The Power of Christ: Ministers should Make Known
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Peter 1:16
For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


A Consecrated Ministry
... the Great Teacher, learn daily in the school of Christ. The power at God's command
is limitless, and the ... all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God ...
/.../white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 34 a consecrated ministry.htm

The Unity of Revelation. 1 "Known unto God are all his Works from ...
... must we interpret the words of Christ recorded by ... apostles is part of the general
power of binding ... here and eternal life hereafter, God's ministers can only ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxxvi the unity of.htm

Laymen Called to the Field of Missions.
... Holy Ghost was poured out with such power, that three ... by holding up the hands of
Christ's ministers, and by ... the inquiry arises, In what way should laymen go ...
/.../dibble/thoughts on missions/chapter v laymen called to.htm

Christ the Support of the Tempted
... the ignorant, and esteemed to be the true ministers of Jesus ... language will make you
leave your sins and come to Christ? ... And that it lay in my power to give you ...
/.../whitefield/selected sermons of george whitefield/christ the support of the.htm

Directions How to Hear Sermons
... voice with their outward ears, but do not experience the power of it ... And if we looked
on ministers as we ought, as the sent of Jesus Christ, we should ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/directions how to hear sermons.htm

Salvation to the Jews
... God." "The gospel," he declared, "is the power of God ... fullness to the Jews, many
will accept Christ as the ... Among Christian ministers there are only a few who ...
/.../white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 35 salvation to the.htm

The Ministry of the New Covenant
... of holiness, of personal devotion to Christ, of enthusiasm ... in the heart, maintaining,
in Divine power, an unceasing ... The ministers are dependent on the Church. ...
/.../ two covenants/chapter xvi the ministry of.htm

How Christ is the Way in General, "I am the Way. "
... on by other godly, discerning persons and ministers, as good ... justice for us, nor
have they any power over our ... the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for ...
/.../brown/christ the way the truth and the life/chapter iii how christ is.htm

The Church as She Should Be
... but you do not admire that which evangelical ministers have adopted ... may we convince
gainsayers that there is a power in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and make ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/the church as she should.htm

Christ --The Power and Wisdom of God
... the church of God should be alive at all, after the unfaithfulness of her members,
her ministers, and her ... If you want not this power of Christ, and this ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 3 1857/christthe power and wisdom of.htm



