The Mercy of God: should be Pleaded in Prayer
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 6:4
Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: oh save me for your mercies' sake.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 25:6
Remember, O LORD, your tender mercies and your loving kindnesses; for they have been ever of old.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 51:1
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your loving kindness: according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Prayer Answered, Love Nourished
... What is thy harsh grating voice, that I should always give ... I will love the name of
such a patient God as this ... Think of THE GREATNESS OF THE MERCY FOR WHICH YOU ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/prayer answered love nourished.htm

Prayer Perfumed with Praise
... Should we not rather feel an intense delight when we approach the ... thanksgiving in
its highest of all senses, by thanking God that we have the mercy which we ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 25 1879/prayer perfumed with praise.htm

Order and Argument in Prayer
... the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as ... he could no longer
lay hold upon justice, grasped God's right hand of mercy, and that ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 12 1866/order and argument in prayer.htm

Moses' Prayer to be Blotted Out of God's Book.
... Witnessing the sin and danger of others, should stir us ... would doubtless have adopted
that language ""God I thank ... of his sins, and led him to cry for mercy. ...
/.../lee/sermons on various important subjects/sermon viii moses prayer to.htm

True Prayer --True Power!
... If it were to come now where should I be?" And while ... Plead once with God and prevail,
and then plead again ... Get the first mercy, and then go again for the second ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 6 1860/true prayertrue power.htm

Prayer and Desire
... This, it should be remembered, was the central cause of ... burns its way to the Throne
of mercy, and gains ... Thus praying is, after all, inspired to seek after God. ...
/...// necessity of prayer/iv prayer and desire.htm

The Fulton St. Prayer Meeting.
... I believe it is God's will that I should tell you ... as I wandered the streets, that
voice of God, 'Turn ye ... me, and that night, as I pleaded for mercy, the burden ...
/.../various/the wonders of prayer/the fulton st prayer meeting.htm

"Behold Your God!"
... own sake, will I do it: for how should My name ... of the prophet to Judah to behold
the living God, and to ... learned to see in their Maker love and mercy and tender ...
/.../white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 26 behold your god.htm

Constant, Instant, Expectant
... "Long as they live should Christians pray,. ... When they are under the wings of the
cherubim crying unto God at his mercy seat then are they in the secret place ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 25 1879/constant instant expectant.htm

Mercy's Master Motive
... not blown the heat to such an extreme degree that thy sin should be melted ... is always
filled by you; now you begin saying, "My God, my God, have mercy on me ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 18 1872/mercys master motive.htm



Mercy: After the Example of God

Mercy: Beneficial to Those Who Exercise

Mercy: Blessedness of Showing

Mercy: Characteristic of Saints

Mercy: David to Saul

Mercy: Denunciations Against Those Devoid of

Mercy: Enjoined

Mercy: General Scriptures Concerning

Mercy: Hypocrites Devoid of

Mercy: Joshua to Rahab

Mercy: should be Shown with Cheerfulness

Mercy: should be Shown: To Animals

Mercy: should be Shown: To Backsliders

Mercy: should be Shown: To Our Brethren

Mercy: should be Shown: To the Poor

Mercy: should be Shown: To Those That are in Distress

Mercy: The Israelites to the Man of Beth-El

Mercy: The Prison Keeper, to Joseph

Mercy: To be Engraved on the Heart

Mercy: Upholds the Throne of Kings

The Mercy of God is his Delight

The Mercy of God is Part of his Character

The Mercy of God: A Ground of Hope

The Mercy of God: A Ground of Trust

The Mercy of God: Abundant

The Mercy of God: Epaphroditus

The Mercy of God: Everlasting

The Mercy of God: Filling the Earth

The Mercy of God: Great

The Mercy of God: High As Heaven

The Mercy of God: Lot

The Mercy of God: Manifested in Long-Suffering

The Mercy of God: Manifested in Salvation

The Mercy of God: Manifested in the Sending of Christ

The Mercy of God: Manifested with Everlasting Kindness

The Mercy of God: Manifested: To his People

The Mercy of God: Manifested: To Repentant Sinners

The Mercy of God: Manifested: To Returning Backsliders

The Mercy of God: Manifested: To the Afflicted

The Mercy of God: Manifested: To the Fatherless

The Mercy of God: Manifested: To Them That Fear Him

The Mercy of God: Manifested: To Whom he Will

The Mercy of God: Manifold

The Mercy of God: New Every Morning

The Mercy of God: Over all his Works

The Mercy of God: Paul

The Mercy of God: Plenteous

The Mercy of God: Rich

The Mercy of God: should be Magnified

The Mercy of God: should be Pleaded in Prayer

The Mercy of God: should be Rejoiced In

The Mercy of God: should be Sought for Others

The Mercy of God: should be Sought for Ourselves

The Mercy of God: Sure

The Mercy of God: Tender

The Mercy of God: Typified: Mercy Seat

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