Psalm 140
Rescue Me from Evil Men
A Cry for Deliverance from the Wicked

Psalm 140 offers a potent reminder that, amidst a world fraught with evil, our refuge lies in God. His divine justice prevails, protecting the righteous and ensuring the downfall of the wicked. This Psalm encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith and trust in God's deliverance during challenging times.

Section 1: A Plea for Protection (Verses 1-3)

The Psalmist begins by imploring God to protect him from wicked and violent people. He vividly describes the harm they plan with their words like sharpened swords and their poisonous tongues.

Section 2: A Cry for Justice (Verses 4-5)

The Psalmist further calls on God to ensure that the wicked do not succeed in their evil plans. He acknowledges the snares and traps set by these evildoers and petitions God to prevent their triumph.

Section 3: Acknowledging God as the Protector (Verses 6-8)

The Psalmist affirms his faith in God as his protector. He prays that the wicked will face the consequences of their actions and that God will not grant the desires of the wicked, thus preventing them from causing further harm.

Section 4: The Downfall of the Wicked (Verses 9-11)

Here, the Psalmist anticipates the downfall of the wicked. He prays that their malicious words turn against them and they are consumed by the flames and troubles they create for others.

Section 5: God, the Refuge of the Righteous (Verses 12-13)

The Psalmist declares his assurance that God upholds the cause of the needy and the rights of the afflicted. He anticipates that the righteous will dwell in God's presence and receive his favor.

Psalm 140 is a fervent prayer of the Psalmist for deliverance from the wicked and the evil that surrounds him. The Psalmist turns to God in his dire times, recognizing His power to shield the righteous and bring about justice. This Psalm is an embodiment of trust and faith in divine intervention in the face of adversity.

Divine Protection
Prayers for Justice
Consequences of Wickedness
Dependence on God
Faith amidst Adversity
Deliverance from evil
Trust in God
Divine Retribution
The Downfall of the Wicked
The Psalmist (Presumably David)
The wicked
The righteous
There are no specific geographical locations mentioned in Psalm 140.
Bible Study Questions

1. How does the Psalmist describe the wicked in Psalm 140? How do these descriptions relate to situations you have encountered in your life?

2. What attributes of God does the Psalmist highlight in his prayer for deliverance?

3. How does the Psalmist portray the power of words in this Psalm?

4. How does Psalm 140 encourage you to respond to wickedness or adversity in your life?

5. How does this Psalm demonstrate dependence on God?

6. How does the Psalmist envision divine retribution for the wicked? How does this align with your understanding of God's justice?

7. In verse 12, the Psalmist declares his trust in God to maintain the cause of the afflicted. How can this perspective influence our actions towards injustice we see today?

8. What can we learn from the Psalmist's certainty of God's protection?

9. How does the Psalmist's prayer for deliverance inspire you in your personal prayers?

10. How does Psalm 140 challenge you to address the presence of evil in today's society?

11. In what ways does Psalm 140 inspire you to stand up for the rights of the needy and afflicted?

12. How can we apply the Psalmist's trust in God's justice to our daily lives?

13. The Psalmist believes that the righteous will live in God's presence. How does this belief influence his attitude towards adversity?

14. How can we find courage in God as our protector, as portrayed in Psalm 140?

15. In the face of adversity, how can this Psalm guide you in your prayers and actions?

16. What are some practical ways to counteract the wickedness described in this Psalm in our own communities?

17. How does the Psalmist's faith amid adversity inspire you in your spiritual journey?

18. What does Psalm 140 teach us about God's response to the prayers of the afflicted?

19. How can Psalm 140 help us maintain hope during difficult times?

20. In what ways can the promises of God's justice and protection, as seen in Psalm 140, shape our worldview and actions?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Psalm 139
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