Oppression: Prayers Against
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Saul's Expedition against the Nation of the Ammonites and victory ...
... You have been guilty of great impiety against God, in ... the Egyptians brought into
slavery and hard oppression; that God himself, upon the prayers of our ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/chapter 5 sauls expedition against.htm

Twenty Second Sunday after Trinity Paul's Thanks and Prayers for ...
... PAUL'S THANKS AND PRAYERS FOR CHURCHES. ... Church somewhere a shelter of defense against
the murderous ... cries to heaven, unable longer to tolerate its oppression. ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/twenty second sunday after trinity.htm

Letter Lxi (AD 1138) to Louis the Younger, King of the French.
... united voice of clergy and people, by the oppression of the afflicted, and by the
prayers of all ... are now devoted to you will be turned against you (which ...
/.../some letters of saint bernard abbot of clairvaux/letter lxi a d 1138 to.htm

Meditations against Despair, or Doubting of God's Mercy.
... or whatsoever by robbery or violent oppression thou tookest ... be merciful unto thee,
to hear the prayers of his ... Lord to send out his sentence against them, yet ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/meditations against despair or doubting.htm

All Saints' Day, or St Ursula's Day
... for sin arise from such prayers; then contempt ... up to suffer pain, mortification,
oppression, contradiction and ... while he endeavours to guard against all judging ...
//christianbookshelf.org/tauler/the inner way/sermon xxvii all saints day.htm

Lessons for Worship and for Work
... fear thou God.8. If thou seest the oppression of the ... to the rash words of voluble
prayers in that ... surrender and devotion, which will protect against such empty ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/lessons for worship and for.htm

The Reaction against Egypt
... cattle, all the necessary material to make prayers to Ra ... and intrigue in an underhand
way against them to ... wished to be free from foreign oppression"such as ...
/.../chapter iithe reaction against egypt.htm

An Analysis of Augustin's Writings against the Donatists.
... persecution, whether it be done for oppression or for ... Donatist use of the civil
authority against the Maximianists ... of dispute, but invokes their prayers in its ...
/.../chapter ii name analysis of.htm

Habakkuk-On his Watch-Tower
... he who ran to take up arms against the oppressor ... by God's full answers to his prayers
and expectations ... thus it is that, whatever our oppression and persecution ...
/.../whyte/lord teach us to pray/ix habakkuk-on his watch-tower.htm

The Glorious Gospel
... him as he groans under the yoke of oppression; he is ... I have sinned against light
and against knowledge ... I have trampled on a mother's prayers; I have despised a ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 4 1858/the glorious gospel.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Psalm 17:9
From the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about.
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Psalm 44:24
Why hide you your face, and forget our affliction and our oppression?
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Psalm 119:121,134
I have done judgment and justice: leave me not to my oppressors.
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Isaiah 38:14
Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter: I did mourn as a dove: my eyes fail with looking upward: O LORD, I am oppressed; undertake for me.
Nave's Topical Index



Oppression of Hagar, by Sarah

Oppression of Israelites, by Egyptians

Oppression: God is a Refuge From

Oppression: God Will Judge

Oppression: God's Help Promised Against

Oppression: National, God Judges

Oppression: National, Relieved

Oppression: Prayers Against

Oppression: Rehoboam Resolves to Oppress the Israelites

Oppression: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

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