1 John 4:14
1 John 4:14
And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

And we have seen and we testify that the Father has sent His Son as the world's Savior.

We have seen for ourselves and can testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

And we see and do testify that The Father has sent his Son, The Savior for the world.

We have seen and testify to the fact that the Father sent his Son as the Savior of the world.

And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

And we have beheld and bear witness that the Father hath sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

And we have seen, and do testify, that the Father hath sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world.

And we have seen, and testify, that the Father has sent the Son as Saviour of the world.

And we have beheld and bear witness that the Father hath sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

And we have seen and do testify, that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

And we have seen and bear witness that the Father has sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

We have seen and testify that the Father has sent the Son as the Savior of the world.

And we -- we have seen and do testify, that the Father hath sent the Son -- Saviour of the world;

1 Gjonit 4:14
Dhe ne pamë dhe dëshmojmë se Ati e dërgoi Birin për të qënë Shpëtimtar i botës.

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 4:14
ونحن قد نظرنا ونشهد ان الآب قد ارسل الابن مخلّصا للعالم.

Ու մենք տեսանք եւ կը վկայենք թէ Հայրը ղրկեց իր Որդին իբր աշխարհի Փրկիչ:

1 S. Ioannec. 4:14
Eta guc ikussi vkan dugu, eta testificatzen dugu ecen Aitác igorri vkan duela Semea munduaren Saluadore içateco.

Dyr Johanns A 4:14
Mir habnd s gseghn und bezeugnd s, däß dyr Vater önn Sun als Welterloeser gschickt haat.

1 Йоаново 4:14
И ние видяхме и свидетелствуваме, че Отец прати Сина Си да бъде Спасител на Света.

約 翰 一 書 4:14
父 差 子 作 世 人 的 救 主 ; 這 是 我 們 所 看 見 且 作 見 證 的 。

父 差 子 作 世 人 的 救 主 ; 这 是 我 们 所 看 见 且 作 见 证 的 。





Prva Ivanova poslanica 4:14
I mi smo vidjeli i svjedočimo da je Otac poslao Sina kao Spasitelja svijeta.

První Janův 4:14
A myť jsme viděli, a svědčíme, že Otec poslal Syna svého spasitele světa.

1 Johannes 4:14
Og vi have skuet og vidne, at Faderen har udsendt Sønnen til Frelser for Verden.

1 Johannes 4:14
En wij hebben het aanschouwd, en getuigen, dat de Vader Zijn Zoon gezonden heeft tot een Zaligmaker der wereld.

καὶ ἡμεῖς τεθεάμεθα καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν ὅτι ὁ Πατὴρ ἀπέσταλκεν τὸν Υἱὸν Σωτῆρα τοῦ κόσμου.

Καὶ ἡμεῖς τεθεάμεθα καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν ὅτι ὁ πατὴρ ἀπέσταλκεν τὸν υἱὸν σωτῆρα τοῦ κόσμου.

Καὶ ἡμεῖς τεθεάμεθα καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν ὅτι ὁ πατὴρ ἀπέσταλκεν τὸν υἱὸν σωτῆρα τοῦ κόσμου.

Καὶ ἡμεῖς τεθεάμεθα καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν ὅτι ὁ πατὴρ ἀπέσταλκεν τὸν υἱὸν σωτῆρα τοῦ κόσμου.

Καὶ ἡμεῖς τεθεάμεθα καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν ὅτι ὁ πατὴρ ἀπέσταλκε τὸν υἱὸν σωτῆρα τοῦ κόσμου.

καί ἡμᾶς θεάομαι καί μαρτυρέω ὅτι ὁ πατήρ ἀποστέλλω ὁ υἱός σωτήρ ὁ κόσμος

καὶ ἡμεῖς τεθεάμεθα καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν ὅτι ὁ πατὴρ ἀπέσταλκε τὸν υἱὸν σωτῆρα τοῦ κόσμου.

