1 Chronicles 29:29
1 Chronicles 29:29
As for the events of King David's reign, from beginning to end, they are written in the records of Samuel the seer, the records of Nathan the prophet and the records of Gad the seer,

All the events of King David's reign, from beginning to end, are written in The Record of Samuel Seer, The Record of Nathan the Prophet, and The Record of Gad the Seer.

Now the acts of King David, from first to last, are written in the Chronicles of Samuel the seer, and in the Chronicles of Nathan the prophet, and in the Chronicles of Gad the seer,

Now the acts of King David, from first to last, are written in the chronicles of Samuel the seer, in the chronicles of Nathan the prophet and in the chronicles of Gad the seer,

Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer,

As for the events of King David's reign, from beginning to end, note that they are written in the Events of Samuel the Seer, the Events of Nathan the Prophet, and the Events of Gad the Seer,

The activities of David the king are recorded in the History of Samuel the Seer, in the History of Nathan the Prophet, and in the History of Gad the Seer,

King David's accomplishments, from start to finish, are recorded in the Annals of Samuel the prophet, the Annals of Nathan the prophet, and the Annals of Gad the prophet.

Everything about King David from first to last is written in the records of the seer Samuel, the prophet Nathan, and the seer Gad.

Now the acts of David, the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel, the seer, and in the book of Nathan, the prophet, and in the book of Gad, the seer,

Now the acts of David the king, from first to last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer,

Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer,

Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the history of Samuel the seer, and in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the history of Gad the seer,

Now the acts of king David first and last are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer:

And the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer;

Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the history of Samuel the seer, and in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the history of Gad the seer;

Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer,

Now the acts of David the king, first and last, behold, they are written in the history of Samuel the seer, and in the history of Nathan the prophet, and in the history of Gad the seer,

And the matters of David the king, the first and the last, lo, they are written beside the matters of Samuel the seer, and beside the matters of Nathan the prophet, and beside the matters of Gad the seer,

1 i Kronikave 29:29
Trimëritë e mbretit David, si të parat ashtu dhe të fundit, janë shkruar në librin e shikuesit Samuel, në librin e profetit Nathan dhe në librin e shikuesit Gad,

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻷ 29:29
وأمور داود الملك الاولى والاخيرة هي مكتوبة في اخبار صموئيل الرائي واخبار ناثان النبي واخبار جاد الرائي

Dyr Lauft A 29:29
De früehe und spaeterne Getaat von n Künig Dafet ist aufzaichnet in dyr Gschrift von n Seher Sämyheel, dyr Gschicht von n Weissagn Nant und n Buech von n Seher Gäd.

1 Летописи 29:29
А делата на цар Давида, първите и последните, ето, написани са в Книгата на гледача Самуил, и в Книгата на пророка Натан, и в Книгата на гледача Гад,

歷 代 志 上 29:29
大 衛 王 始 終 的 事 都 寫 在 先 見 撒 母 耳 的 書 上 和 先 知 拿 單 並 先 見 迦 得 的 書 上 。

大 卫 王 始 终 的 事 都 写 在 先 见 撒 母 耳 的 书 上 和 先 知 拿 单 并 先 见 迦 得 的 书 上 。



1 Chronicles 29:29
Djela kralja Davida, od prvog do posljednjeg, zapisana su u povijesti vidioca Samuela, u povijesti proroka Natana i u povijesti vidioca Gada,

První Paralipomenon 29:29
Činové pak Davida krále první i poslední popsáni jsou v knize Samuele proroka, a v knize Nátana proroka, též v knize Gáda proroka,

Første Krønikebog 29:29
Kong Davids Historie fra først til sidst staar optegnet i Seeren Samuels Krønike, Profeten Natans Krønike og Seeren Gads Krønike

1 Kronieken 29:29
De geschiedenissen nu van den koning David, de eerste en de laatste, ziet, die zijn geschreven in de geschiedenissen van Samuel, den ziener, en in de geschiedenissen van den profeet Nathan, en in de geschiedenissen van Gad, den ziener;

