1 John 5:4
1 John 5:4
for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world-- our faith.

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

because whatever has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith.

because everyone who is born from God has overcome the world. Our faith is the victory that overcomes the world.

because everyone who has been fathered by God conquers the world. Testimony About the Son This is the conquering power that has conquered the world: our faith.

Because everyone who is born from God conquers the universe; and this is the victory that conquers the universe - our faith.

because everyone who has been born from God has won the victory over the world. Our faith is what wins the victory over the world.

For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.

For whoever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world: and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.

For whatsoever is begotten of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our faith.

For whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world: and this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith.

For all that has been begotten of God gets the victory over the world; and this is the victory which has gotten the victory over the world, our faith.

For whatsoever is begotten of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that hath overcome the world, even our faith.

For whatever is born of God, overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

For every child of God overcomes the world; and the victorious principle which has overcome the world is our faith.

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world: your faith.

because every one who is begotten of God doth overcome the world, and this is the victory that did overcome the world -- our faith;

1 Gjonit 5:4
Sepse çdo gjë që ka lindur nga Perëndia e mund botën; dhe kjo është fitorja që e mundi botën: besimi ynë

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 5:4
لان كل من ولد من الله يغلب العالم. وهذه هي الغلبة التي تغلب العالم ايماننا.

որովհետեւ ո՛վ որ Աստուծմէ ծնած է՝ կը յաղթէ աշխարհին. մեր հաւատքն է որ կը յաղթէ աշխարհին՝՝:

1 S. Ioannec. 5:4
Ecen cer-ere Iaincoaganic iayo baita, garaitzen çayo munduari: eta haur da victoria munduari garaithu çayona, gure fedea.

Dyr Johanns A 5:4
Denn allsand, wo von n Herrgot stammend, überwinddnd d Welt. Und d Waffn gan dönn Sig ist ünser Glaaubn.

1 Йоаново 5:4
Защото всичко, що е родено от Бога, побеждава света; и тая победа, която е победила света е [спечелила] нашата вяра.

約 翰 一 書 5:4
因 為 凡 從 神 生 的 , 就 勝 過 世 界 ; 使 我 們 勝 了 世 界 的 , 就 是 我 們 的 信 心 。

因 为 凡 从 神 生 的 , 就 胜 过 世 界 ; 使 我 们 胜 了 世 界 的 , 就 是 我 们 的 信 心 。





Prva Ivanova poslanica 5:4
Jer sve što je od Boga rođeno, pobjeđuje svijet. I ovo je pobjeda što pobijedi svijet: vjera naša.

První Janův 5:4
Všecko zajisté, což se narodilo z Boha, přemáhá svět; a toť jest to vítězství, kteréž přemáhá svět, víra naše.

1 Johannes 5:4
thi alt det, som er født af Gud, overvinder Verden; og dette er den Sejr, som har overvundet Verden, vor Tro.

1 Johannes 5:4
Want al wat uit God geboren is, overwint de wereld; en dit is de overwinning, die de wereld overwint, namelijk ons geloof.

ὅτι πᾶν τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ Θεοῦ νικᾷ τὸν κόσμον· καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ νίκη ἡ νικήσασα τὸν κόσμον, ἡ πίστις ἡμῶν.

ὅτι πᾶν τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ νικᾷ τὸν κόσμον. καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ νίκη ἡ νικήσασα τὸν κόσμον, ἡ πίστις ἡμῶν·

ὅτι πᾶν τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ νικᾷ τὸν κόσμον. καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ νίκη ἡ νικήσασα τὸν κόσμον, ἡ πίστις ἡμῶν·

Ὅτι πᾶν τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ νικᾷ τὸν κόσμον· καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ νίκη ἡ νικήσασα τὸν κόσμον, ἡ πίστις ἡμῶν.

ὅτι πᾶν τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ Θεοῦ νικᾷ τὸν κόσμον· καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ νίκη ἡ νικήσασα τὸν κόσμον, ἡ πίστις ἡμῶν.

ὅτι πᾶς ὁ γεννάω ἐκ ὁ θεός νικάω ὁ κόσμος καί οὗτος εἰμί ὁ νίκη ὁ νικάω ὁ κόσμος ὁ πίστις ἡμᾶς

ὅτι πᾶν τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ Θεοῦ νικᾷ τὸν κόσμον· καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ νίκη ἡ νικήσασα τὸν κόσμον, ἡ πίστις ἡμῶν.

