The Stars of Angels
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4756. stratia -- an army
... Phonetic Spelling: (strat-ee'-ah) Short Definition: an army, host of angels Definition:
an army; met: a host of angels, the hosts of heaven (ie the stars). ...
// - 7k
Torrey's Topical Textbook
Job 38:7
When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Strong's Hebrew
4264. machaneh -- an encampment, camp
... an encampment (of travellers or troops); hence, an army, whether literal (of soldiers)
or figurative (of dancers, angels, cattle, locusts, stars; or even the ...
/hebrew/4264.htm - 6k

Stars of the Morning, So Gloriously Bright
... II. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR Holy Days: St. Michael and All Angels 289. Stars of the morning,
so gloriously bright. Four 10's [1088]Trisagion: Henry Smart, 1868. ...
/.../holy days st michael and.htm

The Blessed Privilege of Seeing God Explained
... stars. The angels are called 'stars' (Job 38:7). But it would be night
in heaven if the Sun of Righteousness did not shine there. ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/17 the blessed privilege of.htm

The Angels of the Seven Churches.
... "The seven stars," says He, "are the angels of the Seven Churches, and the seven
candlesticks which thou sawest, are the Seven Churches." [264:3]. ...
// ancient church/chapter iv the angels of.htm

Visits of Angels.
... and the night of our troubles is never too thick and black for the angels to find ...
close to the ground, the driving clouds may hide the moon and stars, but some ...
/.../rees/the heart-cry of jesus/chapter xi visits of angels.htm

The Epistle of Judas
... of stars being punished is a reminiscence of the book of Enoch (xviii., xx., etc.),
where the nether gloom is the punishment of stars (ie angels) who have ...
/.../moffat/the general epistles james peter and judas/the epistle of judas.htm

The Resurrection.
... I tell you, the body at this day will shine brighter than the face of Moses
or Stephen, even as bright as the sun, the stars and angels. ...
// riches of bunyan/xxv the resurrection.htm

Reasonable Rapture
... There is none in the heaven, with all its stars and angels, enough for thee
but Him. There is none upon earth, with all its flowers ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/reasonable rapture.htm

That the World Took Its Beginning in Time.
... to vanity, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected the same in hope;" [2661]
so that both sun, and moon, and stars, and angels might discharge their ...
/.../origen/origen de principiis/chapter v that the world took.htm

The Doctrine of Apelles Refuted, that Christ's Body was of ...
... previously (by prophecy) announced. Let them, then, prove to us that those
angels derived their flesh from the stars. If they do not ...
/.../tertullian/ on the flesh of christ/chapter vi the doctrine of apelles.htm

On the Feast of St Michael and all Angels
... The Gospel says: "Their Angels do always behold the Face of My Father Who is ... the
sun exercises a constant influence over the earth, while the stars co-operate ...
// inner way/sermon xxiv on the feast.htm



Stars of the Deliverer

Stars: Comets

Stars: Constellations of

Stars: Created by God

Stars: Crown of Twelve Stars

Stars: Darkening of

Stars: Differ in Splendor

Stars: Falling of

Stars: Orion

Stars: Planets

Stars: Serpent

Stars: Seven Stars of the Seven Congregations

Stars: The Morning Star

Stars: Worship of, Forbidden

Stars: Worshiped

The Stars of Angels

The Stars of Christ

The Stars of Ministers

The Stars of Princes and Subordinate Governors

The Stars: (Bright and Morning Star) of Christ

The Stars: (Morning Star) of Glory to be Given to Faithful Saints

The Stars: (Setting the Nest Amongst) Pride and Carnal Security

The Stars: (Shining of) the Reward of Faithful Ministers

The Stars: (Wandering) False Teachers

The Stars: (Withdrawing Their Light) Severe Judgments

The Stars: Appear After Sunset

The Stars: Appear of Different Magnitudes

The Stars: Arcturus

The Stars: Astrology and Star-Gazing Practised by the Babylonians

The Stars: Called: Stars of Heaven

The Stars: Called: Stars of Light

The Stars: Called: The Host of Heaven

The Stars: Exhibit the Greatness of God's Power

The Stars: False Gods Frequently Worshipped Under the Representation of

The Stars: God: Appointed to Give Light by Night

The Stars: God: Created

The Stars: God: Established, for Ever

The Stars: God: Numbers and Names

The Stars: God: Obscures

The Stars: God: Set, in the Firmament of Heaven

The Stars: Idolaters Worshipped

The Stars: Impure in the Sight of God

The Stars: Infinite in Number

The Stars: Made to Praise God

The Stars: Mazzaroth

The Stars: Morning Star

The Stars: One of Extraordinary Brightness Appeared at Christ's Birth

The Stars: Orion

The Stars: Pleiades

The Stars: Punishment for Worshipping

The Stars: Revolve in Fixed Orbits

The Stars: Shine in the Firmament of Heaven

The Stars: The Israelites Forbidden to Worship

The Stars: Use of, in Navigation, Alluded To

The Stars: when Grouped Together Called Constellations

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