καὶ ἡμεῖς τεθεάμεθα καὶ μαρτυροῦμεν ὅτι ὁ πατὴρ ἀπέσταλκεν τὸν υἱὸν σωτῆρα τοῦ κόσμου

και ημεις τεθεαμεθα και μαρτυρουμεν οτι ο πατηρ απεσταλκεν τον υιον σωτηρα του κοσμου

και ημεις τεθεαμεθα και μαρτυρουμεν οτι ο πατηρ απεσταλκεν τον υιον σωτηρα του κοσμου

και ημεις τεθεαμεθα και μαρτυρουμεν οτι ο πατηρ απεσταλκεν τον υιον σωτηρα του κοσμου

και ημεις τεθεαμεθα και μαρτυρουμεν οτι ο πατηρ απεσταλκε τον υιον σωτηρα του κοσμου.

και ημεις τεθεαμεθα και μαρτυρουμεν οτι ο πατηρ απεσταλκεν τον υιον σωτηρα του κοσμου

και ημεις τεθεαμεθα και μαρτυρουμεν οτι ο πατηρ απεσταλκεν τον υιον σωτηρα του κοσμου

kai hēmeis tetheametha kai martyroumen hoti ho Patēr apestalken ton Huion Sōtēra tou kosmou.

kai hemeis tetheametha kai martyroumen hoti ho Pater apestalken ton Huion Sotera tou kosmou.

Kai hēmeis tetheametha kai martyroumen hoti ho patēr apestalken ton huion sōtēra tou kosmou.

Kai hemeis tetheametha kai martyroumen hoti ho pater apestalken ton huion sotera tou kosmou.

kai ēmeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patēr apestalken ton uion sōtēra tou kosmou

kai Emeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patEr apestalken ton uion sOtEra tou kosmou

kai ēmeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patēr apestalken ton uion sōtēra tou kosmou

kai Emeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patEr apestalken ton uion sOtEra tou kosmou

kai ēmeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patēr apestalken ton uion sōtēra tou kosmou

kai Emeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patEr apestalken ton uion sOtEra tou kosmou

kai ēmeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patēr apestalken ton uion sōtēra tou kosmou

kai Emeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patEr apestalken ton uion sOtEra tou kosmou

kai ēmeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patēr apestalken ton uion sōtēra tou kosmou

kai Emeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patEr apestalken ton uion sOtEra tou kosmou

kai ēmeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patēr apestalken ton uion sōtēra tou kosmou

kai Emeis tetheametha kai marturoumen oti o patEr apestalken ton uion sOtEra tou kosmou

1 János 4:14
És mi láttuk és bizonyságot teszünk, hogy az Atya elküldte a Fiút a világ üdvözítõjéül.

De Johano 1 4:14
Kaj ni vidis kaj atestas, ke la Patro sendis la Filon por esti la Savonto de la mondo.

Toinen Johanneksen kirje 4:14
Ja me näimme ja todistamme, että Isä on lähettänyt Poikansa maailman Vapahtajaksi.

1 Jean 4:14
et nous, nous avons vu et nous témoignons que le Père a envoyé le Fils pour être le Sauveur du monde.

Et nous, nous avons vu et nous attestons que le Père a envoyé le Fils comme Sauveur du monde.

Et nous l'avons vu, et nous témoignons que le Père a envoyé le Fils pour être le sauveur du monde.

1 Johannes 4:14
Und wir haben gesehen und zeugen, daß der Vater den Sohn gesandt hat zum Heiland der Welt.

Und wir haben gesehen und zeugen, daß der Vater den Sohn gesandt hat zum Heiland der Welt.

Und wir, wir haben es geschaut und bezeugen es, daß der Vater den Sohn abgesandt hat als Heiland der Welt.

1 Giovanni 4:14
E noi abbiamo veduto e testimoniamo che il Padre ha mandato il Figliuolo per essere il Salvatore del mondo.

E noi siamo stati spettatori, e testimoniamo che il Padre ha mandato il Figliuolo, per essere Salvatore del mondo.

1 YOH 4:14
Dan kami ini sudah nampak, lalu menyaksikan, bahwa Bapa sudah menyuruhkan Anak itu menjadi Juruselamat dunia ini.

