42
Entonces el rey envió a llamar a Simei y le dijo: ¿No te hice jurar por el SEÑOR y te advertí seriamente, diciendo: ``El día que salgas y vayas a cualquier parte, ten por seguro que ciertamente morirás? Y tú me dijiste: ``La palabra que he oído es buena.

Entonces el rey envió a llamar a Simei y le dijo: "¿No te hice jurar por el SEÑOR y te advertí seriamente: 'El día que salgas y vayas a cualquier parte, ten por seguro que ciertamente morirás'? Y tú me dijiste: 'La palabra que he oído es buena.'

Entonces el rey envió, e hizo venir a Simeí, y le dijo: ¿No te hice jurar yo por Jehová, y te protesté, diciendo: El día que salieres, y fueres a alguna parte, sabe de cierto que has de morir? Y tú me dijiste: La palabra es buena, yo la obedezco.

Entonces el rey envió, é hizo venir á Semei, y díjole: ¿No te conjuré yo por Jehová, y te protesté, diciendo: El día que salieres, y fueres acá ó acullá, sabe de cierto que has de morir? Y tú me dijiste: La palabra es buena, yo la obedezco.

Entonces el rey envió, e hizo venir a Simei, y le dijo: ¿No te conjuré yo por el SEÑOR, y te protesté, diciendo: El día que salieres, y fueres acá o allá, sabe de cierto que has de morir? Y tú me dijiste: La palabra es buena, yo la obedezco.

1 Reis 2:42
O rei imediatamente mandou executar Simei e justificou-lhe: “Porventura não te fiz jurar por Yahweh e não te preveni, afirmando: ‘No dia em que saíres para ir aonde quer que seja, tem por certo que morrerás e serás responsável por tua própria condenação’? E tu me respondeste: ‘Acho boa a palavra do meu rei’.

Então o rei mandou chamar a Simei e lhe disse: Não te conjurei pelo Senhor e não te protestei, dizendo: No dia em que saíres para qualquer parte, sabe de certo que hás de morrer? E tu me disseste: Boa é essa palavra que ouvi.   

1 Imparati 2:42
Împăratul a chemat pe Şimei, şi i -a zis: ,,Nu te-am pus eu să juri pe Domnul, şi nu ţi-am spus eu hotărît: ,Să ştii că vei muri în ziua cînd vei ieşi să te duci într'o parte sau alta?` Şi nu mi-ai răspuns tu: ,Bine! am înţeles?`

3-я Царств 2:42
И послав призвал царь Семея и сказал ему: не клялся ли я тебе Господом и не объявлял ли тебе, говоря: „знай, что в тот день, в который ты выйдешь и пойдешь куда-нибудь, непременно умрешь"? и ты сказал мне: „хорошо";

И послав призвал царь Семея и сказал ему: не клялся ли я тебе Господом и не объявлял ли тебе, говоря: `знай, что в тот день, в который ты выйдешь и пойдешь куда-нибудь, непременно умрешь`? и ты сказал мне: `хорошо`;[]

1 Kungaboken 2:42
sände konungen och lät kalla till sig Simei och sade till honom: »Har jag icke bundit dig med ed vid HERREN och varnat dig och sagt till dig: 'Det må du veta, att på den dag du går ut och begiver dig hit eller dit skall du döden dö'? Och du svarade mig: 'Vad du har sagt är gott, och jag har hört det.'

1 Kings 2:42
At ang hari ay nagsugo at ipinatawag si Semei, at nagsabi sa kaniya, Di ba ipinasumpa ko sa iyo ang Panginoon, at ipinatalastas kong totoo sa iyo, na aking sinasabi, Talastasin mong tunay na sa araw na ikaw ay lumabas, at yumaon saan man, ay walang pagsalang mamamatay ka? at iyong sinabi sa akin. Ang sabi na aking narinig ay mabuti.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 2:42
กษัตริย์ก็ทรงใช้ให้เรียกชิเมอีมาเฝ้าและตรัสกับเขาว่า "เราได้ให้ท่านปฏิญาณในพระนามของพระเยโฮวาห์มิใช่หรือ และได้ตักเตือนท่านแล้วว่า `ท่านจงรู้เป็นแน่ว่า ในวันที่ท่านออกไป ไม่ว่าไปที่ใดๆ ท่านจะต้องตาย' และท่านก็ได้ตอบเราว่า `คำตรัสที่ข้าพระองค์ได้ยินนั้นก็ดีแล้ว'

1 Krallar 2:42
Süleyman Şimiyi çağırttı. ‹‹Sana RABbin adıyla ant içirmedim mi?›› dedi, ‹‹ ‹Kalkıp herhangi bir yere gittiğin gün öleceğini bil!› diye seni uyarmadım mı? Sen de bana: ‹Peki, sözünü dinleyeceğim› demedin mi?[]

1 Caùc Vua 2:42
Vua sai đòi Si-mê -i mà phán rằng: Ta há chẳng có bắt ngươi chỉ Ðức Giê-hô-va mà thề, và bảo ngươi trước rằng: Khá biết rằng ngày nào ngươi ra, và đi đầu này đầu kia, thì ngươi chắc sẽ chết sao? Và ngươi có thưa cùng ta rằng: Lời tôi đã nghe, thậm phải?

1 Kings 2:41
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