דברי הימים א 29:29
וְדִבְרֵי֙ דָּוִ֣יד הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ הָרִאשֹׁנִ֖ים וְהָאֲחרֹנִ֑ים הִנָּ֣ם כְּתוּבִ֗ים עַל־דִּבְרֵי֙ שְׁמוּאֵ֣ל הָרֹאֶ֔ה וְעַל־דִּבְרֵי֙ נָתָ֣ן הַנָּבִ֔יא וְעַל־דִּבְרֵ֖י גָּ֥ד הַחֹזֶֽה׃

כט ודברי דויד המלך הראשנים והאחרנים--הנם כתובים על דברי שמואל הראה ועל דברי נתן הנביא ועל דברי גד החזה

ודברי דויד המלך הראשנים והאחרנים הנם כתובים על־דברי שמואל הראה ועל־דברי נתן הנביא ועל־דברי גד החזה׃

1 Krónika 29:29
Dávid királynak pedig úgy elsõ, mint utolsó dolgai, ímé megirattak a Sámuel próféta könyvében és a Nátán próféta könyvében és a Gád próféta könyvében;

Kroniko 1 29:29
La historio de la regxo David, la antauxa kaj la posta, estas priskribita en la kroniko de la antauxvidisto Samuel, en la kroniko de la profeto Natan, kaj en la kroniko de la viziisto Gad;

Mutta kuningas Davidin teot ensimäiset ja viimeiset, katso, ne ovat kirjoitetut näkiän Samuelin teoissa, ja prophetan Natanin teoissa, ja näkiän Gadin teoissa,

1 Chroniques 29:29
Et les actes du roi David, les premiers et les derniers, voici, ils sont écrits dans le livre de Samuel, le voyant, et dans le livre de Nathan, le prophète, et dans le livre de Gad, le voyant,

Les actions du roi David, les premières et les dernières, sont écrites dans le livre de Samuel le voyant, dans le livre de Nathan, le prophète, et dans le livre de Gad, le prophète,

Or quant aux faits du Roi David, tant les premiers que les derniers, voilà, ils sont écrits au Livre de Samuël le Voyant, et aux Livres de Nathan le Prophète, et aux Livres de Gad le Voyant,

1 Chronik 29:29
Die Geschichten aber des Königs David, beide die ersten und letzten, siehe, die sind geschrieben unter den Geschichten Samuels, des Sehers, und unter den Geschichten des Propheten Nathan und unter den Geschichten Gads, des Schauers,

Die Geschichten aber des Königs David, beide, die ersten und die letzten, siehe, die sind geschrieben in den Geschichten Samuels, des Sehers, und in den Geschichten des Propheten Nathan und in den Geschichten Gads, des Sehers,

Die Geschichte des Königs David, die frühere wie die spätere, findet sich aufgezeichnet in der Geschichte Samuels, des Sehers, sowie in der Geschichte des Propheten Nathan und in der Geschichte Gads, des Schauers,

1 Cronache 29:29
le prime e le ultime, sono scritte nel libro di Samuele, il veggente, nel libro di Nathan, il profeta, e nel libro di Gad, il veggente,

Ora, quant’è a’ fatti del re Davide, primi ed ultimi; ecco, sono scritti nel libro di Samuele veggente, e nel libro del profeta Natan, e nel libro di Gad veggente;

1 TAWARIKH 29:29
Adapun segala kisah baginda raja Daud, yang dahulu dan yang kemudian, ia itu tersebutlah di dalam kisah Semuel, penilik itu, dan di dalam kisah nabi Natan dan di dalam kisah Gad, penilik itu,

역대상 29:29
다윗 왕의 시종 행적이 선견자 사무엘의 글과 선지자 나단의 글과 선견자 갓의 글에 다 기록되고

I Paralipomenon 29:29
gesta autem David regis priora et novissima scripta sunt in libro Samuhel videntis et in libro Nathan prophetae atque in volumine Gad videntis

Pirmoji Kronikø knyga 29:29
Karaliaus Dovydo darbai nuo pradžios iki galo yra užrašyti regėtojo Samuelio, pranašo Natano ir regėtojo Gado knygose.

