Priest: Figurative
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Strong's Hebrew
7218. rosh -- head
... to shake; the head (as most easily shaken), whether literal or figurative (in many ...
first, forefront, ((be-))head, height, (on) high(-est part, (priest)), X lead ...
/hebrew/7218.htm - 6k

Whether it is Fitting that Christ Should be a Priest?
... Christ, He did not wish to be born of the stock of the figurative priests, that ...
Wherefore, as to others, one is a lawgiver, another is a priest, another is a ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether it is fitting that 3.htm

Of those Things which a Man of God Spake by the Spirit to Eli the ...
... is to be understood entirely of the house itself, not of the priest, who is ... such
things are said of that ineffable nature not in proper but in figurative words ...
/.../augustine/city of god/chapter 5 of those things which.htm

Another Foolish Erasure of Marcion's Exposed Certain Figurative ...
... Chapter XVIII."Another Foolish Erasure of Marcion's Exposed Certain Figurative
Expressions of the ... from drink was given also to the high priest Aaron and his ...
/.../the five books against marcion/chapter xviii another foolish erasure of.htm

The Figurative Language of Scripture.
... to a word or sentence turned from its literal signification to a figurative sense. ...
Ritual symbols, like the ark of the covenant, the high-priest's dress, the ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxxv the figurative language.htm

The Death of John and Philip.
... The words are either to be taken in a purely figurative sense, as meaning that John
bore the character of a priest,--ie the high priest of Christ as his most ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xxxi the death of john.htm

What those who were to be Initiated Promised on Entering the ...
... You spoke in the presence of the angels, as it is written: "For the priest's lips
keep knowledge, and they seek ... 2832] "Holy of holies," a figurative name given ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter ii what those who.htm

The Right of Entry
... a vision of judgment which he saw, in which the high priest, as representative ... And
so the promise of my text, in highly figurative fashion, is that of free and ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture a/the right of entry.htm

Acts IV
... The "kindred of the high priest" embraced not only the chief members of his ... And,
leaving the figurative language of David, he more fully declares, that there ...
/.../mcgarvey/a commentary on acts of the apostles/acts iv.htm

Whether a Suitable Cause Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies which ...
... Hence the Apostle says (Heb.10:11) that the priest of the Old Law ... from that which
the figure represents, therefore the reasons of the figurative sacrifices of ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether a suitable cause can.htm

Whether Sufficient Reason Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies ...
... But regard to the figurative reason, the outward tabernacle, which was called the ...
Christ brought us; and this was signified by the high-priest entering alone ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether sufficient reason can be.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Exodus 19:6
And you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.
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Isaiah 61:6
But you shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall call you the Ministers of our God: you shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall you boast yourselves.
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1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;
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Revelation 1:6
And has made us kings and priests to God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
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Revelation 5:10
And have made us to our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
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Revelation 20:6
Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Nave's Topical Index



Priest: (The Function he Served Was Superior to That of Other Priests): Judicial

Priest: (The Function he Served Was Superior to That of Other Priests): On the Day of Atonement

Priest: (The Function he Served Was Superior to That of Other Priests): Respect Due To

Priest: (The Function he Served Was Superior to That of Other Priests): To Burn Incense

Priest: (The Function he Served Was Superior to That of Other Priests): To Count the People

Priest: (The Function he Served Was Superior to That of Other Priests): To offer Sacrifices

Priest: (The Function he Served Was Superior to That of Other Priests): Vestments of

Priest: A Second Priest, Under the High Priest

Priest: Before Moses: Called "Angel"

Priest: Before Moses: Jethro

Priest: Before Moses: Melchizedek

Priest: Before Moses: Priests in Israel Before the Giving of the Law

Priest: Benefits of Fines

Priest: Benefits of Firstfruits

Priest: Benefits of for the Sustenance of Their Families

Priest: Benefits of No Part of the Land of Canaan Allowed To

Priest: Benefits of of the Firstborn

Priest: Benefits of own Lands Sanctified to the Lord

Priest: Benefits of Part of the Plunder of War, Including Captives

Priest: Benefits of Portion of Land Allotted To, in Redistribution in Ezekiel's Vision