Power of Christ is Able to Subdue all Things

Power of Christ: As Man, is from the Father

Power of Christ: As the Son of God, is the Power of God

Power of Christ: Bodies of, Will be Changed By

Power of Christ: Described As Supreme

Power of Christ: Destroying the Works of Satan

Power of Christ: Enabling Others to Work Miracles

Power of Christ: Everlasting

Power of Christ: Exemplified in Creation

Power of Christ: Forgiving Sins

Power of Christ: Giving Eternal Life

Power of Christ: Giving Spiritual Life

Power of Christ: Glorious

Power of Christ: Helped By

Power of Christ: His Teaching

Power of Christ: Ministers should Make Known

Power of Christ: Over all Flesh

Power of Christ: Over all Things

Power of Christ: Overcoming Satan

Power of Christ: Overcoming the World

Power of Christ: Performing Miracles

Power of Christ: Present in the Assembly of Saints

Power of Christ: Preserved By

Power of Christ: Raising the Dead

Power of Christ: Rests Upon Saints

Power of Christ: Rising from the Dead

Power of Christ: Saints Made Willing By

Power of Christ: Salvation

Power of Christ: Strengthened By

Power of Christ: The Wicked Will be Destroyed By

Power of Christ: Unlimited

Power of Christ: Upholding all Things

Power of Christ: Will be Specially Manifested at his Second Coming

Power of Christ: Will Subdue all Power

Power of God in Delivering his People

Power of God in Establishing and Governing all Things

Power of God in Making the Gospel Effectual

Power of God in the Creation

Power of God in the Destruction of the Wicked

Power of God in the Miracles of Christ

Power of God in the Resurrection of Christ

Power of God in the Resurrection of Saints

Power of God is a Ground of Trust

Power of God is the Source of all Strength

Power of God: All Things Possible To

Power of God: Can Save by Many or by Few

Power of God: Delivered By

Power of God: do not Know

Power of God: Effectual

Power of God: Efficiency of Ministers is Through

Power of God: Everlasting

Power of God: Exalted By

Power of God: Exerted in Behalf of Saints

Power of God: Feared

Power of God: Glorious

Power of God: Great

Power of God: Have Against Them

Power of God: Have Confidence In

Power of God: Incomparable

Power of God: Incomprehensible

Power of God: Irresistable

Power of God: Kept By, Unto Salvation

Power of God: Magnified

Power of God: Mighty

Power of God: Nothing Too Difficult For

Power of God: One of his Attributes

Power of God: Pleaded in Prayer

Power of God: Receive Increase of Grace By

Power of God: Saints Long for Exhibitions of

Power of God: should be Acknowledged

Power of God: Sovereign

Power of God: Strengthened By

Power of God: Strong

Power of God: Supported in Affliction By

Power of God: The Arm of God

Power of God: The Faith That Saints Rely On

Power of God: The Finger of God

Power of God: The Hand of God

Power of God: The Heavenly Host Magnified

Power of God: The Thunder of his Power

Power of God: The Voice of God

Power of God: Unsearchable

Power of God: Upheld By

Power of God: Will be Destroyed by

Power of God: Works in and for Saints

Power of Keys

Power of the Holy Spirit is the Power of God

Power of the Holy Spirit: Abound in Hope by

Power of the Holy Spirit: Christ Commenced his Ministry In

Power of the Holy Spirit: Christ Worked his Miracles By

Power of the Holy Spirit: Enabled to Speak the Truth Boldly by

Power of the Holy Spirit: Giving Spiritual Life

Power of the Holy Spirit: God's Word the Instrument of

Power of the Holy Spirit: Helped in Prayer by

Power of the Holy Spirit: Making the Gospel Effective

Power of the Holy Spirit: Overcoming all Difficulties

Power of the Holy Spirit: Performing Miracles

Power of the Holy Spirit: Promised by Christ

Power of the Holy Spirit: Promised by the Father

Power of the Holy Spirit: Qualifies Ministers

Power of the Holy Spirit: Raising Christ from the Dead

Power of the Holy Spirit: Strengthened by

Power of the Holy Spirit: The Conception of Christ

Power of the Holy Spirit: The Creation

Power of the Holy Spirit: Upheld by

Power of Words

Power: Spiritual

The Power of Christ is Able to Subdue all Things

The Power of Christ: As Man, is from the Father

The Power of Christ: As the Son of God, is the Power of God

The Power of Christ: Everlasting

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Creation

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Destroying the Works of Satan

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Enabling Others to Work Miracles

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Forgiving Sins

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Giving Eternal Life

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Giving Spiritual Life

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in His Teaching

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Overcoming Satan

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Overcoming the World

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Raising Himself from the Dead

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Raising the Dead

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Salvation

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Upholding all Things

The Power of Christ: Exhibited in Working Miracles

The Power of Christ: Glorious

The Power of Christ: Ministers should Make Known

The Power of Christ: Over all Flesh

The Power of Christ: Over all Things

The Power of Christ: Present in the Assembly of Saints

The Power of Christ: Rests Upon Saints

The Power of Christ: Saints: Bodies of, Shall be Changed By

The Power of Christ: Saints: Helped By

The Power of Christ: Saints: Made Willingly By

The Power of Christ: Saints: Preserved By

The Power of Christ: Saints: Strengthened By

The Power of Christ: Shall be Specially Manifested at his Second Coming

The Power of Christ: Shall Subdue all Power

The Power of Christ: Supreme

The Power of Christ: The Wicked Shall be Destroyed By

The Power of Christ: Unlimited

The Power of God is a Ground of Trust

The Power of God is One of his Attributes

The Power of God is the Source of all Strength

The Power of God: All Things Possible To

The Power of God: Can Save by Many or by Few

The Power of God: Effectual

The Power of God: Efficiency of Ministers is Through

The Power of God: Everlasting

The Power of God: Exerted in Behalf of Saints

The Power of God: Exhibited in Creation

The Power of God: Exhibited in Delivering his People

The Power of God: Exhibited in Establishing and Governing all Things

The Power of God: Exhibited in Making the Gospel Effectual

The Power of God: Exhibited in The Destruction of the Wicked

The Power of God: Exhibited in The Miracles of Christ

The Power of God: Exhibited in The Resurrection of Christ

The Power of God: Exhibited in The Resurrection of Saints

The Power of God: Expressed by the Arm of God

The Power of God: Expressed by the Finger of God

The Power of God: Expressed by the Hand of God

The Power of God: Expressed by the Thunder of his Power

The Power of God: Expressed by the Voice of God

The Power of God: Glorious

The Power of God: Great

The Power of God: Incomparable

The Power of God: Incomprehensible

The Power of God: Irresistible

The Power of God: Mighty

The Power of God: Nothing Too Hard For

The Power of God: Saints: Delivered By

The Power of God: Saints: Exalted By

The Power of God: Saints: Have Confidence In

The Power of God: Saints: Kept By, to Salvation

The Power of God: Saints: Long for Exhibitions

The Power of God: Saints: Receive Increase of Grace By

The Power of God: Saints: Strengthened By

The Power of God: Saints: Supported in Affliction By

The Power of God: Saints: Upheld By

The Power of God: should be Acknowledged

The Power of God: should be Feared

The Power of God: should be Magnified

The Power of God: should be Pleaded in Prayer

The Power of God: Sovereign

The Power of God: Strong

The Power of God: The Faith of Saints Stands In

The Power of God: The Heavenly Host Magnify

The Power of God: The Wicked: Have Against Them

The Power of God: The Wicked: Know Not

The Power of God: The Wicked: Shall be Destroyed By

The Power of God: Unsearchable

The Power of God: Works In, and for Saints

The Power of the Holy Spirit is the Power of God

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Christ Commenced his Ministry In

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Christ Wrought his Miracles By

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in Creation

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in Giving Spiritual Life

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in Making the Gospel Efficacious

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in Overcoming all Difficulties

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in Promised by Christ

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in Promised by the Father

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in Raising Christ from the Dead

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in The Conception of Christ

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Exhibited in Working Miracles

The Power of the Holy Spirit: God's Word the Instrument of

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Qualifies Ministers

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Saints: Abound in Hope By

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Saints: Enable to Speak the Truth Boldly By

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Saints: Helped in Prayer By

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Saints: Strengthened By

The Power of the Holy Spirit: Saints: Upheld By

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