1 Chronicles 29:29
Na, ko nga mahi a Kingi Rawiri, o mua, o muri, nana, kua oti te tuhituhi ki nga kupu a Hamuera matakite, ki nga kupu ano a Natana poropiti, ki nga kupu ano hoki a Kara matakite,

1 Krønikebok 29:29
Hvad som er å fortelle om kong David, både i hans første og i hans senere dager, det er opskrevet i seeren Samuels krønike og i profeten Natans krønike og i seeren Gads krønike;

1 Crónicas 29:29
Los hechos del rey David, desde el primero hasta el último, están escritos en las crónicas del vidente Samuel, en las crónicas del profeta Natán y en las crónicas del vidente Gad,

Los hechos del rey David, desde el primero hasta el último, están escritos en las crónicas del vidente Samuel, en las crónicas del profeta Natán y en las crónicas del vidente Gad,

Y los hechos del rey David, primeros y postreros, están escritos en el libro de las crónicas de Samuel vidente, y en las crónicas del profeta Natán, y en las crónicas de Gad vidente,

Y los hechos del rey David, primeros y postreros, están escritos en el libro de las crónicas de Samuel vidente, y en las crónicas del profeta Nathán, y en las crónicas de Gad vidente,

Y los hechos del rey David, primeros y postreros, están escritos en el libro de las crónicas de Samuel vidente, y en las crónicas del profeta Natán, y en las crónicas de Gad vidente,

1 Crônicas 29:29
Os atos do rei Davi, desde os primeiros até os derradeiros, estão todos registrados por escrito nas crônicas do profeta Samuel, o vidente, nas crônicas do profeta Natã e nas crônicas de Gade, o vidente,

Ora, os atos do rei Davi, desde os primeiros até os últimos, estão escritos nas crônicas de Samuel, o vidente, e nas crônicas do profeta Natã, e nas crônicas de Gade, o vidente,   

1 Cronici 29:29
Faptele împăratului David, cele dintîi şi cele depe urmă, sînt scrise în cartea lui Samuel văzătorul, şi în cartea proorocului Natan şi în cartea proorocului Gad,

1-я Паралипоменон 29:29
Дела царя Давида, первые и последние, описаны в записях Самуила провидца и в записях Нафана пророка и в записях Гада прозорливца,

Дела царя Давида, первые и последние, описаны в записях Самуила провидца и в записях Нафана пророка и в записях Гада прозорливца,[]

Krönikeboken 29:29
Och vad som är att säga om konung David, om hans första tid såväl som om hans sista, det finnes upptecknat i siaren Samuels krönika, i profeten Natans krönika och i siaren Gads krönika,

1 Chronicles 29:29
Ang mga gawa nga ni David na hari, na una at huli, narito, nangasusulat sa kasaysayan ni Samuel na tagakita, at sa kasaysayan ni Nathan na propeta, at sa kasaysayan ni Gad na tagakita;

1 พงศาวดาร 29:29
ส่วนพระราชกิจของกษัตริย์ดาวิด ตั้งแต่ต้นจนที่สุด ดูเถิด ได้บันทึกไว้ในหนังสือของซามูเอลผู้ทำนาย และในหนังสือของนาธันผู้พยากรณ์ และในหนังสือของกาดผู้ทำนาย

1 Tarihler 29:29
Kral Davutun krallığı dönemindeki öteki olaylar, başından sonuna dek Bilici Samuelin, Peygamber Natanın, Bilici Gadın tarihinde yazılıdır.[]

1 Söû-kyù 29:29
Các công việc của vua Ða-vít, từ đầu đến cuối, đều chép trong sách của Sa-mu-ên, đấng tiên kiến, trong sách của Na-than, đấng tiên tri, và trong sách của Gát, đấng tiên kiến;

1 Chronicles 29:28
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