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Strong's Hebrew
5579. senappir -- a fin
... a fin. Transliteration: senappir Phonetic Spelling: (sen-ap-peer') Short Definition:
fins. ... fins. Of uncertain derivation; a fin (collectively) -- fins. ...
/hebrew/5579.htm - 5k

Derivative Doctrines. Grace and the Means of Grace; the Christian ...
... will (cf. Orat. i.37 fin., iii.25 sub fin.). The divine predestination relates
(for anything that Ath. says ... value (Orat. ii.42, fin.). The ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/section 6 derivative doctrines grace.htm

Conduct of the Arians Towards the Nicene Council. Ignorant as Well ...
... the whole of it. He says that the attempt is "no mark of a peace-maker but a rebel."
Ep. 164. cl fin. vid. also Epp. ... Eunom. ii. 27. fin. christomachon. Ep. ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/chapter ii conduct of the arians.htm

... Moreover, he makes mention of the prevalence of superstitions, Gentile and Jewish,
among the people whom he was addressing, in Homily VI., fin., p.166, Homily ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on gal eph phi col thess tim titus and philemon/preface.htm

Introduction to the Treatise
... of heathen religions, its antiquated physics (36, 44, and the phusikos logos of
39), its occasional glaring fallacies of argument (16 sub fin., 33.1), is apt ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/introduction to the treatise.htm

De Decretis or Defence of the Nicene Definition
... Thus, just below, n. 3. "Denying the Word" or Reason "of God, reason have they none."
Also Orat. i. 35. fin. 40. init. 62. Orat. ii. ... Thus contr. Gent. 29. fin. ...
/.../athanasius/select works and letters or athanasius/de decretis or defence of.htm

Four Discourses against the Arians.
... 5. [1824] Vid. infr. 4 fin. That heresies before the Arian appealed to Scripture
we learn from Tertullian, de Præscr. ... i. 52. vid. also Epiph. Hær. 76. 5 fin. ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/four discourses against the arians.htm

Subject Continued. Objection, that the Son's Eternity Makes Him ...
... 22, note 9. [1919] Infr. 26 fin., and de Decr. 12, note 2. [1920] Vid. supr. note
4. A similar passage is found in Cyril. Thesaur. vp 42, Dial. ii. fin. ...
/.../chapter v subject continued objection that.htm

Fundamental Ideas of Man and his Redemption.
... iii.10 fin.; the question of the teaching of Athan. ... iii.33) by virtue of the charis
tes kleseos involved in to kat' eikona' (see ib.10, fin.; Orat. ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/section 2 fundamental ideas of.htm

The Historia Acephala.
... Beyond this (except the insertion of the consuls for 372, Sec. 17 ad fin.)
the present editor has not ventured [3767] to go. ... sub fin. ...
/.../athanasius/select works and letters or athanasius/a the historia acephala.htm

Council of Nicæa.
... Ancor. 119 fin., who thereupon proceeds to give at length the [so-called]
Constantinopolitan Creed. And so Athan. ... also a remarkable passage in de Synod. 6 ...
/.../athanasius/select works and letters or athanasius/council of nicaea.htm

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (v. t.) To carve or cut up, as a chub.

2. (n.) End; conclusion; object.

3. (n.) An organ of a fish, consisting of a membrane supported by rays, or little bony or cartilaginous ossicles, and serving to balance and propel it in the water.

4. (n.) A membranous, finlike, swimming organ, as in pteropod and heteropod mollusks.

5. (n.) A finlike organ or attachment; a part of an object or product which protrudes like a fin

6. (n.) The hand.

7. (n.) A blade of whalebone.

8. (n.) A mark or ridge left on a casting at the junction of the parts of a mold.

9. (n.) The thin sheet of metal squeezed out between the collars of the rolls in the process of rolling.

10. (n.) A feather; a spline.

11. (n.) A finlike appendage, as to submarine boats.

... 5. (n.) A finlike organ or attachment; a part of an object or product which protrudes
like a fin. 6. (n.) The hand. 7. (n.) A blade of whalebone. ...FIN. See FISH. ...
/f/fin.htm - 7k

Fining (2 Occurrences)
... 1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fine. 2. (n.) The act of imposing a fin/. ... FINER; FINING.
fin'-er, fin'-ing (Proverbs 25:4 the King James Version). See REFINER. ...
/f/fining.htm - 7k

Phinehas (24 Occurrences)
... HOPHNI AND PHINEHAS. hof'-ni, fin'-e-as, -az (chophni, "pugilist" (?), pinechac,
probably "face of brass"): Sons of Eli, priests of the sanctuary at Shiloh. ...
/p/phinehas.htm - 20k

... in'-fin-it, in-fin'-i-tud: 1. Scripture Use: The word "infinite" occurs 3 times
only in the text of the King James Version (Job 22:5 Psalm 147:5 Nahum 3:9) and ...
/i/infinitude.htm - 12k

Infinite (8 Occurrences)
... in'-fin-it, in-fin'-i-tud: 1. Scripture Use: The word "infinite" occurs 3 times
only in the text of the King James Version (Job 22:5 Psalm 147:5 Nahum 3:9) and ...
/i/infinite.htm - 15k

Finer (1 Occurrence)
... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. FINER; FINING. fin'-er, fin'-ing (Proverbs
25:4 the King James Version). See REFINER. Multi-Version Concordance ...
/f/finer.htm - 7k

Finger (35 Occurrences)
...fin'-ger (Hebrew and Aramaic 'etsba`; daktulos): The fingers are to the Oriental
essential in conversation; their language is frequently very eloquent and ...
/f/finger.htm - 22k

Refining (8 Occurrences)
... re-fin'-er, re-fin'-ing: Two Hebrew words have been translated "refine": (1) tsaraph,
literally, to "fuse" (Zechariah 13:9 Isaiah 48:10 Malachi 3:2, 3, etc.). ...
/r/refining.htm - 12k

Refiner (10 Occurrences)
... re-fin'-er, re-fin'-ing: Two Hebrew words have been translated "refine": (1) tsaraph,
literally, to "fuse" (Zechariah 13:9 Isaiah 48:10 Malachi 3:2, 3, etc.). ...
/r/refiner.htm - 13k

Final (16 Occurrences)

/f/final.htm - 11k



Related Terms

Fining (2 Occurrences)

Phinehas (24 Occurrences)


Infinite (8 Occurrences)

Finer (1 Occurrence)

Finger (35 Occurrences)

Refining (8 Occurrences)

Refiner (10 Occurrences)

Final (16 Occurrences)

Filthy (22 Occurrences)

Finisher (1 Occurrence)

Fine (184 Occurrences)

Finish (35 Occurrences)

Rib (5 Occurrences)




Affinity (4 Occurrences)

Sting (5 Occurrences)

Scales (33 Occurrences)

Baptismal (1 Occurrence)

Hophni (5 Occurrences)

Regeneration (2 Occurrences)

Empire (8 Occurrences)

Roman (26 Occurrences)


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