1 John 4:14
Nukni s yiman-nneɣ netɛeǧǧeb deg-s, daymi nezmer a d-neched belli Baba-tneɣ Ṛebbi iceggeɛ-ed Mmi-s, i leslak n ddunit.

요한일서 4:14
아버지가 아들을 세상의 구주로 보내신 것을 우리가 보았고 또 증거하노니

I Ioannis 4:14
et nos vidimus et testificamur quoniam Pater misit Filium salvatorem mundi

Jāņa 1 vēstule 4:14
Arī mēs redzējām un apliecinām, ka Tēvs ir sūtījis savu Dēlu, pasaules Pestītāju.

Pirmasis Jono laiðkas 4:14
Taigi mes matėme ir liudijame, kad Tėvas atsiuntė Sūnų, pasaulio Gelbėtoją.

1 John 4:14
Kua kite ano matou, ka whakaatu nei ano hoki, i tonoa mai te Tama e te Matua hei Kaiwhakaora mo te ao.

1 Johannes 4:14
Og vi har sett og vidner at Faderen har sendt sin Sønn til frelse for verden.

1 Juan 4:14
Y nosotros hemos visto y damos testimonio de que el Padre envió al Hijo para ser el Salvador del mundo.

Y nosotros hemos visto y damos testimonio de que el Padre envió al Hijo para ser el Salvador del mundo.

Y nosotros hemos visto y testificamos que el Padre ha enviado al Hijo para ser el Salvador del mundo.

Y nosotros hemos visto y testificamos que el Padre ha enviado al Hijo para ser Salvador del mundo.

Y nosotros hemos visto, y testificamos que el Padre ha enviado a su Hijo para ser Salvador del mundo.

1 João 4:14
E vimos e testemunhamos que o Pai enviou o seu Filho para ser o Salvador do mundo.

E nós temos visto, e testificamos que o Pai enviou seu Filho como Salvador do mundo.   

1 Ioan 4:14
Şi noi am văzut şi mărturisim că Tatăl a trimes pe Fiul ca să fie Mîntuitorul lumii.

1-e Иоанна 4:14
И мы видели и свидетельствуем, что Отец послал Сына Спасителем миру.

И мы видели и свидетельствуем, что Отец послал Сына Спасителем миру.

1 John 4:14
Yus Apa ni Uchirin Ashφ shuaran uwemtikrarat tusa ju nunkanam akupkamia nu Wßinkia asar~i Θtsereaji.

1 Johannesbrevet 4:14
Och vi hava själva sett, och vi vittna om att Fadern har sänt sin Son till att vara världens Frälsare.

1 Yohana 4:14
Sisi tumeona na kuwaambia wengine kwamba Baba alimtuma Mwanae awe Mwokozi wa ulimwengu.

1 Juan 4:14
At nakita natin at sinasaksihan na sinugo ng Ama ang Anak upang maging Tagapagligtas ng sanglibutan.

1 ยอห์น 4:14
และเราทั้งหลายได้เห็นและเป็นพยานว่า พระบิดาได้ทรงใช้พระบุตรมาเพื่อเป็นผู้ช่วยมนุษย์โลกให้รอด

1 Yuhanna 4:14
Babanın Oğlunu dünyanın Kurtarıcısı olarak gönderdiğini gördük, şimdi buna tanıklık ediyoruz.

1 Йоаново 4:14
А ми видїли й сьвідкувмо, що Отець післав Сина, Спасителя сьвіта.

1 John 4:14
Kai', kihilo-imi-kaina Ana' Alata'ala, pai' kisabii' Kahi'a-na to nahubui Alata'ala to Tuama tumai jadi' Magau' Tompohore hawe'ea manusia' ngkai huku' jeko' -ra.

1 Giaêng 4:14
Chúng ta lại đã thấy và làm chứng rằng Ðức Chúa Cha đã sai Ðức Chúa Con đặng làm Cứu Chúa thế gian.

1 John 4:13
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