The Stars of Princes and Subordinate Governors
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Daniel 8:10
And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped on them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Revelation 8:12
And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On the Roman Pontiff, and the Principal Titles which Are
... 3:17.) The church is subject and subordinate to Him. ... drew the third part of the stars
of heaven ... (4.) When he excites dissensions between princes, republics and ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/disputation 21 on the roman.htm

Tiglath-Pileser iii. And the Organisation of the Assyrian Empire ...
... yoke; as it was, Bamman-nirari did not return, and the princes who had ... to the deposition
of Athaliah; the high priest was, however, no less subordinate to the ...
/.../chapter iitiglath-pileser iii and the.htm

The Political Constitution of Egypt
... of the provincial nobility, distant descendants of former royal princes and princesses ...
laws relating to the government of the seasons and the stars presented no ...
/.../chapter ithe political constitution of.htm

Sozomen as Author.
... dependent on the arrangement of the stars, what was ... alone suffices for the salvation
of princes; and that ... 8. A final and subordinate aim is the development of ...
/.../sozomen/the ecclesiastical history of sozomenus/part ii sozomen as author.htm

The Iranian Conquest
... all the ancient nations of Western Asia"the stars, Sirius, the ... from time to time
to the princes of Iran ... the other gods together in a subordinate and anonymous ...
/.../chapter ithe iranian conquest.htm

The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... of money."They fought from heaven,"the stars in their ... called to account by the other
princes (1 Samuel ... afterwards to remain in a subordinate capacity among ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm



Stars of the Deliverer

Stars: Comets

Stars: Constellations of

Stars: Created by God

Stars: Crown of Twelve Stars

Stars: Darkening of

Stars: Differ in Splendor

Stars: Falling of

Stars: Orion

Stars: Planets

Stars: Serpent

Stars: Seven Stars of the Seven Congregations

Stars: The Morning Star

Stars: Worship of, Forbidden

Stars: Worshiped

The Stars of Angels

The Stars of Christ

The Stars of Ministers

The Stars of Princes and Subordinate Governors

The Stars: (Bright and Morning Star) of Christ

The Stars: (Morning Star) of Glory to be Given to Faithful Saints

The Stars: (Setting the Nest Amongst) Pride and Carnal Security

The Stars: (Shining of) the Reward of Faithful Ministers

The Stars: (Wandering) False Teachers

The Stars: (Withdrawing Their Light) Severe Judgments

The Stars: Appear After Sunset

The Stars: Appear of Different Magnitudes

The Stars: Arcturus

The Stars: Astrology and Star-Gazing Practised by the Babylonians

The Stars: Called: Stars of Heaven

The Stars: Called: Stars of Light

The Stars: Called: The Host of Heaven

The Stars: Exhibit the Greatness of God's Power

The Stars: False Gods Frequently Worshipped Under the Representation of

The Stars: God: Appointed to Give Light by Night

The Stars: God: Created

The Stars: God: Established, for Ever

The Stars: God: Numbers and Names

The Stars: God: Obscures

The Stars: God: Set, in the Firmament of Heaven

The Stars: Idolaters Worshipped

The Stars: Impure in the Sight of God

The Stars: Infinite in Number

The Stars: Made to Praise God

The Stars: Mazzaroth

The Stars: Morning Star

The Stars: One of Extraordinary Brightness Appeared at Christ's Birth

The Stars: Orion

The Stars: Pleiades

The Stars: Punishment for Worshipping

The Stars: Revolve in Fixed Orbits

The Stars: Shine in the Firmament of Heaven

The Stars: The Israelites Forbidden to Worship

The Stars: Use of, in Navigation, Alluded To

The Stars: when Grouped Together Called Constellations

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