The Providence of God is Exercised in Preserving his Creatures
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Nehemiah 9:6
You, even you, are LORD alone; you have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and you preserve them all; and the host of heaven worships you.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 36:6
Your righteousness is like the great mountains; your judgments are a great deep: O LORD, you preserve man and beast.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Matthew 10:29
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The World, Created by God, Still Cherished and Protected by Him. ...
... general agency on which the power of motion depends, exercised in preserving and ...
Hence we infer, not only that the general providence of God, continuing the ...
/.../the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 16 the world created.htm

Of Certain Special Favours Exercised by the Divine Providence in ...
other favours for a small ... some others, whom the Divine providence seized upon ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter vi of certain special.htm

Of the Love of Conformity Proceeding from Sacred Complacency.
... and privileges, which the Divine Providence has established ... and mercy are so admirably
exercised, and we ... exceeding complacency in seeing how God exercises his ...
/.../francis/treatise on the love of god/chapter i of the love.htm

The Sovereignty of God in Reprobation
... clay?" it must be God's power justly exercised which is ... They enjoy the good things
of Providence (temporal blessings) in common with God's own children ...
/.../pink/the sovereignty of god/chapter five the sovereignty of.htm

The Trial at Caesarea
... are done unto his nation by thy providence, we accept ... all kinds of lust and cruelty,
he exercised the power ... God justly claims the love and obedience of all His ...
/.../white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 39 the trial at.htm

He Leadeth Me in the Paths of Justice for his Name's Sake.
... people from their sins.(26) He exercised, as we ... and guards the only revelation which
God has made ... sluggishly presume that a bountiful Providence will provide ...
// shepherd of my soul/vi he leadeth me in.htm

The City of God. Index of Subjects.
... God, the vicissitudes of life dependent on the will of ... good, [702]189; angels fulfill
the providence of, [703 ... had creatures over whom He exercised His sovereignty ...
/.../augustine/on christian doctrine in four books /the city of god index.htm

Paul in Malta and Rome.
... This view of the decrees of God does not make ... Providence is not an occasional
interference, but a constant ... that a moral government is exercised over mankind ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxix paul in malta.htm

"Thou Shall Keep Him in Perfect Peace, Whose Mind is Stayed on ...
... home, and united in one, to be exercised about this ... himself within the Father's love
and providence, and is ... weary, but he is the everlasting God, who faileth ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/sermon xiii thou shall keep.htm

The First Book
... and all things derive their security from providence, even as ... judge, for in avenging
him he exercised judgment ... Moreover, God at once added another item to this ...
// the government of god/the first book.htm



The Providence of God is all Pervading

The Providence of God is Ever Watchful

The Providence of God is Exercised in Bringing his Words to Pass

The Providence of God is Exercised in Defeating Wicked Designs

The Providence of God is Exercised in Delivering Saints

The Providence of God is Exercised in Determining the Period of Human Life

The Providence of God is Exercised in Directing all Events

The Providence of God is Exercised in Leading Saints

The Providence of God is Exercised in Ordaining the Conditions and Circumstances of Men

The Providence of God is Exercised in Ordering the Minutest Matters

The Providence of God is Exercised in Ordering the Ways of Men

The Providence of God is Exercised in Overruling Wicked Designs for Good

The Providence of God is Exercised in Preserving his Creatures

The Providence of God is Exercised in Preserving the Course of Nature

The Providence of God is Exercised in Prospering Saints

The Providence of God is Exercised in Protecting Saints

The Providence of God is Exercised in Providing for his Creatures

The Providence of God is Exercised in Ruling the Elements

The Providence of God is Exercised in The Special Preservation of Saints

The Providence of God is his Care Over his Works

The Providence of God is Righteous

The Providence of God: All Things are Ordered By for Good to Saints

The Providence of God: All Things are Ordered By for his Glory

The Providence of God: Cannot be Defeated

The Providence of God: Connected With the Use of Means

The Providence of God: Danger of Denying

The Providence of God: Man's Efforts are Vain Without

The Providence of God: Result of Depending Upon

The Providence of God: Saints should Commit Their Works To

The Providence of God: Saints should Encourage Themselves

The Providence of God: Saints should Have Full Confidence In

The Providence of God: Saints should Pray in Dependence Upon

The Providence of God: Saints should Pray to be Guided By

The Providence of God: Saints should Trust In

The Providence of God: Sometimes Dark and Mysterious

The Providence of God: The Wicked Made to Promote the Designs

The Providence of God: To be Acknowledged in Adversity

The Providence of God: To be Acknowledged in all Things

The Providence of God: To be Acknowledged in Our Daily Support

The Providence of God: To be Acknowledged in Prosperity

The Providence of God: To be Acknowledged in Public Calamities

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