The Sabbath: Observance of, to be Perpetual
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 31:16,17
Why the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Matthew 5:17,18
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On the Fourth Command in the Decalogue
... completed the creation, its sanctification is not of perpetual institution and ... New
Testament, and may persuade men to the observance of the [new] Sabbath. ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 2/disputation lxxvii on the fourth.htm

Alexandria and Rome - the Jewish Communities in the Capitals of ...
... these horrible rites they took a fearful oath of perpetual enmity to ... Their
Sabbath-observance, however it had originated, was merely an indulgence in idleness. ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter v alexandria and rome.htm

Analysis of the Westminster Confession.
... never committed itself to the Puritan Sabbath theory, it ... the practice of a much stricter
observance than had ... state of innocence, for the perpetual benefit of ...
/.../creeds of christendom with a history and critical notes/ 95 analysis of the.htm

"In the Spirit and Power of Elias"
... to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant ... The
Lord designed that by a faithful observance of the Sabbath command, Israel ...
/.../white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 14 in the spirit.htm

The Healing of the Man Born Blind.
... And rapidly now must He work it, for perpetual example, during the few ... The alternative
was: whether their traditional law of Sabbath-observance, or else He Who ...
/.../edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter ix the healing of.htm

The Lawful and Unlawful Use of Law.
... They maintained the perpetual obligation of the Jewish law."v.7. They desired to
be teachers of the law. ... If the observance of the Sabbath day, observe it ...
/.../robertson/sermons preached at brighton/xix the lawful and unlawful.htm

Questions About the Nature and Perpetuity of the Seventh-Day ...
... It was instituted as a peculiar observance to distinguish the Jews ... 13:22; Ezekiel
46:4). The Jewish Sabbath was 'a ... we have not an annual but a perpetual feast. ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/questions about the nature and.htm

The Impending Conflict
... obedience to God's commandments is a perpetual reproof to ... God by the violation of
the Sunday sabbath; that this ... will not cease until Sunday observance shall be ...
/.../white/the great controversy/chapter 36 the impending conflict.htm

The Impending Conflict.
... obedience to God's commandments is a perpetual reproof to ... God by the violation of
the Sunday-sabbath; that this ... will not cease until Sunday observance shall be ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /36 the impending conflict.htm

Aims of the Papacy.
... The lower classes were to suffer perpetual banishment. ... Other concessions followed.
An edict was issued forbidding the observance of the Sabbath under the ...
/.../white/the great controversy between christ and satan /35 aims of the papacy.htm



Sabbath and Feasts

Sabbath Day

Sabbath Day's Journey

Sabbath Day's Journey: About Two-Thousand Paces

Sabbath: Observance of by John

Sabbath: Observance of by Moses

Sabbath: Observance of by Nehemiah

Sabbath: Observance of by Paul

Sabbath: Observance of by the Disciples

Sabbath: Observance of by the Women Preparing to Embalm the Corpse of Jesus

Sabbath: Preparations for The

Sabbath: Religious Usages on The

Sabbath: Sacrifices on The

Sabbath: Signifying a Period of Rest

Sabbath: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

Sabbath: Violations of Gathering Manna

Sabbath: Violations of Gathering Sticks

Sabbath: Violations of Men of Tyre

Sabbath: Violations of The Inhabitants of Jerusalem

The Sabbath: A Sign of the Covenant

The Sabbath: A Type of the Heavenly Rest

The Sabbath: Blessedness of Honoring

The Sabbath: Blessedness of Keeping

The Sabbath: Called: God's Holy Day

The Sabbath: Called: The Lord's Day

The Sabbath: Called: The Rest of the Holy Sabbath

The Sabbath: Called: The Sabbath of Rest

The Sabbath: Called: The Sabbath of the Lord

The Sabbath: Christ is Lord of

The Sabbath: Christ was Accustomed to Observe

The Sabbath: Christ: Taught On

The Sabbath: Denunciations Against Those Who Profane

The Sabbath: Dishonouring of: Gatherers of Manna

The Sabbath: Dishonouring of: Gatherers of Sticks

The Sabbath: Dishonouring of: Inhabitants of Jerusalem

The Sabbath: Dishonouring of: Men of Tyre

The Sabbath: Divine Worship to be Celebrated On

The Sabbath: First Day of the Week Kept As, by the Church

The Sabbath: God: Blessed

The Sabbath: God: Commanded to be Sanctified

The Sabbath: God: Commanded, to be Kept

The Sabbath: God: Hallowed

The Sabbath: God: Sanctified

The Sabbath: God: Shows Considerate Kindness in Appointing

The Sabbath: God: Shows Favour in Appointing

The Sabbath: God: Will Have his Goodness Commemorated in the Observance of

The Sabbath: Grounds of Its Institution

The Sabbath: Honoring of Disciples

The Sabbath: Honoring of John

The Sabbath: Honoring of Moses

The Sabbath: Honoring of Nehemiah

The Sabbath: Honoring of Paul

The Sabbath: Honoring of The Women

The Sabbath: Instituted by God

The Sabbath: Made for Man

The Sabbath: Necessary Wants May be Supplied

The Sabbath: No Burdens to be Carried On

The Sabbath: No Manner of Work to be Done On

The Sabbath: No Purchases to be Made On

The Sabbath: Observance of, to be Perpetual

The Sabbath: Punishment of Those Who Profane

The Sabbath: Saints: Honor God in Observing

The Sabbath: Saints: Observe

The Sabbath: Saints: Rejoice In

The Sabbath: Saints: Testify Against Those Who Desecrate

The Sabbath: Servants and Cattle should be Allowed to Rest Upon

The Sabbath: The Scriptures to be Read On

The Sabbath: The Seventh Day Observed As

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Bear Burdens On

The Sabbath: The Wicked: do Their own Pleasure On

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Hide Their Eyes From

The Sabbath: The Wicked: May be Judicially Deprived of

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Mock At

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Pollute

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Profane

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Sometimes Pretend to Zealous For

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Traffic On

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Wearied By

The Sabbath: The Wicked: Work On

The Sabbath: The Word of God to be Preached On

The Sabbath: Works Connected With Religious Service Lawful On

The Sabbath: Works of Mercy Lawful On

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