ὅτι πᾶν τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ θεοῦ νικᾷ τὸν κόσμον· καὶ αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ νίκη ἡ νικήσασα τὸν κόσμον ἡ πίστις ἡμῶν

οτι παν το γεγεννημενον εκ του θεου νικα τον κοσμον και αυτη εστιν η νικη η νικησασα τον κοσμον η πιστις ημων

οτι παν το γεγεννημενον εκ του θεου νικα τον κοσμον και αυτη εστιν η νικη η νικησασα τον κοσμον η πιστις ημων

οτι παν το γεγεννημενον εκ του θεου νικα τον κοσμον και αυτη εστιν η νικη η νικησασα τον κοσμον η πιστις ημων

οτι παν το γεγεννημενον εκ του Θεου νικα τον κοσμον· και αυτη εστιν η νικη η νικησασα τον κοσμον, η πιστις ημων.

οτι παν το γεγεννημενον εκ του θεου νικα τον κοσμον και αυτη εστιν η νικη η νικησασα τον κοσμον η πιστις υμων

οτι παν το γεγεννημενον εκ του θεου νικα τον κοσμον και αυτη εστιν η νικη η νικησασα τον κοσμον η πιστις ημων

hoti pan to gegennēmenon ek tou Theou nika ton kosmon; kai hautē estin hē nikē hē nikēsasa ton kosmon, hē pistis hēmōn.

hoti pan to gegennemenon ek tou Theou nika ton kosmon; kai haute estin he nike he nikesasa ton kosmon, he pistis hemon.

hoti pan to gegennēmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon. kai hautē estin hē nikē hē nikēsasa ton kosmon, hē pistis hēmōn;

hoti pan to gegennemenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon. kai haute estin he nike he nikesasa ton kosmon, he pistis hemon;

oti pan to gegennēmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autē estin ē nikē ē nikēsasa ton kosmon ē pistis ēmōn

oti pan to gegennEmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autE estin E nikE E nikEsasa ton kosmon E pistis EmOn

oti pan to gegennēmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autē estin ē nikē ē nikēsasa ton kosmon ē pistis umōn

oti pan to gegennEmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autE estin E nikE E nikEsasa ton kosmon E pistis umOn

oti pan to gegennēmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autē estin ē nikē ē nikēsasa ton kosmon ē pistis ēmōn

oti pan to gegennEmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autE estin E nikE E nikEsasa ton kosmon E pistis EmOn

oti pan to gegennēmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autē estin ē nikē ē nikēsasa ton kosmon ē pistis ēmōn

oti pan to gegennEmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autE estin E nikE E nikEsasa ton kosmon E pistis EmOn

oti pan to gegennēmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autē estin ē nikē ē nikēsasa ton kosmon ē pistis ēmōn

oti pan to gegennEmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autE estin E nikE E nikEsasa ton kosmon E pistis EmOn

oti pan to gegennēmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autē estin ē nikē ē nikēsasa ton kosmon ē pistis ēmōn

oti pan to gegennEmenon ek tou theou nika ton kosmon kai autE estin E nikE E nikEsasa ton kosmon E pistis EmOn

1 János 5:4
Mert mindaz, a mi az Istentõl született, legyõzi a világot; és az a gyõzedelem, a mely legyõzte a világot, a mi hitünk.

De Johano 1 5:4
CXar cxio, kio el Dio naskigxis, venkas la mondon; kaj jen estas la venko venkinta la mondon:nia fido.

Toinen Johanneksen kirje 5:4
Sillä kaikki, mitä Jumalasta syntynyt on, se voittaa maailman, ja meidän uskomme on se voitto, joka maailman voitti.

1 Jean 5:4
parce que tout ce qui est né de Dieu est victorieux du monde; et c'est ici la victoire qui a vaincu le monde, savoir notre foi.

parce que tout ce qui est né de Dieu triomphe du monde; et la victoire qui triomphe du monde, c'est notre foi.

Parce que tout ce qui est né de Dieu surmonte le monde; et ce qui nous fait remporter la victoire sur le monde, c'est notre foi.

1 Johannes 5:4
Denn alles, was von Gott geboren ist, überwindet die Welt; und unser Glaube ist der Sieg, der die Welt überwunden hat.

Denn alles, was von Gott geboren ist, überwindet die Welt; und unser Glaube ist der Sieg, der die Welt überwunden hat.

Und seine Gebote sind nicht drückend, weil alles, was aus Gott gezeugt ist, die Welt überwindet, und dies ist der Sieg, der die Welt überwunden hat: unser Glaube.

1 Giovanni 5:4
Poiché tutto quello che è nato da Dio vince il mondo; e questa è la vittoria che ha vinto il mondo: la nostra fede.

Poichè tutto quello che è nato da Dio vince il mondo; e questa è la vittoria che ha vinto il mondo, cioè, la fede nostra.

