1 John 4:13
1 John 4:13
This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit.

And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us.

By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.

By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.

Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

This is how we know that we remain in Him and He in us: He has given assurance to us from His Spirit.

This is how we know that we abide in him and he in us: he has given us his Spirit.

By this we know that we reside in God and he in us: in that he has given us of his Spirit.

In this we know that we abide in him and he abides in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.

We know that we live in him and he lives in us because he has given us his Spirit.

In this we know that we abide in him, and he in us, in that he has given us of his Spirit.

By this we know that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.

Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.

hereby we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

In this we know that we abide in him, and he in us: because he hath given us of his spirit.

Hereby we know that we abide in him and he in us, that he has given to us of his Spirit.

hereby know we that we abide in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

By this we know that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

We can know that we are continuing in union with Him and that He is continuing in union with us, by the fact that He has given us a portion of His Spirit.

By this we know that we remain in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.

in this we know that in Him we do remain, and He in us, because of His Spirit He hath given us.

1 Gjonit 4:13
Nga kjo ne njohim se qëndrojmë në të dhe ai në ne, sepse ai na ka dhënë nga Fryma e tij.

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 4:13
بهذا نعرف اننا نثبت فيه وهو فينا انه قد اعطانا من روحه.

Ան իր Հոգիէն տուաւ մեզի. ասո՛վ գիտենք թէ մենք կը բնակինք անոր մէջ, ան ալ՝ մեր մէջ:

1 S. Ioannec. 4:13
Hunetan eçagutzen dugu ecen hartan egoiten garela, eta hura gutan, ceren bere Spiritutic eman baitraucu.

Dyr Johanns A 4:13
Daa dran kenn myr, däß myr mit iem gmain bleibnd, nömlich däß yr üns seinn Geist göbn haat.

1 Йоаново 4:13
По това познаваме, че пребъдваме в Него и Той в нас, гдето ни е дал от Духа Си.

約 翰 一 書 4:13
神 將 他 的 靈 賜 給 我 們 , 從 此 就 知 道 我 們 是 住 在 他 裡 面 , 他 也 住 在 我 們 裡 面 。

神 将 他 的 灵 赐 给 我 们 , 从 此 就 知 道 我 们 是 住 在 他 里 面 , 他 也 住 在 我 们 里 面 。





Prva Ivanova poslanica 4:13
Po ovom znamo da ostajemo u njemu i on u nama: od Duha nam je svoga dao.

První Janův 4:13
Po tomtoť poznáváme, že v něm přebýváme, a on v nás, že z Ducha svého dal nám.

1 Johannes 4:13
Derpaa kende vi, at vi blive i ham, og han i os, at han har givet os af sin Aand.

1 Johannes 4:13
Hieraan kennen wij, dat wij in Hem blijven, en Hij in ons, omdat Hij ons van Zijn Geest gegeven heeft.

ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ μένομεν καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν ἡμῖν, ὅτι ἐκ τοῦ Πνεύματος αὐτοῦ δέδωκεν ἡμῖν.

ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ μένομεν καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν ἡμῖν, ὅτι ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος αὐτοῦ δέδωκεν ἡμῖν.

ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ μένομεν καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν ἡμῖν, ὅτι ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος αὐτοῦ δέδωκεν ἡμῖν.

Ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ μένομεν καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν ἡμῖν, ὅτι ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος αὐτοῦ δέδωκεν ἡμῖν.

ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ μένομεν καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν ἡμῖν, ὅτι ἐκ τοῦ Πνεύματος αὐτοῦ δέδωκεν ἡμῖν.

ἐν οὗτος γινώσκω ὅτι ἐν αὐτός μένω καί αὐτός ἐν ἡμᾶς ὅτι ἐκ ὁ πνεῦμα αὐτός δίδωμι ἡμᾶς

ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ μένομεν, καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν ἡμῖν, ὅτι ἐκ τοῦ Πνεύματος αὐτοῦ δέδωκεν ἡμῖν.

