the River Nile: The Egyptians: Took Great Pride In
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ezekiel 29:9
And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste; and they shall know that I am the LORD: because he has said, The river is mine, and I have made it.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Plagues of Egypt
... The Lord of the sacred river Nile; the Lord of the meanest ... of pouring out on them,
as on the Egyptians of old ... and misery, he put out his hand, took the cup of ...
/.../kingsley/the gospel of the pentateuch/sermon x the plagues of.htm

The Memphite Empire
... the rain ceases; the hastily formed river dwindles, and ... to be seen on the banks of
the Nile. ... The Egyptians took them by assault, overturned them, cut down the ...
/.../chapter iithe memphite empire.htm

Chapter xli
... and started to sell grain to the Egyptians; and yet ... As a result the waters of the
Nile lose themselves in these marshes till the river has cleared a ...
// of genesis volume 1/chapter xli.htm

At the Well
... it failed, but then Hapi, the holy river, had been ... the passing of the darkness, four
Egyptians, lank, big ... Israelites approached from the direction of the Nile. ...
// yoke/chapter xxxvii at the well.htm

At Masaarah
... bearers carried water directly from the river during this ... against the chosen people
who wedded Egyptians and became ... stood between her and the Nile, his servant ...
// yoke/chapter xviii at masaarah.htm

Palestine under Pagan Kings.
... Moses, the Hebrew babe, afloat on the Nile, in a ... The river Euphrates flowed through
the entire extent, from ... Early in the next year the Egyptians marched an ...
/.../headley/half hours in bible lands volume 2/palestine under pagan kings.htm

The Close of the Theban Empire
... were transferred to boats and distributed along the river. ... forms into the valley
of the Nile.* Every fresh ... The Egyptians took a delight in listening to stories ...
/.../chapter iiithe close of the.htm

The Debt of Israel
... and turned once again toward the river to refill ... the broad dimpling breast of the
Nile toward the ... lender, through his steward, to the Egyptians, and wrested ...
// yoke/chapter x the debt of.htm

The Reaction against Egypt
... walls of Carchemish, with the roads which led to the Nile and to the river-side
cities ... at the first attack, and by its fall the Egyptians became possessed ...
/.../chapter iithe reaction against egypt.htm

... her voice, "and run for the river bank." With ... peremptorily contradicted the accepted
idea among Egyptians, that Moses ... found his boat, crossed the Nile and was ...
// yoke/chapter xii canaan.htm



Nile: Called Sihor

Nile: Called the River

the River Nile: Abounded in Crocodiles

the River Nile: Abounded in Fish

the River Nile: Abounded in Reeds and Flags

the River Nile: Annual Overflow of Its Banks Alluded To

the River Nile: Called: Sihor

the River Nile: Called: The Egyptian Sea

the River Nile: Called: The River

the River Nile: Called: The Stream of Egypt

the River Nile: Empties Itself Into the Mediterranean Sea by Seven Streams

the River Nile: Remarkable Events Connected With: Its Waters Turned Into Blood

the River Nile: Remarkable Events Connected With: Male Children Drowned In

the River Nile: Remarkable Events Connected With: Miraculous Generation of Frogs

the River Nile: Remarkable Events Connected With: Moses Exposed on Its Banks

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Bathed In

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Carried on Extensive Commerce By

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Drank of

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Punished by Destruction of Its Fish

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Punished by Failure of Its Waters

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Took Great Pride In

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