1 YOH 5:4
Karena barang apa pun yang berasal daripada Allah mengalahkan dunia; maka inilah kemenangan yang mengalahkan dunia, yaitu iman kita.

1 John 5:4
axaṭer arraw n Sidi Ṛebbi ɣelben ddunit, ayen s wacu i neɣleb ddunit, d liman-nneɣ di Sidna Ɛisa.

요한일서 5:4
대저 하나님께로서 난 자마다 세상을 이기느니라 세상을 이긴 이김은 이것이니 우리의 믿음이니라

I Ioannis 5:4
quoniam omne quod natum est ex Deo vincit mundum et haec est victoria quae vincit mundum fides nostra

Jāņa 1 vēstule 5:4
Jo viss, kas dzimis no Dieva, uzvar pasauli; un mūsu ticība ir tā uzvara, kas uzvar pasauli.

Pirmasis Jono laiðkas 5:4
Juk, kas tik gimė iš Dievo, nugali pasaulį; ir štai pergalė, nugalinti pasaulį­mūsų tikėjimas!

1 John 5:4
Ko nga mea katoa hoki kua whanau i te Atua e kaha ana i te ao: ko te wikitoria hoki tenei e taea ai te ao, ko to tatou whakapono.

1 Johannes 5:4
For alt det som er født av Gud, seirer over verden; og dette er den seier som har seiret over verden: vår tro.

1 Juan 5:4
Porque todo lo que es nacido de Dios vence al mundo; y esta es la victoria que ha vencido al mundo: nuestra fe.

Porque todo lo que es nacido de Dios vence al mundo. Y ésta es la victoria que ha vencido al mundo: nuestra fe.

Porque todo lo que es nacido de Dios vence al mundo; y ésta es la victoria que ha vencido al mundo, nuestra fe.

Porque todo aquello que es nacido de Dios vence al mundo: y esta es la victoria que vence al mundo, nuestra fe.

Porque todo aquello que es nacido de Dios, vence al mundo; y esta es la victoria que vence al mundo, es a saber nuestra fe.

1 João 5:4
Todo aquele que é nascido de Deus vence o mundo; e este é o triunfo que vence o mundo: a nossa fé!

porque todo o que é nascido de Deus vence o mundo; e esta é a vitória que vence o mundo: a nossa fé.   

1 Ioan 5:4
pentrucă oricine este născut din Dumnezeu, biruieşte lumea; şi ceeace cîştigă biruinţă asupra lumii, este credinţa noastră.

1-e Иоанна 5:4
Ибо всякий, рожденный от Бога, побеждает мир; и сия есть победа, победившая мир, вера наша.

Ибо всякий, рожденный от Бога, побеждает мир; и сия есть победа, победившая мир, вера наша.

1 John 5:4
Yus aneakur Nii tana nu umiktatji. Ashφ Yusa uchiriya nu Y·san nekas Enentßimta asa, Ashφ ju nunkanmaya φrunna nuna N·peteawai. Nu asamtai Yus tana nu umirkatin itiurchatchaiti.

1 Johannesbrevet 5:4
Ty allt som är fött av Gud, det övervinner världen; och detta är den seger som har övervunnit världen: vår tro.

1 Yohana 5:4
maana kila aliye mtoto wa Mungu anaweza kuushinda ulimwengu. Hivi ndivyo tunavyoushinda ulimwengu: kwa imani yetu.

1 Juan 5:4
Sapagka't ang sinomang ipinanganak ng Dios ay dumadaig sa sanglibutan: at ito ang pagtatagumpay na dumadaig sa sanglibutan, sa makatuwid ay ang ating pananampalataya.

1 ยอห์น 5:4
ด้วยว่าผู้ใดๆที่บังเกิดจากพระเจ้า ก็มีชัยชนะแก่โลก และนี่แหละเป็นชัยชนะซึ่งได้มีชัยแก่โลก คือความเชื่อของเราทั้งหลาย

1 Yuhanna 5:4
Çünkü Tanrıdan doğmuş olan herkes dünyayı yener. Bize dünyaya karşı zafer kazandıran imanımızdır.

1 Йоаново 5:4
Все бо рождене від Бога сьвіт побіждає; і ся побіда, побідивша сьвіт, віра наша.

1 John 5:4
Apa' hawe'ea tauna to napo'ana' Alata'ala mpodagi kuasa anudaa' to hi dunia' toi. Tadagi-mi kuasa anudaa' hante pepangala' -ta.

1 Giaêng 5:4
vì hễ sự gì sanh bởi Ðức Chúa Trời, thì thắng hơn thế gian; và sự thắng hơn thế gian, ấy là đức tin của chúng ta.

1 John 5:3
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