Ἐν τούτῳ γινώσκομεν ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ μένομεν καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν ἡμῖν ὅτι ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος αὐτοῦ δέδωκεν ἡμῖν

εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εν αυτω μενομεν και αυτος εν ημιν οτι εκ του πνευματος αυτου δεδωκεν ημιν

εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εν αυτω μενομεν και αυτος εν ημιν οτι εκ του πνευματος αυτου δεδωκεν ημιν

εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εν αυτω μενομεν και αυτος εν ημιν οτι εκ του πνευματος αυτου δεδωκεν ημιν

εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εν αυτω μενομεν, και αυτος εν ημιν, οτι εκ του Πνευματος αυτου δεδωκεν ημιν.

εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εν αυτω μενομεν και αυτος εν ημιν οτι εκ του πνευματος αυτου δεδωκεν ημιν

εν τουτω γινωσκομεν οτι εν αυτω μενομεν και αυτος εν ημιν οτι εκ του πνευματος αυτου δεδωκεν ημιν

en toutō ginōskomen hoti en autō menomen kai autos en hēmin, hoti ek tou Pneumatos autou dedōken hēmin.

en touto ginoskomen hoti en auto menomen kai autos en hemin, hoti ek tou Pneumatos autou dedoken hemin.

en toutō ginōskomen hoti en autō menomen kai autos en hēmin, hoti ek tou pneumatos autou dedōken hēmin.

en touto ginoskomen hoti en auto menomen kai autos en hemin, hoti ek tou pneumatos autou dedoken hemin.

en toutō ginōskomen oti en autō menomen kai autos en ēmin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedōken ēmin

en toutO ginOskomen oti en autO menomen kai autos en Emin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedOken Emin

en toutō ginōskomen oti en autō menomen kai autos en ēmin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedōken ēmin

en toutO ginOskomen oti en autO menomen kai autos en Emin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedOken Emin

en toutō ginōskomen oti en autō menomen kai autos en ēmin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedōken ēmin

en toutO ginOskomen oti en autO menomen kai autos en Emin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedOken Emin

en toutō ginōskomen oti en autō menomen kai autos en ēmin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedōken ēmin

en toutO ginOskomen oti en autO menomen kai autos en Emin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedOken Emin

en toutō ginōskomen oti en autō menomen kai autos en ēmin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedōken ēmin

en toutO ginOskomen oti en autO menomen kai autos en Emin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedOken Emin

en toutō ginōskomen oti en autō menomen kai autos en ēmin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedōken ēmin

en toutO ginOskomen oti en autO menomen kai autos en Emin oti ek tou pneumatos autou dedOken Emin

1 János 4:13
Errõl ismerjük meg, hogy benne maradunk és õ mibennünk; mert a maga Lelkébõl adott minékünk.

De Johano 1 4:13
jen kiel ni scias, ke ni restas en Li, kaj Li en ni:cxar el Sia Spirito Li donis al ni.

Toinen Johanneksen kirje 4:13
Siitä me tunnemme, että me pysymme hänessä ja hän meissä, ja että hän antoi meille Hengestänsä.

1 Jean 4:13
Par ceci nous savons que nous demeurons en lui et lui en nous, c'est qu'il nous a donné de son Esprit;

Nous connaissons que nous demeurons en lui, et qu'il demeure en nous, en ce qu'il nous a donné de son Esprit.

A ceci nous connaissons que nous demeurons en lui, et lui en nous, c'est qu'il nous a donné de son Esprit.

1 Johannes 4:13
Daran erkennen wir, daß wir in ihm bleiben und er in uns, daß er uns von seinem Geist gegeben hat.

Daran erkennen wir, daß wir in ihm bleiben und er in uns, daß er uns von seinem Geiste gegeben hat.

Daran erkennen wir, daß wir in ihm bleiben und er in uns: weil er uns von seinem Geiste gegeben hat.

1 Giovanni 4:13
Da questo conosciamo che dimoriamo in lui ed Egli in noi: ch’Egli ci ha dato del suo Spirito.

Per questo conosciamo che dimoriamo in lui, ed egli in noi: perciocchè egli ci ha donato del suo Spirito.

1 YOH 4:13
Dengan inilah dapat kita mengetahui bahwa kita tinggal di dalam Dia, dan Ia pun di dalam kita, oleh sebab Ia telah mengaruniakan kita daripada Roh-Nya.

