Apostolic Bible Polyglot | | STU ▾ |
Forget Not Your Servants, O LORD |
4907 συνέσεως A psalm of contemplation |
683 απώσω did you thrust us away |
3710 ωργίσθη Why [2provoked to anger |
74:2 3403 74:2 μνήσθητι 74:2 Remember |
2681 κατεσκήνωσας you encamped |
74:3 1869 74:3 έπαρον 74:3 Lift up |
4188.2 επονηρεύσατο [3did wickedly |
74:4 2532 74:4 και 74:4 And |
3404 μισούντές 2ones detesting |
74:5 2532 74:5 και 74:5 And |
1581 εξέκοψαν 1they cut down], |
74:7 1716.1 74:7 ενεπύρισαν 74:7 They set |
953 εβεβήλωσαν They profaned |
74:8 2036 74:8 είπαν 74:8 [3said |
2664 καταπαύσωμεν let us cause to cease |
74:10 2193 74:10 έως 74:10 For |
3679 ονειδιεί shall [3berate |
74:11 2444 74:11 ινατί 74:11 Why |
654 αποστρέφεις did you turn away |
74:13 1473 74:13 συ 74:13 You |
2901 εκραταίωσας held [3in check |
74:14 1473 74:14 συ 74:14 You |
74:15 1473 74:15 συ 74:15 You |
5493 χειμάρρους rushing streams. |
74:16 4674 74:16 ση 74:16 Yours |
74:17 1473 74:17 συ 74:17 You |
74:18 3403 74:18 μνήσθητι 74:18 Remember |
74:19 3361 74:19 μη 74:19 You should not |
1843 εξομολογουμένην 2making acknowledgment |
74:20 1914 74:20 επίβλεψον 74:20 Look |
4654 εσκοτισμένοι 2being darkened] |
458 ανομιών of lawless deeds. |
74:21 3361 74:21 μη 74:21 Let not |
654 αποστραφήτω [2be turned away |
5013 τεταπεινωμένος 1 the one being humbled] |
2617 κατησχυμμένος being disgraced! |
74:22 450 74:22 ανάστα 74:22 Rise up, |
74:23 3361 74:23 μη 74:23 You should not |
3404 μισούντων ones detesting |
1275 διαπαντός continually. |
Copyright 1996 by Charles Van der Pool. Download PDFs or purchase the printed edition at ApostolicBible.com.