the River Nile: Called: Sihor
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Joshua 13:3
From Sihor, which is before Egypt, even to the borders of Ekron northward, which is counted to the Canaanite: five lords of the Philistines; the Gazathites, and the Ashdothites, the Eshkalonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the Avites:
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Jeremiah 2:18
And now what have you to do in the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Sihor? or what have you to do in the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the river?
Torrey's Topical Textbook



Nile: Called Sihor

Nile: Called the River

the River Nile: Abounded in Crocodiles

the River Nile: Abounded in Fish

the River Nile: Abounded in Reeds and Flags

the River Nile: Annual Overflow of Its Banks Alluded To

the River Nile: Called: Sihor

the River Nile: Called: The Egyptian Sea

the River Nile: Called: The River

the River Nile: Called: The Stream of Egypt

the River Nile: Empties Itself Into the Mediterranean Sea by Seven Streams

the River Nile: Remarkable Events Connected With: Its Waters Turned Into Blood

the River Nile: Remarkable Events Connected With: Male Children Drowned In

the River Nile: Remarkable Events Connected With: Miraculous Generation of Frogs

the River Nile: Remarkable Events Connected With: Moses Exposed on Its Banks

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Bathed In

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Carried on Extensive Commerce By

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Drank of

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Punished by Destruction of Its Fish

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Punished by Failure of Its Waters

the River Nile: The Egyptians: Took Great Pride In

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