Threshing: The Removing or Separating Corn Form the Straw
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Chronicles 21:20
And Ornan turned back, and saw the angel; and his four sons with him hid themselves. Now Ornan was threshing wheat.
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Threshing by Beating

Threshing by Treading

Threshing of the Church in Her Conquests

Threshing of the Judgments of God

Threshing of the Labours of Ministers

Threshing was Performed by a Rod or Staff

Threshing was Performed by Cart Wheels

Threshing was Performed by Instruments With Teeth

Threshing was Performed by the Feet of Horses and Oxen

Threshing with Instruments of Iron

Threshing with Instruments of Wood

Threshing with Instruments with a Cart Wheel

Threshing: (An Instrument For, With Teeth) of the Church Overcoming

Threshing: (Dust Made By) of Complete Destruction

Threshing: (Gathering the Sheaves For) of Preparing the Enemies of

Threshing: Cattle Employed In, not to be Muzzled

Threshing: Continued Until the Vintage in Years of Abundance

Threshing: Floor For, in Barns

Threshing: Floor of Araunah Purchased by David for a Place of Sacrifice

Threshing: Floors For

Threshing: Followed by a Winnowing With a Shovel or Fan

Threshing: The Place for used for Winnowing the Corn

Threshing: The Place for was Large and Roomy

Threshing: The Place For: Called the Barn-Floor

Threshing: The Place For: Called the Corn-Floor

Threshing: The Place For: Called the Floor

Threshing: The Place For: Called the Threshing Floor

Threshing: The Place For: Fulness of, Promised As a Blessing

Threshing: The Place For: Generally on High Ground

Threshing: The Place For: Often Robbed

Threshing: The Place For: Scarcity In, a Punishment

Threshing: The Place For: Sometimes Beside the Wine-Press for Concealment

Threshing: The Place For: The Jews Slept On, During the Time of

Threshing: The Removing or Separating Corn Form the Straw

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