1 Kings 17:7
1 Kings 17:7
Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.

But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land.

And after a while the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

It happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.

After a while, the wadi dried up because there had been no rain in the land.

But after a while, the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.

After a while, the stream dried up because there had been no rain in the land.

But after some time the stream dried up because no rain had fallen in the land.

And it came to pass after a while that the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

But after some time the torrent was dried up, for it had not rained upon the earth.

And it came to pass after a while that the torrent dried up, for there had been no rain in the land.

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.

It happened after a while, that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

And it cometh to pass, at the end of days, that the brook drieth up, for there hath been no rain in the land,

1 i Mbretërve 17:7
Mbas një farë kohe përroi shteroi, sepse nuk binte shi mbi vendin.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻷﻭ 17:7
وكان بعد مدة من الزمان ان النهر يبس لانه لم يكن مطر في الارض

De Künig A 17:7
Ayn Äucht drauf aber gatrücklt dyr Bach aus, weil s in n Land nit grögnt.

3 Царе 17:7
А след известно време потокът пресъхна, понеже не валя дъжд по земята.

列 王 紀 上 17:7
過 了 些 日 子 , 溪 水 就 乾 了 , 因 為 雨 沒 有 下 在 地 上 。

过 了 些 日 子 , 溪 水 就 乾 了 , 因 为 雨 没 有 下 在 地 上 。



1 Kings 17:7
Ali poslije nekog vremena presuši potok, jer nije bilo kiše u svoj zemlji.

První Královská 17:7
Tedy po přeběhnutí dnů některých vysechl ten potok, nebo nebylo žádného deště v té zemi.

Første Kongebog 17:7
Men nogen Tid efter tørrede Bækken ud, eftersom der ingen Regn faldt i Landet.

1 Koningen 17:7
En het geschiedde ten einde van vele dagen, dat de beek uitdroogde; want geen regen was in het land geweest.

מלכים א 17:7
וַיְהִ֛י מִקֵּ֥ץ יָמִ֖ים וַיִּיבַ֣שׁ הַנָּ֑חַל כִּ֛י לֹֽא־הָיָ֥ה גֶ֖שֶׁם בָּאָֽרֶץ׃ ס

ז ויהי מקץ ימים וייבש הנחל  כי לא היה גשם בארץ  {ס}

ויהי מקץ ימים וייבש הנחל כי לא־היה גשם בארץ׃ ס

1 Királyok 17:7
És lõn néhány nap múlva, hogy kiszáradt a patak; mert nem volt esõ a földre.

Reĝoj 1 17:7
Post kelka tempo la torento elsekigxis, cxar ne estis pluvo en la lando.

Ja monikahtain päiväin perästä kuivui oja; sillä ei ollut sadetta maakunnassa.

1 Rois 17:7
Et il arriva, au bout de quelque temps, que le torrent sécha, car il n'y avait pas de pluie dans le pays.

Mais au bout d'un certain temps le torrent fut à sec, car il n'était point tombé de pluie dans le pays.

Mais il arriva qu'au bout de quelques jours le torrent tarit; parce qu'il n'y avait point eu de pluie au pays.

1 Koenige 17:7
Und es geschah nach etlichen Tagen, daß der Bach vertrocknete; denn es war kein Regen im Lande.

Und es geschah nach etlicher Zeit, daß der Bach vertrocknete; denn es war kein Regen im Lande.

Nach einiger Zeit aber versiegte der Bach, denn es hatte im Lande nicht geregnet.

1 Re 17:7
Ma di lì a qualche tempo il torrente rimase asciutto, perché non veniva pioggia sul paese.

Ora, in capo all’anno, il torrente si seccò; perciocchè non v’era stata alcuna pioggia nel paese.

1 RAJA-RAJA 17:7
Arakian, maka kemudian dari pada setahun kekeringanlah anak sungai itu, sebab tiada turun hujan di tanah itu.

열왕기상 17:7
땅에 비가 내리지 아니하므로 얼마 후에 그 시내가 마르니라

I Regum 17:7
post dies autem siccatus est torrens non enim pluerat super terram

Pirmoji Karaliø knyga 17:7
Po kurio laiko upelis išdžiūvo, nes krašte nebuvo lietaus.

1 Kings 17:7
Nawai a kei etahi ra mai, ka maroke te awa, kahore hoki he ua o te whenua.

1 Kongebok 17:7
Men da det var gått en tid, blev bekken uttørret; for det kom ikke regn i landet.

1 Reyes 17:7
Y sucedió que después de algún tiempo el arroyo se secó, porque no había caído lluvia en la tierra.

Sucedió que después de algún tiempo el arroyo se secó, porque no había caído lluvia en la tierra.

Y sucedió que después de algunos días, se secó el arroyo; porque no había llovido sobre la tierra.

Pasados algunos días, secóse el arroyo; porque no había llovido sobre la tierra.

Pasados algunos días, se secó el arroyo; porque no había llovido sobre la tierra.

1 Reis 17:7
Entretanto, passados alguns dias, a torrente secou, porquanto as chuvas haviam cessado sobre a terra.

Mas, decorridos alguns dias, o ribeiro secou, porque não tinha havido chuva na terra.   

1 Imparati 17:7
Dar după cîtăva vreme pîrîtul a secat, căci nu căzuse ploaie în ţară.

3-я Царств 17:7
По прошествии некоторого времени этот поток высох, ибо не было дождя на землю.

По прошествии некоторого времени этот поток высох, ибо не было дождя на землю.[]

1 Kungaboken 17:7
Men efter någon tid torkade bäcken ut, därför att det icke regnade i landet.

1 Kings 17:7
At nangyari, pagkaraan ng sanggayon, na ang batis ay natuyo, sapagka't walang ulan sa lupain.

1 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 17:7
และต่อมาภายหลังลำธารก็แห้ง เพราะไม่มีฝนในแผ่นดิน

1 Krallar 17:7
Ancak ülkede yağmur yağmadığı için bir süre sonra dere kurudu.[]

1 Caùc Vua 17:7
Nhưng trong ít lâu, thì khe bị khô, vì trong xứ không có mưa.

1 Kings 17:6
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