Priest: Benefits of Portions of Sacrifices and offerings

Priest: Benefits of Provided With Cities and Suburbs

Priest: Benefits of Redemption Money

Priest: Benefits of Regulations by Hezekiah Concerning Benefits to the Priests

Priest: Benefits of The Shewbread

Priest: Benefits of Things Devoted

Priest: Benefits of Tithes of the Tithes

Priest: Benefits of Trespass Money and Other Trepass offerings

Priest: Distribute the Plunder of War

Priest: Duties of be Present at and Supervise the Tithing

Priest: Duties of Chiefs of Levites

Priest: Duties of in Battle

Priest: Duties of Keep the Sacred Fire Always Burning

Priest: Duties of Light the Lamps in the Tabernacle

Priest: Duties of Officiate in the Holy Place

Priest: Duties of Pronounce Benedictions

Priest: Duties of Purify the Unclean

Priest: Duties of Responsible for the Sanctuary

Priest: Duties of Sound the Trumpet in Summoning Assemblies and in Battle

Priest: Duties of Teach the Law

Priest: Duties of Through the Jordan River

Priest: Duties of To Act As Magistrates

Priest: Duties of To Act As Scribes

Priest: Duties of To Encourage the Army on the Eve of Battle

Priest: Duties of To Furnish a Quota of Wood for the Sanctuary

Priest: Duties of To offer Sacrifices

Priest: Duties of To offer the Firstfruits

Priest: Duties of Valuate Things Devoted

Priest: Figurative

Priest: had Charge of the Sanctuary and Altar

Priest: Incite the People to Ask That Barabbas be Released and Jesus be Destroyed

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning of the Captivity

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Conspire to Destroy Jesus

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Corrupt

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Eli's Sons

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Inquire of John the Baptist to See If he Might be the Messiah

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Loyal to Rehoboam at the Time of the Revolt of the Ten Tribes

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Paul Brought Before

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Persecute the Disciples

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Polluted by Marrying Idolatrous Wives

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Priestly office Performed by Prophets

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Put on Trial and Condemn Jesus

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Put on Trial, Condemn, and Stone Stephen

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Reprove and Threaten Peter and John

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Restore the Altar, and offer Sacrifices

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Return from the Captivity

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Supervise the Building of the New Temple

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Taken With the Captivity to Babylon

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Wickedness of

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Zeal of, in Purging the Temple

Priest: Miscellaneous Facts Concerning: Zealous

Priest: Officiate at the Choice of a Ruler

Priest: The Time of Moses

Priest: The Time of Moses is Holy

Priest: The Time of Moses: Ablutions of

Priest: The Time of Moses: Armed and Organized for War at the Time of the Disaffection Toward Saul

Priest: The Time of Moses: Atonement For

Priest: The Time of Moses: Beard and Hair of

Priest: The Time of Moses: Chambers For, in the Temple Area

Priest: The Time of Moses: Chosen by Lot

Priest: The Time of Moses: Consecration of

Priest: The Time of Moses: Defilement and Purification of

Priest: The Time of Moses: Don Vestments in the Temple Area

Priest: The Time of Moses: Exempt from Tax

Priest: The Time of Moses: Hereditary, Descent of office

Priest: The Time of Moses: Marriage of

Priest: The Time of Moses: Must be Without Blemish

Priest: The Time of Moses: Priests Who Were not from the Sons of Levi Were Appointed by Jeroboam

Priest: The Time of Moses: Twenty-Four Divisions (Shifts) of

Priest: The Time of Moses: Usurpations of office of

Priest: The Time of Moses: Vestments of

Priest: The Title Appears After the Institution of the office

Priest: To Designate Subordinate Priests for Duty

Priest: To Have Charge of the Treasury

Priest: To Light the Lamps of the Tabernacle

Priest: To offer for his own Sins of Ignorance

Priest: To officiate in Consecrations of Levites

Priest: To Place Shewbread on the Table Every Sabbath

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