The Hair of Women: Well Set and Ornamented
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 3:24
And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


At the Well
... They were chiefly Bedouins, their women perched behind them with the ... The attendant
was hastening toward the well. ... and a single tress of golden hair had escaped ...
// yoke/chapter xxxvii at the well.htm

Marriage of the Blessed virgin to Joseph
... was attached to the sole and was always worn by well-dressed women. It was the Temple
maidens who plaited Mary's beautiful hair arrangement; I saw it ...
/.../emmerich/the life of the blessed virgin mary/vii marriage of the blessed.htm

Examples of the Various Styles, Drawn from the Teachers of the ...
... of her conscience; injuring no one, wishing well to all ... wouldst fain change the color
of thy hair: I would ... arise these incentives to vice, that women, in their ...
/.../on christian doctrine in four books /chapter 21 examples of the various.htm

Revelation of Paul.
... flesh and blood, [2549] are cast into this well: and as ... and gnashing of teeth, many
men and women there tormented. ... my coat was not dirtied, and the hair of my ...
// of paul/revelation of paul.htm

Matt. xiv. 13
... of art; but when it perverts men to the gestures of women, and causes ... And I know
well, that to many I seem over-minute in busying ... Not with braided hair, or gold ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on the gospel of saint matthew/homily xlix matt xiv 13.htm

The Nile and Egypt
... The hair was inclined to be wavy, and even to curl ... The institution of the women of
Amon is a legacy from a ... mistresses of the house, nibit piru, as well as wives ...
/.../chapter i the nile and egypt.htm

Hebrews xi. 37, 38
... blessed Paul saying, and solemnly charging women "to adorn themselves, not with
plaitings [of the hair], or gold ... for in truth one may well laugh, considering ...
/.../homilies on the gospel of st john and hebrews/homily xxviii hebrews xi 37.htm

The Nuns of the Primitive Church
... of humility; and personal property in a hair blanket is ... training school for bishops
and priests, as well as a haven of religious recreation for women of the ...
/.../brittain/women of early christianity/vi the nuns of the.htm

Letter cvii. To Laeta.
... The first as a Nazarite wore his hair long, drank neither ... In this way while her tongue
will be well-trained, her ... led away by the silly coaxing of women to form ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter cvii to laeta.htm

Low Beetling Brows, -- a Sensual, Cruel Mouth with a Loosely ...
... But apart from all personalities, I am a great believer in women. ... Well, what can
you expect? ... He smiled and stroked her soft hair, then taking her arm he leaned ...
/...// master-christian/ix low beetling brows .htm



Hair Length

Hair: Numbered

Hair: Symbolical Dividing of

Hair: Worn Long by Absalom

Hair: Worn Long by Women

Hair: Worn Short by Men


The Hair of Nazarites: Not to be Cut or Shorn During Their Vow

The Hair of Nazarites: Shorn After Completion of Vow

The Hair of the Healed Leper to be Shorn

The Hair of Women: Neglected in Grief

The Hair of Women: Plaited and Broidered

The Hair of Women: Well Set and Ornamented

The Hair of Women: Worn Long for a Covering

The Hair: Black, Particularly Esteemed

The Hair: Colour of, Changed by Leprosy

The Hair: Cut off in Affliction

The Hair: God: Numbers

The Hair: God: Takes Care of

The Hair: Growth of

The Hair: Innumerable

The Hair: Judgments Expressed by Sending Baldness For

The Hair: Judgments Expressed by Shaving

The Hair: Man Cannot Even Change the Colour Or

The Hair: Men Condemned for Wearing Long

The Hair: Often Expensively Anointed

The Hair: Plucked out in Extreme Grief

The Hair: Plucking out of, a Reproach

The Hair: Sometimes Worn Long by Men

The Hair: The Natural Covering of the Head

The Hair: White or Gray with Righteousness, a Crown of Glory

The Hair: White or Gray: A Token of Age

The Hair: White or Gray: A Token of Weakness and Decay

The Hair: White or Gray: An Emblem of Wisdom

The Hair: White or Gray: To be Reverenced

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