The Hair: White or Gray: A Token of Weakness and Decay
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Hosea 7:9
Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knows it not: yes, gray hairs are here and there on him, yet he knows not.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Treatise on Christ and Antichrist.
... days did sit: and His garment was white as snow ... nigh." [1546] "And there shall not
a hair of your ... analogy of weaving is powerfully employed by Gray ("Weave the ...
/.../treatise on christ and antichrist.htm

Memoir of John Bunyan
... the kennels ran down with blood; Colonel Gray the governor ... were like the black man
with the white robe, named ... felt still more humbled at the weakness of human ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/memoir of john bunyan.htm



Hair Length

Hair: Numbered

Hair: Symbolical Dividing of

Hair: Worn Long by Absalom

Hair: Worn Long by Women

Hair: Worn Short by Men


The Hair of Nazarites: Not to be Cut or Shorn During Their Vow

The Hair of Nazarites: Shorn After Completion of Vow

The Hair of the Healed Leper to be Shorn

The Hair of Women: Neglected in Grief

The Hair of Women: Plaited and Broidered

The Hair of Women: Well Set and Ornamented

The Hair of Women: Worn Long for a Covering

The Hair: Black, Particularly Esteemed

The Hair: Colour of, Changed by Leprosy

The Hair: Cut off in Affliction

The Hair: God: Numbers

The Hair: God: Takes Care of

The Hair: Growth of

The Hair: Innumerable

The Hair: Judgments Expressed by Sending Baldness For

The Hair: Judgments Expressed by Shaving

The Hair: Man Cannot Even Change the Colour Or

The Hair: Men Condemned for Wearing Long

The Hair: Often Expensively Anointed

The Hair: Plucked out in Extreme Grief

The Hair: Plucking out of, a Reproach

The Hair: Sometimes Worn Long by Men

The Hair: The Natural Covering of the Head

The Hair: White or Gray with Righteousness, a Crown of Glory

The Hair: White or Gray: A Token of Age

The Hair: White or Gray: A Token of Weakness and Decay

The Hair: White or Gray: An Emblem of Wisdom

The Hair: White or Gray: To be Reverenced

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