11From you has gone forth
One who plotted evil against the L
A wicked counselor.
12Thus says the LORD,
“Though they are at full strength and likewise many,
Even so, they will be cut off and pass away.
Though I have afflicted you,
I will afflict you no longer.
13“So now, I will break his yoke bar from upon you,
And I will tear off your shackles.”
14The LORD has issued a command concerning you:
“Your name will no longer be perpetuated.
I will cut off idol and image
From the house of your gods.
I will prepare your grave,
For you are contemptible.”
15Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news,
Who announces peace!
Celebrate your feasts, O Judah;
Pay your vows.
For never again will the wicked one pass through you;
He is cut off completely.
NASB ©1995
Parallel Verses
American Standard VersionThere is one gone forth out of thee, that deviseth evil against Jehovah, that counselleth wickedness.
Douay-Rheims BibleOut of thee shall come forth one that imagineth evil against the Lord, contriving treachery in his mind.
Darby Bible TranslationOut of thee is gone forth one that imagineth evil against Jehovah, a wicked counsellor.
English Revised VersionThere is one gone forth out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, that counselleth wickedness.
Webster's Bible TranslationThere is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, a wicked counselor.
World English BibleThere is one gone forth out of you, who devises evil against Yahweh, who counsels wickedness.
Young's Literal Translation From thee hath come forth a deviser of evil Against Jehovah -- a worthless counsellor.
What are the Clouds?
I. Well, the first remark I make upon this shall be--the way of God is generally a hidden one. This we gather from the text, by regarding the connection, "the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet." When God works his wonders he always conceals himself. Even the motion of his feet causes clouds to arise; and if these; clouds are but the dust of his feet," how deep must be that dense darkness which veils the brow of the Eternal. If the small dust …
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 1: 1855Mercy, Omnipotence, and Justice
Now, this is especially true with regard to certain lights and shadows in the character of God, which he has so marvelously blended in the perfection of his nature: that although we can not see the exact point of meeting, yet (if we have been at all enlightened by the Spirit) we are struck with wonder at the sacred harmony. In reading holy Scripture, you can say of Paul, that he was noted for his zeal--of Peter, that he will ever be memorable for his courage--of John, that he was noted for his lovingness. …
Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 3: 1857
Of Seeking Divine Help, and the Confidence of Obtaining Grace
"My Son, I the Lord am a stronghold in the day of trouble.(1) Come unto Me, when it is not well with thee. "This it is which chiefly hindereth heavenly consolation, that thou too slowly betakest thyself unto prayer. For before thou earnestly seekest unto Me, thou dost first seek after many means of comfort, and refresheth thyself in outward things: so it cometh to pass that all things profit thee but little until thou learn that it is I who deliver those who trust in Me; neither beside Me is there …
Thomas A Kempis—Imitation of Christ
The Poetical Books (Including Also Ecclesiastes and Canticles).
1. The Hebrews reckon but three books as poetical, namely: Job, Psalms, and Proverbs, which are distinguished from the rest by a stricter rhythm--the rhythm not of feet, but of clauses (see below, No. 3)--and a peculiar system of accentuation. It is obvious to every reader that the poetry of the Old Testament, in the usual sense of the word, is not restricted to these three books. But they are called poetical in a special and technical sense. In any natural classification of the books of the …
E. P. Barrows—Companion to the Bible
Whether it is Right that Schismatics Should be Punished with Excommunication?
Objection 1: It would seem that schismatics are not rightly punished with excommunication. For excommunication deprives a man chiefly of a share in the sacraments. But Augustine says (Contra Donat. vi, 5) that "Baptism can be received from a schismatic." Therefore it seems that excommunication is not a fitting punishment for schismatics. Objection 2: Further, it is the duty of Christ's faithful to lead back those who have gone astray, wherefore it is written against certain persons (Ezech. 34:4): …
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica
Whether an Accuser who Fails to Prove his Indictment is Bound to the Punishment of Retaliation?
Objection 1: It would seem that the accuser who fails to prove his indictment is not bound to the punishment of retaliation. For sometimes a man is led by a just error to make an accusation, in which case the judge acquit the accuser, as stated in Decret. II, qu. iii. [*Append. Grat., ad can. Si quem poenituerit.] Therefore the accuser who fails to prove his indictment is not bound to the punishment of retaliation. Objection 2: Further, if the punishment of retaliation ought to be inflicted on one …
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica
Whether the Punishment of Sacrilege Should be Pecuniary?
Objection 1: It would seem that the punishment of sacrilege should not be pecuniary. A pecuniary punishment is not wont to be inflicted for a criminal fault. But sacrilege is a criminal fault, wherefore it is punished by capital sentence according to civil law [*Dig. xlviii, 13; Cod. i, 3, de Episc. et Cleric.]. Therefore sacrilege should not be awarded a pecuniary punishment. Objection 2: Further, the same sin should not receive a double punishment, according to Nahum 1:9, "There shall not rise …
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica
Whether after the Judgment that Takes Place in the Present Time, There Remains yet Another General Judgment?
Objection 1: It would seem that after the Judgment that takes place in the present time, there does not remain another General Judgment. For a judgment serves no purpose after the final allotment of rewards and punishments. But rewards and punishments are allotted in this present time: for our Lord said to the thief on the cross (Lk. 23:43): "This day thou shalt be with Me in paradise": and (Lk. 16:22) it is said that "the rich man died and was buried in hell." Therefore it is useless to look forward …
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica
Whether There Will be a General Judgment?
Objection 1: It would seem that there will not be a general judgment. For according to Nahum 1:9, following the Septuagint version, "God will not judge the same thing a second time." But God judges now of mans' every work, by assigning punishments and rewards to each one after death, and also by rewarding and punishing certain ones in this life for their good or evil deeds. Therefore it would seem that there will be no other judgment. Objection 2: Further, in no judicial inquiry is the sentence carried …
Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica
Necessity of Contemplating the Judgment-Seat of God, in Order to be Seriously Convinced of the Doctrine of Gratuitous Justification.
1. Source of error on the subject of Justification. Sophists speak as if the question were to be discussed before some human tribunal. It relates to the majesty and justice of God. Hence nothing accepted without absolute perfection. Passages confirming this doctrine. If we descend to the righteousness of the Law, the curse immediately appears. 2. Source of hypocritical confidence. Illustrated by a simile. Exhortation. Testimony of Job, David, and Paul. 3. Confession of Augustine and Bernard. 4. Another …
John Calvin—The Institutes of the Christian Religion
The Cause and Cure of Earthquakes
"O come hither, and behold the works of the Lord; what destruction he hath brought upon the earth!" Ps. 46:8. Of all the judgments which the righteous God inflicts on sinners here, the most dreadful and destructive is an earthquake. This he has lately brought on our part of the earth, and thereby alarmed our fears, and bid us "prepare to meet our God!" The shocks which have been felt in divers places, since that which made this city tremble, may convince us that the danger is not over, and ought …
John Wesley—Sermons on Several Occasions
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