The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being a Man of Sorrows
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Isaiah 53:3,4
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Luke 22:44
And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

John 11:33
When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

John 12:27
Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I to this hour.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Lord Coming to his Temple
... And human nature is the same in every age. ... so gifted and so fascinating should have
proved"I hardly ... To trust that, just because Christ is so magnificent, He ...
/.../kingsley/all saints day and other sermons/sermon iv the lord coming.htm

Cli. Letter or Address of Theodoret to the Monks of the ...
... Wherefore all the human qualities of the Lord Christ, hunger, I ... like, we affirm to
belong to our nature which God ... I say that the same Lord Christ both suffers ...
/.../theodoret/the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/cli letter or address of.htm

Christ the Conqueror of Satan
... laid them on the altar, and proved in his ... which keep the testimony of Jesus Christ,
yet the ... heel, that is, his lower part, his human nature, was perpetually ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 22 1876/christ the conqueror of satan.htm

The Eternal Manhood
... were great observers of the works of nature, of the ... in the resurrection of the Lord
Jesus Christ; and you ... to all"That thought of a loving human face smiling ...
/.../kingsley/town and country sermons/sermon xxxv the eternal manhood.htm

His Name --The Mighty God
... must put his hand upon man in our nature, he must ... All these met, as it were, in Christ's
heart, and yet ... With many a sign of human weakness, but with convincing ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 5 1859/his namethe mighty god.htm

The Character of Christ's People
... and sin; in another sense he was human; and his human nature, which was ... then ye are
not of the world in your nature; for ye are ... Give me Christ, or else I die.". ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 2 1856/the character of christs people.htm

... of you who, if he could, would not make every human being well and ... Since Jesus Christ
was a supremely good and a supremely ... His power over nature proved him God ...
// christianity and the bible/christ.htm

Some Gospel Truths Opened, According to the Scriptures; Or, the ...
... so according to their wicked imagination, his human nature was to be ... hast here the
main things of Christ laid down before thee briefly, and fully proved by the ...
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Out of the Deep of Doubt, Darkness, and Hell.
... circumstances of life is not chance or Nature, but the ... In every human being in whom
there is one spark of ... Himself the task of solving it; and Christ has proved ...
// of the deep/v out of the deep.htm

... of eternal personal life which he himself has not by nature. ... The cup of cold water
given in Christ's name; the ... dare not, ought not to tell to any human being. ...
// for the times/sermon iv names.htm



Human Beings

Human Cloning

Human Dignity

Human Life

Human Nature

Human Rights

Human Sacrifice

Human Sin

Human Survival


The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being a Man of Sorrows

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Buffeted

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Nailed to the Cross

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Scourged

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Being Subject to Weariness

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Birth

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Burial

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Circumcision

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Conception in the Virgin's Womb

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Death

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Enduring Indignities

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Having a Human Soul

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Hungering

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Increase in Wisdom and Stature

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Partaking of Flesh and Blood

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Resurrection

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Side Being Pierced

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Sleeping

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Thirsting

The Human Nature of Christ is Proved by His: Weeping

The Human Nature of Christ was Like Our own in all Things Except Sin

The Human Nature of Christ was Necessary to his Mediatorial office

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of Abraham

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of David

The Human Nature of Christ was of the Seed of The Woman

The Human Nature of Christ was Submitted to the Evidence of the Senses

The Human Nature of Christ was Without Sin

The Human Nature of Christ: Acknowledged by Men

The Human Nature of Christ: Attested by Himself

The Human Nature of Christ: Confession of, a Test of Belonging to God

The Human Nature of Christ: Denied by Antichrist

The Human Nature of Christ: Genealogy of

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