The Palm-Tree: Flourishing
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 92:12
The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Psalm 92
... Mine ears shall of the wicked hear. that do against me rise. ^12But like the
palm-tree flourishing. shall be the righteous one; He shall like to the cedar grow. ...
/...// psalter and paraphrases/psalm 92.htm

... PSALM xcii.12. "The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree: he shall ... They shall
still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing.". ...
/.../kingsley/twenty-five village sermons/sermon xviii improvement.htm

St. Ambrose Shows by Instances that the Places in which those ...
... a garden, that He might plant the young olive-trees [1382] in the house of the Lord,
and that He might water the just flourishing like a palm-tree, [1383] and ...
/.../ambrose/works and letters of st ambrose/chapter xvii st ambrose shows.htm

Fruits of Recognized Union
... The righteous shall flourish like the palm-tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. ...
But why are the righteous made so upright and flourishing? ...
/.../taylor/union and communion/section v fruits of recognized.htm

Psalm XCII.
... shut out, and good thoughts repelled, he now beginneth to imitate him whom he seeth
flourishing amid his ... "The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree" (ver.12 ...
/.../augustine/exposition on the book of psalms/psalm xcii.htm

"Well Then, when I Entered Upon the Nearest Parts of the Desert...
... fertility to the sand that we saw the vegetables in his garden flourishing and coming ...
the evening was coming on, our host invites us to a palm-tree, the fruit ...
/.../severus/life and writings of sulpitius severus /chapter xiii well then when.htm

February 11 Evening
... The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in ... shall
still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing. ...
/.../anonymous/daily light on the daily path/february 11 evening.htm

The Thirty Years' War. AD 1618-1650.
... Towards the end of the war we are told of once flourishing towns reduced to ...
122]Fruit-bearing Society, which from its motto and badge"a palm-tree with the ...
/.../winkworth/christian singers of germany/chapter viii the thirty years.htm

Book iii. --Of the Harmony of the Fathers of the Old and New ...
... 130 By their own fault left desolate behind,. And Gentiles, flourishing in faith,
received. In praise. ... 135 Beneath the palm-tree sang how victory. ...
/.../fathers of the third century tertullian appendix/book iii of the harmony of.htm

On the Clause, and in one Lord Jesus Christ, with a Reading from ...
... [1215] "Chrysostom describing the flourishing state of ... Bordeaux Pilgrim, who visited
the Holy Places of Jerusalem, ad 333, c. speaks of this palm-tree as still ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/lecture x on the clause.htm



The Palm-Tree: Blasted As a Punishment

The Palm-Tree: First Mention of, in Scripture

The Palm-Tree: Flourishing

The Palm-Tree: Fruitful to a Great Age

The Palm-Tree: Jericho Celebrated For

The Palm-Tree: Represented in Carved Work on the Walls and Doors of The

The Palm-Tree: Requires a Moist and Fertile Soil

The Palm-Tree: Tall

The Palm-Tree: Tents often Pitched Under the Shade of

The Palm-Tree: The Branches of, Were used for Constructing Booths

The Palm-Tree: The Branches of, Were: Carried at Feast of Tabernacles

The Palm-Tree: The Branches of, Were: Spread Before Christ

The Palm-Tree: The Branches of, Were: The Emblem of Victory

The Palm-Tree: The Church

The Palm-Tree: The Fruit of, Called Dates

The Palm-Tree: The Righteous

The Palm-Tree: The Upright Appearance of Idols

The Palm-Tree: Upright

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