Cherubim: Figures of, Embroidered: On the Walls of the Tabernacle
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The Bible
... The beautiful veil of fine linen embroidered with figures of the cherubim in blue,
purple and scarlet color is (according to a direct Scripture) the ...
/.../ christianity and the bible/the bible.htm

part ii
... For where can there be ardent prayer if not within thy walls, before the ... He should
be like the many-eyed cherubim"all eyes, all intellect, and incessant ...
// life in christ/part ii.htm

Nave's Topical Index
Exodus 26:1
Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubim of cunning work shall you make them.
Nave's Topical Index

Exodus 36:8
And every wise hearted man among them that worked the work of the tabernacle made ten curtains of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubim of cunning work made he them.
Nave's Topical Index



Cherubim Cherub

Cherubim in Ezekiel's Vision of the Temple

Cherubim in the Tabernacle

Cherubim in the Temple

Cherubim of Gold: Formed out of, and at Each End of the Mercy Seat

Cherubim of Gold: God's Presence Manifested Between

Cherubim of Gold: Placed Over the Ark of the Covenant

Cherubim of Gold: The Oracles or Answers of God Delivered from Between

Cherubim: Animated by the Spirit of God

Cherubim: Called the Cherubim of Glory

Cherubim: Eastward of the Garden of Eden

Cherubim: Engaged in Accomplishing the Purposes of God

Cherubim: Figurative

Cherubim: Figures of On the Curtain

Cherubim: Figures of On the Lavers

Cherubim: Figures of On the Walls

Cherubim: Figures of, Embroidered: And on the Curtain

Cherubim: Figures of, Embroidered: On the Walls of the Tabernacle

Cherubim: Form and Appearance of

Cherubim: Placed at the Entrance of Eden

Cherubim: Representations of, Made on The: Bases of Brazen Lavers

Cherubim: Representations of, Made on The: Curtains of the Tabernacle

Cherubim: Representations of, Made on The: Doors of the Temple

Cherubim: Representations of, Made on The: Vail of the Tabernacle

Cherubim: Representations of, Made on The: Vail of the Temple

Cherubim: Representations of, Made on The: Walls of the Temple

Cherubim: Riding On, Illustrative of Majesty and Power of God

Cherubim: Sound of Their Wings Was As the Voice of God

Cherubim: Symbolical

Cherubim: The Ark of the Covenant Rested Beneath the Wings of

Cherubim: The Glory of God Exhibited Upon

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