Trust of Saints Is: Not in Carnal Weapons
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1 Samuel 17:38,39,45
And Saul armed David with his armor, and he put an helmet of brass on his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 44:6
For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

2 Corinthians 10:4
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Satan Considering the Saints
... Put not your trust in anything beneath the stars: remember ... how many saints have been
comforted in their distress by ... May those who have not trusted him be led ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 11 1865/satan considering the saints.htm

Mason -- Messiah's Throne
... sentence of death in themselves, that they may trust in the ... make you meet for the
inheritance of the saints, or it ... in you the hope of glory?" Be not deceived. ...
/.../kleiser/the worlds great sermons volume 3/mason messiahs throne.htm

Third Sunday after Trinity Humility, Trust, Watchfulness ...
... These are experiences through which the saints also pass, and concerning whose severity ...
Trust in him ... But when he found he could not bear it, he again prayed God ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/third sunday after trinity humility.htm

A Discourse
... of the church, though none of them are carnal, be so ... None ever showed higher saints
than were they in the church ... in their hands, for they loved them not to the ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/a discourse.htm

The Third Book
... For here our faith, in which we trust, falls short, so that we ... saved by a very few
good men, when those saints, who were close to God, did not deserve of ...
// the government of god/the third book.htm

The Sword of the Spirit
... Saints know the Scriptures by inward instinct ... If you do not wield a true Jerusalem
blade you are in grave peril; your ... Alas, how little trust can be placed in it ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/the sword of the spirit.htm

The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
... were Christ's will, he might make his saints, everyone of ... I trust we recognize
it"a kingdom in which he ... sword to become her weapons, knoweth not what spirit ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 7 1861/the triumphal entry into jerusalem.htm

Of the Power of the Church in Articles of Faith. The Unbridled ...
... weapons of our warfare," which "are not carnal, but mighty ... in God, whereas New Testament
saints trust in Christ. ... Scripture was formed, this should not be taken ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 8 of the power.htm

The Wounds of Jesus
... nearest to the eternal throne, foremost of the saints in light ... tried to push them
away; he could not bear the ... wounds must heal those that put their trust in him ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/the wounds of jesus.htm

Life in Christ
... feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth ... very least and meanest
of the saints, "Ye shall ... be decoyed by fair temptation, you shall not be cowed ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/life in christ.htm



Trust in Marriage

Trust of Saints Is for Ever

Trust of Saints Is in Christ

Trust of Saints Is in God

Trust of Saints Is in the Mercy of God

Trust of Saints Is in the Word of God

Trust of Saints Is: Despised by the Wicked

Trust of Saints Is: Fixed

Trust of Saints Is: Grounded on the Covenant

Trust of Saints Is: Not in Carnal Weapons

Trust of Saints Is: Not in the Flesh

Trust of Saints Is: Not in Themselves

Trust of Saints Is: Strong in the Prospect of Death

Trust of Saints Is: Through Christ

Trust of Saints Is: Unalterable

Trust of Saints: David

Trust of Saints: Hezekiah

Trust of Saints: Jehoshaphat

Trust of Saints: Paul

Trust of Saints: Shadrach

Trust of Saints--Illustrated

Trust of the Wicked is in Earthly Alliances

Trust of the Wicked is in Falsehood

Trust of the Wicked is in Idols

Trust of the Wicked is in Man

Trust of the Wicked is in Their own Heart

Trust of the Wicked is in Their own Righteousness

Trust of the Wicked is in Vanity

Trust of the Wicked is in Wealth

Trust of the Wicked is not in God

Trust of the Wicked is Vain and Delusive

Trust of the Wicked: Benhadad

Trust of the Wicked: Goliath

Trust of the Wicked: Israelites

Trust of the Wicked: Sennacherib

Trust of the Wicked: Shall be Destroyed

Trust of the Wicked: Shall Make Them Ashamed

Trust of the Wicked--Illustrated

Trust: Blessedness of Placing, in God

Trust: Encouragements to Former Deliverances

Trust: Encouragements to The Care of God for Us

Trust: Encouragements to The Everlasting Strength of God

Trust: Encouragements to The Goodness of God

Trust: Encouragements to The Loving-Kindness of God

Trust: Encouragements to The Rich Bounty of God

Trust: Exhortations To

Trust: God is the True Object of

Trust: Keeps From: Desolation

Trust: Keeps From: Fear

Trust: Keeps From: Sliding

Trust: Leads to Being Compassed With Mercy

Trust: Leads to Deliverance from Enemies

Trust: Leads to Enjoyment of all Temporal and Spiritual Blessings

Trust: Leads to Enjoyment of Happiness

Trust: Leads to Enjoyment of Perfect Peace

Trust: Leads to Fulfilment of all Holy Desires

Trust: Leads to Prosperity

Trust: Leads to Rejoicing in God

Trust: Leads to Safety in Times of Danger

Trust: Leads to Stability

Trust: Saints Plead, in Prayer

Trust: should be from Youth Up

Trust: should be With the Whole Heart

Trust: The Fear of God Leads To

Trust: The Lord Knows Those Who Have

Trust: To be Accompanied by Doing Good

Trust: Woe and Curse of False

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