The Sword of Persecuting Spirit of the Wicked
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 37:14
The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Saul's Conversion
... word was sharper than a two-edged sword, and came ... Methinks I see the once persecuting
zealot, when they came ... suffering here on earth: then the Spirit of Christ ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/sauls conversion.htm

Knox in the War of the Congregation: the Regent Attacked: Her ...
... of the counter-Reformation, but for the persecuting Act, would ... use rigour on me by
slaughter, sword, or, at ... and wicked people, not having that spirit, can do ...
/.../lang/john knox and the reformation/chapter xii knox in the.htm

David's Anger
... asses and sheep, with the edge of the sword; those who ... I say the Spirit of God and
the likeness of ... were his own personal enemies, who were persecuting him, and ...
// iii davids anger.htm

Treatise x. On Jealousy and Envy.
... blessing, the former was inflamed to a persecuting hatred by ... if for the time deprived
of a sword, yet armed ... And accordingly the Holy Spirit says in the Psalms ...
/.../cyprian/the treatises of cyprian/treatise x on jealousy and.htm

The Need and Nature of Conversion
... was guilty of the great sin of persecuting the saints ... the world on purpose that this
Divine Spirit might be ... The sword of divine justice was unsheathed, and it ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 48 1902/the need and nature of.htm

Concerning the Power of the Civil Magistrate in Matters Purely ...
... to be cut off by the sword of the Spirit: For it ... 1241] magistrate is said not to
bear the sword in vain ... which is enough to justify him in his persecuting of the ...
/.../proposition xiv concerning the power.htm

Letter Lxxxvii. (AD 405. )
... whole world, as was foretold by the Holy Spirit. ... civil powers defend their conduct
in persecuting schismatics by ... be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter lxxxvii a d 405.htm

Demonstration xxi. --Of Persecution.
... the murderess persecuted Elijah; and the persecuting and murderous ... Elisha received
the spirit of Elijah; and Jesus ... they shall fall by the edge of the sword. ...
/.../aphrahat/aphrahat select demonstrations/demonstration xxi of persecution.htm

The Figurative Language of Scripture.
... Acts 26:14), where Saul's conduct in persecuting Christ's disciples ... in subjection
to "the law of the spirit of life ... is put for the whole, as the sword for war ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxxv the figurative language.htm

Appeal to the Christian Women of the South
... Bible then, it contains the words of Jesus, and they are spirit and life ... wild flowers
with colors not their own, and smokes on the sword of persecuting France ...
/.../an appeal to the christian women of the south/appeal to the christian women.htm



Sword of Judgments

Sword of the Malicious Tongue

Sword of War

Sword used by Gideon

Sword used by Goliath

Sword used by Peter

Sword: David's Army Equipped With

Sword: Made of Plowshares

Sword: Symbolical

Sword: To be Beaten Into Plowshares

Sword: Two-Edged

The Sword in Time of Peace Made Into Plough Shares

The Sword in Time of War, Plough Shares Made Into

The Sword of Deep Mental Affliction

The Sword of False Witnesses

The Sword of Judicial Authority

The Sword of Persecuting Spirit of the Wicked

The Sword of Severe and Heavy Calamities

The Sword of the End of the Wicked

The Sword of the Justice of God

The Sword of the Protection of God

The Sword of the Tongue of the Wicked

The Sword of the Wicked

The Sword of the Word of Christ

The Sword of the Word of God

The Sword of War and Contention

The Sword was Brandished Over the Head

The Sword was One of God's Four Sore Judgments

The Sword was Pointed

The Sword was Thrust Through Enemies

The Sword was Used by Heathen Nations

The Sword was Used by the Jews

The Sword was Used by the Patriarchs

The Sword was Used for Destruction of Enemies

The Sword was Used for Punishing Criminals

The Sword was Used for Self-Defence

The Sword was Used: Sometimes for Self-Destruction

The Sword: (Drawing of) of War and Destruction

The Sword: (Living By) of Rapine

The Sword: (Not Departing from One's House) of Perpetual Calamity

The Sword: (Putting, Into Its Sheath) Peace and Friendship

The Sword: Bright

The Sword: Carried in a Sheath or Scabbard

The Sword: Frequently had Two Edges

The Sword: Glittering

The Sword: Hebrews Early Acquainted With Making of

The Sword: Hurtful

The Sword: Often Sent As a Punishment

The Sword: Often Threatened As a Punishment

The Sword: Oppressive

The Sword: Probable Origin

The Sword: Sharp

The Sword: Sharpened and Furbished Before Going to War

The Sword: Suspended from the Girdle

The Sword: Those Slain By, Communicated Ceremonial Uncleanness

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