1 Kings 2:43
1 Kings 2:43
Why then did you not keep your oath to the LORD and obey the command I gave you?"

Then why haven't you kept your oath to the LORD and obeyed my command?"

Why then have you not kept your oath to the LORD and the commandment with which I commanded you?”

"Why then have you not kept the oath of the LORD, and the command which I have laid on you?"

Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the LORD, and the commandment that I have charged thee with?

So why have you not kept the LORD's oath and the command that I gave you?"

So why haven't you kept the oath you made to the LORD, and why didn't you obey my personal order to you?"

Why then have you broken the oath you made before the LORD and disobeyed the order I gave you?"

Why didn't you keep your oath to the LORD and obey the command I gave you?

Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the LORD and the commandment that I have charged thee with?

Why then have you not kept the oath of the LORD, and the commandment that I have charged you with?

Why then have you not kept the oath of the LORD, and the commandment that I have charged you with?

Why then hast thou not kept the oath of Jehovah, and the commandment that I have charged thee with?

Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the Lord, and the commandment that I laid upon thee?

Why then hast thou not kept the oath of Jehovah, and the commandment that I charged thee with?

Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the LORD, and the commandment that I have charged thee with?

Why then hast thou not kept the oath of the LORD, and the commandment that I have charged thee with?

Why then have you not kept the oath of Yahweh, and the commandment that I have instructed you with?"

and wherefore hast thou not kept the oath of Jehovah, and the charge that I charged upon thee?'

1 i Mbretërve 2:43
Pse, pra, nuk e respektove betimin që i bëre Zotit dhe urdhrin që të kishte dhënë?".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 2:43
فلماذا لم تحفظ يمين الرب والوصية التي اوصيتك بها.

De Künig A 2:43
Und zwö haast dann önn Aid bei n Herrn und meinn Befelh nit beachtt?"

3 Царе 2:43
Защо, прочее, не опази Господната клетва и заповедта, която ти дадох?

列 王 紀 上 2:43
現 在 你 為 何 不 遵 守 你 指 著 耶 和 華 起 的 誓 和 我 所 吩 咐 你 的 命 令 呢 ?

现 在 你 为 何 不 遵 守 你 指 着 耶 和 华 起 的 誓 和 我 所 吩 咐 你 的 命 令 呢 ?



1 Kings 2:43
Zašto nisi održao zakletvu Jahvinu i zapovijed koju sam ti dao?"

První Královská 2:43
Pročež jsi tedy neostříhal přísahy Hospodinovy a přikázaní, kteréž jsem přikázal tobě?

Første Kongebog 2:43
Hvorfor holdt du da ikke den Ed, du svor ved HERREN, og den Befaling, jeg gav dig?«

1 Koningen 2:43
Waarom dan hebt gij den eed des HEEREN niet gehouden, en het gebod, dat ik over u geboden had?

מלכים א 2:43
וּמַדּ֕וּעַ לֹ֣א שָׁמַ֔רְתָּ אֵ֖ת שְׁבֻעַ֣ת יְהוָ֑ה וְאֶת־הַמִּצְוָ֖ה אֲשֶׁר־צִוִּ֥יתִי עָלֶֽיךָ׃

מג ומדוע--לא שמרת את שבעת יהוה ואת המצוה אשר צויתי עליך

ומדוע לא שמרת את שבעת יהוה ואת־המצוה אשר־צויתי עליך׃

1 Királyok 2:43
Miért nem tartottad hát meg az Úr elõtt való esküvést, és a parancsolatot, a melyet néked parancsoltam?

Reĝoj 1 2:43
Kial do vi ne observis la jxuron per la Eternulo, kaj la ordonon, kiun mi faris al vi?

Miksi et ole pitänyt Herran valaa ja sitä käskyä, jonka minä sinulle käskin?

1 Rois 2:43
Et pourquoi n'as-tu pas observé le serment de l'Éternel, et le commandement que je t'ai commandé?

Pourquoi donc n'as-tu pas observé le serment de l'Eternel et l'ordre que je t'avais donné?

Pourquoi donc n'as-tu pas gardé le serment que tu as fait par l'Eternel, et le commandement que je t'avais fait?

1 Koenige 2:43
Warum hast du denn nicht dich gehalten nach dem Eide des HERRN und Gebot, das ich dir geboten habe?

Warum hast du denn nicht dich gehalten nach dem Eid des HERRN und dem Gebot, das ich dir geboten habe?

Warum hast du dich denn nicht bekümmert um den bei Jahwe geschworenen Eid und um das Gebot, das ich dir eingeschärft habe?

1 Re 2:43
E perché dunque non hai mantenuto il giuramento fatto all’Eterno e non hai osservato il comandamento che t’avevo dato?"

Perchè dunque non hai osservato il giuramento del Signore, e il comandamento che io ti avea fatto?

1 RAJA-RAJA 2:43
Sebab itu mengapa tiada engkau memeliharakan sumpah demi Tuhan itu dan hukum yang telah kuletakkan kepadamu?

열왕기상 2:43
네가 어찌하여 여호와를 가리켜 한 맹세와 내가 네게 이른 명령을 지키지 아니하였느냐 ?'

I Regum 2:43
quare ergo non custodisti iusiurandum Domini et praeceptum quod praeceperam tibi

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 2:43
Kodėl nesilaikei Viešpaties priesaikos ir mano įsakymo, kurį tau buvau davęs?

1 Kings 2:43
He aha ra koe te pupuri ai i te oati a Ihowa, i te whakahau i whakahaua ai koe e ahau?

1 Kongebok 2:43
Hvorfor har du da ikke holdt dig efter den ed som var svoret ved Herren, og det bud jeg gav dig?

1 Reyes 2:43
¿Por qué, entonces, no guardaste el juramento del SEÑOR y el mandamiento que te impuse?

"¿Por qué, entonces, no guardaste el juramento del SEÑOR y el mandamiento que te impuse?"

¿Por qué, pues, no guardaste el juramento de Jehová, y el mandamiento que yo te impuse?

¿Por qué pues no guardaste el juramento de Jehová, y el mandamiento que yo te impuse?

¿Por qué pues no guardaste el juramento del SEÑOR, y el mandamiento que yo te mande?

1 Reis 2:43
Por que então não obedeceste o juramento firmado em o Nome de Yahweh e a ordem que eu te havia dado?”

Por que, então, não guardaste o juramento do Senhor, e a ordem que te dei?   

1 Imparati 2:43
Pentru ce atunci n'ai ascultat de jurămîntul Domnului şi de porunca pe care ţi -o dădusem?``

3-я Царств 2:43
зачем же ты не соблюл приказания, которое я дал тебе пред Господом с клятвою?

зачем же ты не соблюл приказания, которое я дал тебе пред Господом с клятвою?[]

1 Kungaboken 2:43
Varför har du då icke aktat på din ed vid HERREN och på det bud som jag har givit dig?»

1 Kings 2:43
Bakit nga hindi mo iningatan ang sumpa sa Panginoon, at ang utos na aking ibinilin sa iyo?

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 2:43
ทำไมท่านจึงไม่รักษาคำปฏิญาณไว้ต่อพระเยโฮวาห์ และรักษาคำบัญชาซึ่งเราได้กำชับท่านนั้น"

1 Krallar 2:43
Öyleyse neden RABbin adına içtiğin anda ve buyruğuma uymadın?››[]

1 Caùc Vua 2:43
Vậy, cớ sao ngươi không giữ lời chỉ Ðức Giê-hô-va mà thề, và mạng lịnh Ðức Giê-hô-va truyền cho ngươi?

1 Kings 2:42
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