The Holiness of God: Requires Holy Service
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Joshua 24:19
And Joshua said to the people, You cannot serve the LORD: for he is an holy God; he is a jealous God; he will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Psalm 93:5
Your testimonies are very sure: holiness becomes your house, O LORD, for ever.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Note A. Holiness as Proprietorship.
... shall render to Him the devotion He requires.' 'All holy ... with the service of God.'
'When God declares He ... is predicated of men and things.' 'Holiness is God's ...
/.../murray/holy in christ/note a holiness as proprietorship.htm

Holy Raiment of One's Own Weaving.
... being is naturally in collision with the will of God; whose holiness does not ... But
it requires the Holy Spirit's additional and very peculiar act, whereby ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/v holy raiment of ones.htm

Sanctified by God the Father.
... is Himself infinitely holy, and He requires all His ... His gospel for them to be made
and kept holy. And it is precisely the standard of God's holiness which is ...
/.../clark/the theology of holiness/chapter xi sanctified by god.htm

Thou Shalt Sanctify the Holy Day. [Remember the Sabbath Day to ...
... causes and necessities, which nature teaches and requires; for the ... fictitious spiritual
orders which know nothing of God's Word and seek holiness in their ...
/.../luther/the large catechism/thou shalt sanctify the holy.htm

... in the epistles, we find that God requires His people ... and to every sanctified child
of God, there may ... Many teachers of holiness inculcate the doctrine that we ...
/.../clark/the theology of holiness/chapter xvi conclusion.htm

Appendix 1 the Will of God
... When God requires holiness His preceptive or revealed will respects the ... but when
He decrees that holiness shall not ... God's will of decree is not His will in the ...
// sovereignty of god/appendix 1 the will of.htm

Brief Statement of the Reformed Faith, 1902.
... believer as the spirit of truth, of holiness, and of ... We believe that God requires
of every man to do justly ... brotherhood of man wherein the kingdom of God is to ...
/.../brief statement of the reformed.htm

Balak's Inquiries Relative to the Service of God, and Balaam's ...
... than part with his sins and become holy in heart ... will avail to procure the divine
favor"that holiness of heart ... We may do much which God requires, may even go ...
/.../sermon xviii balaks inquiries relative.htm

The National Oath at Shechem
... are based upon our recognition of His holiness and demand for ... it as their free choice,
he requires the putting ... If God be 'holy' and 'jealous,' serving Him must ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the national oath at shechem.htm

The Lively Stones. Rev. W. Morley Punshon.
... Let the child be impressed with holiness, and he ... acceptable, being sanctified by
the Holy Ghost." "In ... this sacrifice and offering, happily, God requires not at ...
/.../king/the wesleyan methodist pulpit in malvern/the lively stones rev w.htm



Holiness Holy

Holiness is the Result of God's Keeping

Holiness is the Result of Subjection to God

Holiness is the Result of The Manifestation of God's Grace

Holiness is the Result of Union With Christ

Holiness of God

Holiness: Becoming to the Church

Holiness: Behaviour of Aged Women should be As Becomes

Holiness: Chastisements are Intended to Produce, in Saints

Holiness: Christ: An Example of

Holiness: Christ: Desires for his People

Holiness: Christ: Effects, in his People

Holiness: Commanded

Holiness: David

Holiness: General Scriptures Concerning

Holiness: Israel

Holiness: John the Baptist

Holiness: Ministers should Avoid Everything Inconsistent With

Holiness: Ministers should be Examples of

Holiness: Ministers should Exhort To

Holiness: Ministers should Possess

Holiness: Motives to The Dissolution of all Things

Holiness: Motives to The Glory of God

Holiness: Motives to The Love of Christ

Holiness: Motives to The Mercies of God

Holiness: Necessary to God's Worship

Holiness: None Shall See God Without

Holiness: Paul

Holiness: Promise to Women Who Continue In

Holiness: Promised to the Church

Holiness: Prophets

Holiness: Required in Prayer

Holiness: Saints: Called To

Holiness: Saints: Elected To

Holiness: Saints: Have Their Fruit To

Holiness: Saints: New Created In

Holiness: Saints: Possess

Holiness: Saints: Shall be Presented to God In

Holiness: Saints: Shall Continue In, for Ever

Holiness: Saints: should Continue In

Holiness: Saints: should Follow After

Holiness: Saints: should Have Their Conversation In

Holiness: Saints: should Present Their Bodies to God In

Holiness: Saints: should Seek Perfection In

Holiness: Saints: should Serve God In

Holiness: Saints: should Yield Their Members As Instruments of

Holiness: should Lead to Separation from the Wicked

Holiness: The Character of Christ, the Standard of

Holiness: The Character of God, the Standard of

Holiness: The Church is the Beauty of

Holiness: The Gospel the Way of

Holiness: The Wicked are Without

Holiness: The Word of God the Means of Producing

Holiness: Wives of Patriarchs

The Holiness of God is Incomparable

The Holiness of God is Pledged for the Fulfilment of His Judgments

The Holiness of God is Pledged for the Fulfilment of His Promises

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Character

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Kingdom

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Name

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Words

The Holiness of God: Exhibited in His: Works

The Holiness of God: Heavenly Hosts Adore

The Holiness of God: Requires Holy Service

The Holiness of God: Saints are Commanded to Imitate

The Holiness of God: Saints should Praise

The Holiness of God: should be Magnified

The Holiness of God: should Produce Reverential Fear

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