1 John 4:13
Atah wamek ara neɛqel nukni nețțili deg-s nețța yețțili deg-nneɣ : imi i ɣ-d-yefka Ṛṛuḥ-ines.

요한일서 4:13
그의 성령을 우리에게 주시므로 우리가 그 안에 거하고 그가 우리 안에 거하시는 줄을 아느니라

I Ioannis 4:13
in hoc intellegimus quoniam in eo manemus et ipse in nobis quoniam de Spiritu suo dedit nobis

Jāņa 1 vēstule 4:13
No tā mēs pazīstam, ka mēs paliekam Viņā un Viņš mūsos, ka Viņš mums devis no sava Gara.

Pirmasis Jono laiðkas 4:13
Iš to pažįstame, kad pasiliekame Jame ir Jis mumyse: Jis davė mums savo Dvasios.

1 John 4:13
Na konei tatou i matau ai e noho ana tatou i roto i a ia, me ia i roto i a tatou, na te mea kua homai e ia ta tona Wairua ki a tatou.

1 Johannes 4:13
På dette kjenner vi at vi blir i ham og han i oss, at han har gitt oss av sin Ånd.

1 Juan 4:13
En esto sabemos que permanecemos en El y El en nosotros: en que nos ha dado de su Espíritu.

En esto sabemos que permanecemos en El y El en nosotros: en que nos ha dado de Su Espíritu.

En esto conocemos que permanecemos en Él, y Él en nosotros, en que nos ha dado de su Espíritu.

En esto conocemos que estamos en él, y él en nosotros, en que nos ha dado de su Espíritu.

en esto conocemos que permanecemos en él, y él en nosotros, en que nos ha dado de su Espíritu.

1 João 4:13
Temos certeza de que permanecemos nele, e Ele em nós, porque Ele nos outorgou do seu Espírito.

Nisto conhecemos que permanecemos nele, e ele em nós: por ele nos ter dado do seu Espírito.   

1 Ioan 4:13
Cunoaştem că rămînem în El şi că El rămîne în noi prin faptul că ne -a dat din Duhul Său.

1-e Иоанна 4:13
Что мы пребываем в Нем и Он в нас, узнаем из того, что Он дал нам от Духа Своего.

Что мы пребываем в Нем и Он в нас, узнаём из того, что Он дал нам от Духа Своего.

1 John 4:13
Yus ni Wakanin suramsa asakrin Yus iijiai tsanin wekaana nusha tura ii Niijiai tsaninkia wekaajnia nusha, nujai nΘkaji.

1 Johannesbrevet 4:13
Därav att han har givit oss av sin Ande veta vi att vi förbliva i honom, och att han förbliver i oss.

1 Yohana 4:13
Tunajua kwamba tunaishi katika umoja na Mungu, naye Mungu anaishi katika umoja nasi, kwani yeye ametupa Roho wake.

1 Juan 4:13
Dito'y nakikilala natin na tayo'y nangananahan sa kaniya at siya'y sa atin, sapagka't binigyan niya tayo ng kaniyang Espiritu.

1 ยอห์น 4:13
ดังนี้แหละเราทั้งหลายจึงรู้ว่า เราอยู่ในพระองค์และพระองค์ทรงสถิตอยู่ในเรา เพราะพระองค์ได้ทรงโปรดประทานพระวิญญาณของพระองค์แก่เรา

1 Yuhanna 4:13
Tanrıda yaşadığımızı ve Onun bizde yaşadığını bize kendi Ruhundan vermiş olmasından anlıyoruz.

1 Йоаново 4:13
По сьому пізнаємо, що в Ньому пробуваєм, а Він у нас, що від, Духа свого дав нам.

1 John 4:13
Toi-mi pompetonoi-na bona ta'inca katida-ta hintuwu' hante Alata'ala, pai' Alata'ala hante kita': apa' nawai' -tamo Inoha' -na to moroli'.

1 Giaêng 4:13
Bởi điều nầy chúng ta biết mình ở trong Ngài và Ngài ở trong chúng ta, là Ngài đã ban Thánh Linh Ngài cho chúng ta.

1 John 4:12
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