3 John 1
Commendations and Warnings
Living in Truth and Love: A Study of 3 John 1

3 John serves as a potent reminder of the importance of love, truth, and hospitality in the Christian faith. It invites us to consider our own conduct, encouraging us to be like Gaius and Demetrius, who displayed love and truth in their actions, and to avoid the arrogance and lack of love shown by Diotrephes.

Verses 1-4: John's Greeting and Praise for Gaius

John begins his letter to Gaius, expressing love in the truth and wishing him good health. He rejoices greatly at hearing about Gaius's faithfulness and how he is living in truth.

Verses 5-8: Commendation of Gaius’s Generosity

John commends Gaius for his hospitality and generosity, especially to traveling teachers and missionaries, asserting that this is a faithful thing to do. He encourages Gaius to continue supporting these workers so they can carry on their mission for the sake of the truth.

Verses 9-10: Condemnation of Diotrephes

John discusses a negative figure, Diotrephes, who has been displaying prideful and harmful behaviors, rejecting the authority of John and refusing to show hospitality to the traveling teachers. John promises to correct him when he comes.

Verses 11-12: Advice to Gaius and Praise for Demetrius

John advises Gaius not to imitate evil, like Diotrephes, but to do good, as God approves such actions. He then shifts focus to Demetrius, who has a good reputation and has been well-spoken of by everyone.

Verses 13-14: Closing Remarks

John ends his brief letter, expressing his intention to speak to Gaius face-to-face, instead of writing more. He closes with a greeting of peace and greetings from his friends.

3 John, the shortest book in the New Testament, is a letter written by the Apostle John. This personal letter revolves around the themes of truth, love, and hospitality, and offers a compelling view of the early Christian community's dynamics, specifically addressing the behaviours of Gaius, Diotrephes, and Demetrius.

Cooperation in Christian ministry
Condemnation of malicious behaviour in church
Commendation of Gaius
Condemnation of Diotrephes
Encouragement to Demetrius
The Apostle John
The local church (specific location not mentioned)
Bible Study Questions

1. How does the Apostle John exemplify the bond between truth and love in his greeting to Gaius?

2. Reflect on the importance of hospitality in 3 John. How can we apply this in our current societal context?

3. What does Gaius’s treatment of the traveling teachers teach us about generosity in service?

4. Discuss the impact of Diotrephes’s behaviour on the early Christian community. What are similar situations in today's churches and how should they be addressed?

5. How does John's approach to addressing the issues caused by Diotrephes reflect his pastoral care?

6. Why do you think John decides to address Diotrephes's behavior in a letter instead of confronting him directly initially?

7. What does 3 John teach us about the balance between maintaining unity and confronting problematic behavior in a Christian community?

8. Explore the concept of "walking in the truth" as discussed in this book.

9. How does Demetrius’s good reputation influence your understanding of living a truthful and loving Christian life?

10. How can you, in your personal life, imitate good and shun evil as John advises Gaius?

11. How does 3 John emphasize the importance of personal contact and communication within a community?

12. What do you learn from 3 John about the nature and characteristics of early Christian communities?

13. In the face of opposition like that from Diotrephes, how should you respond as a believer?

14. Discuss the role of church leaders in fostering an environment of love, truth, and hospitality as presented in 3 John.

15. How can the teachings in 3 John be applied to address current global issues?

16. Based on 3 John, how would you handle a situation where a leader in your church or community is causing division?

17. How can the themes of love, truth, and hospitality be cultivated in your personal relationships and professional spaces?

18. How does the personal and situational nature of 3 John resonate with your own personal faith journey?

19. Drawing from John’s response to Diotrephes, how should modern churches handle cases of ego-driven leadership?

20. Reflecting on 3 John, how would you define 'living in the truth'? How can this be applied in contemporary society?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

2 John 1
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