Torrey's Topical Textbook
Deuteronomy 14:5The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the chamois.
Torrey's Topical Textbook
The Exile --Continued.
... in immediate connection with his assertion of clean hands ... the rugged cliffs by "the
fountain of the wild goat.". ... in the cave, while the wild beasts, whose haunt ...
// life of david/vii the exilecontinued.htm
Whether a Suitable Cause Can be Assigned for the Ceremonies which ...
... from God the dominion over birds and beasts, so also ... clean food: whereas other animals
are either wild, and not ... geese: and nothing but what is clean should be ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether a suitable cause can.htm
That the Scriptures are Divinely Inspired.
... called the goat-stag, [2779] which cannot possibly exist, but which, as being in
the number of clean beasts, Moses commands ... 2779] Tragelaphus; "wild goat," Auth ...
/.../origen/origen de principiis/chapter i that the scriptures are.htm
Whether There Can be any Suitable Cause for the Sacraments of the ...
... were gathered by "a man that is clean," because the ... the children of Israel: as though
that goat were to ... where it would be devoured by wild beasts, because it ...
/...// theologica/whether there can be any 2.htm
Journey to Evora
... remarkably bony and hale, accompanied by a bare-footed lad, brought the beasts. ... I
passed the night with great comfort in a clean bed, remote ... 'A wild swine on ...
// of george borrow/journey to evora.htm
The Flight into Egypt and St. John the Baptist in the Desert
... of the Nativity till it was beautifully clean." ' She told of ... They were rather wild
people and had been given to ... I saw other evil beasts there with long black ...
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/xvi the flight into egypt.htm
Original Sin
... him in any other; for "who can bring a clean thing out ... than the beasts of the field,
than the wild asss colt. ... they stand on a level with the beasts that perish ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 44 original sin.htm
The History of Saul
... wickedness of his house shall not be made clean with sacrifices ... to a wain and put
in it two wild kine, which ... to the fowls of heaven, and to the beasts of the ...
/.../wells/bible stories and religious classics/the history of saul.htm
Letter cxxv. To Rusticus.
... [3411] Nomad savages and ferocious wild beasts haunt the ... wise man, "I have made my
heart clean?" [3423] The ... Even dumb animals and wild herds follow leaders of ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter cxxv to rusticus.htm
(And Last): Homeward Bound
... harbour, the town having just then a clean bill of ... Panama; and seemed the most foolish
and helpless of beasts. ... she had been handling a 'loose wild beast,' her ...
// last/chapter xvii and last homeward.htm
Beasts by Nature Wild
Beasts: Antichrist
Beasts: Being Four-Footed
Beasts: Capable of Being Tamed
Beasts: Clean used for Food
Beasts: Clean used for Sacrifice
Beasts: Clean: Chamois
Beasts: Clean: Fallow Deer
Beasts: Clean: First Born of, not Redeemed
Beasts: Clean: Goat
Beasts: Clean: Hart
Beasts: Clean: How Distinguished
Beasts: Clean: Ox
Beasts: Clean: Pygarg
Beasts: Clean: Roebuck
Beasts: Clean: Sheep
Beasts: Clean: Wild Goat
Beasts: Clean: Wild Ox
Beasts: Created by God
Beasts: Creation of, Exhibits God's Power
Beasts: Devoid of Immortality
Beasts: Devoid of Speech
Beasts: Devoid of Understanding
Beasts: Differ in Flesh from Birds and Fishes
Beasts: Domestic: Not to be Cruelly Used
Beasts: Domestic: To be Taken Care of
Beasts: Domestic: To Enjoy the Sabbath
Beasts: Early Distinguished Into Clean and Unclean
Beasts: Found in Deserts
Beasts: Found in Fields
Beasts: Found in Forests
Beasts: Found in Mountains
Beasts: Frequently Suffered on Account of the Sins of Men
Beasts: Given to Man for Food After the Flood
Beasts: Habitations of Dens and Caves
Beasts: Habitations of Deserted Cities
Beasts: Habitations of Under Spreading Trees
Beasts: Herb of the Field Given To, for Food
Beasts: History of, Written by Solomon
Beasts: Instinctively Fear Man
Beasts: Kingdoms
Beasts: Lessons of Wisdom to be Learned From
Beasts: Liable to Diseases
Beasts: Made for the Praise and Glory of God
Beasts: Man by Nature No Better Than
Beasts: Many Kinds of, Domestic
Beasts: Many Kinds of, Noisome and Destructive
Beasts: No Likeness of, to be Worshipped
Beasts: Not to be Eaten Alive or With Blood
Beasts: Often Cut off for the Sins of Men
Beasts: Often Used As Instruments of Punishment
Beasts: People of Different Nations
Beasts: Persecutors
Beasts: Possessed of Instinct
Beasts: Power Over, Given to Man
Beasts: Received Their Names from Adam
Beasts: Representations of, Worshipped by the Heathen
Beasts: Subjects of God's Care
Beasts: Supply Clothing to Man
Beasts: That Died Naturally or Were Torn, not to be Eaten
Beasts: The Property of God
Beasts: The Wicked
Beasts: Unclean: Ape
Beasts: Unclean: Ass
Beasts: Unclean: Badger
Beasts: Unclean: Bear
Beasts: Unclean: Behemoth
Beasts: Unclean: Camel
Beasts: Unclean: Caused Uncleanness when Dead
Beasts: Unclean: Coney
Beasts: Unclean: Dog
Beasts: Unclean: Dromedary
Beasts: Unclean: Ferret
Beasts: Unclean: First Born of, Redeemed
Beasts: Unclean: Fox
Beasts: Unclean: Hare
Beasts: Unclean: Horse
Beasts: Unclean: How Distinguished
Beasts: Unclean: Leopard
Beasts: Unclean: Lion
Beasts: Unclean: Mole
Beasts: Unclean: Mouse
Beasts: Unclean: Mule
Beasts: Unclean: Not Eaten
Beasts: Unclean: Not offered in Sacrifice
Beasts: Unclean: Swine
Beasts: Unclean: Weasel
Beasts: Unclean: Wild Ass
Beasts: Unclean: Wild Ox
Beasts: Unclean: Wolf
Beasts: Ungodly Professors
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