The Hair: Men Condemned for Wearing Long
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Corinthians 11:14
Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame to him?
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Society of Friends, or Quakers.
... with stones and filth, dragged by the hair through the ... public decency which led some
Quaker men and women ... 1672), with all his liberality, condemned such conduct ...
/.../creeds of christendom with a history and critical notes/ 107 the society of.htm

Among the People, and with the Pharisees
... that some Jewish dandies had their hair regularly dressed ... careless, gay, and
Grecianising, or self-condemned by a ... markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi ...
/.../edersheim/sketches of jewish social life/chapter 13 among the people.htm

Doctrinal and Moral Treatises. Index of Subjects.
... born of a Virgin, [355]444; her long and early ... 786]476, [787]494; denied before men
in pretending ... to prevent crime, [1062]466; especially condemned, [1063]472. ...
/.../on care to be had for the dead /doctrinal and moral treatises index.htm

A Compendious view of the Christian Life.
... In numbers in the city, with hair plucked out." [1696 ... the Lord, but also in the sight
of men." [1734] "But ... raiment of the Middle Ages is condemned by Clement's ...
/.../clement/the instructor paedagogus/chapter xi a compendious view of.htm

1 Cor. xi. 28
... light, saying, "that we may not be condemned with the ... in the last extremity; but
evil men and impostors ... him both rending his clothes and shaving off his hair. ...
/.../homilies on the epistles of paul to the corinthians/homily xxviii 1 cor xi.htm

The Mosaic Law the Fountain of all Ethics, and the Source from ...
... time; and further, it cuts off the captive's hair, in order ... sucking, much more in
the case of men does it ... the case of a pregnant woman being condemned to death ...
/.../clement/the stromata or miscellanies/chapter xviii the mosaic law the.htm

The Next Morning Dawned with all the Strange Half Mystical Glow of ...
... wondered why so much fine literature is condemned by the ... in softer tones, "As many
unhappy men in Europe ... swish," as she moved,"her golden hair escaping in ...
/.../corelli/the master-christian/xxiv the next morning dawned.htm

Lovely to a Poet or an Artist's Eye is the Unevenly-Built and ...
... "The Divine is condemned to die in ... "Men are ugly. ... And I will not kiss them, because
their mouths smell bad. They stroke my hair and pull it all the wrong way. ...
// master-christian/ii lovely to a poet.htm

Philippians i. 18-20
... yet in no unseemly way, not in tearing our hair, or baring ... outside the Palace, with
the culprits, with the condemned: for, "Verily I ... why on behalf of all men? ...
/.../homily iii philippians i 18-20.htm

On the Clause, and Shall Come in Glory to Judge the Quick and the ...
... prepared for him,....he by means of such men as these ... the judgment upon him, as being
already condemned." S. Cyril ... is the type of old age, whose hair is white ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/lecture xv on the clause.htm



Hair Length

Hair: Numbered

Hair: Symbolical Dividing of

Hair: Worn Long by Absalom

Hair: Worn Long by Women

Hair: Worn Short by Men


The Hair of Nazarites: Not to be Cut or Shorn During Their Vow

The Hair of Nazarites: Shorn After Completion of Vow

The Hair of the Healed Leper to be Shorn

The Hair of Women: Neglected in Grief

The Hair of Women: Plaited and Broidered

The Hair of Women: Well Set and Ornamented

The Hair of Women: Worn Long for a Covering

The Hair: Black, Particularly Esteemed

The Hair: Colour of, Changed by Leprosy

The Hair: Cut off in Affliction

The Hair: God: Numbers

The Hair: God: Takes Care of

The Hair: Growth of

The Hair: Innumerable

The Hair: Judgments Expressed by Sending Baldness For

The Hair: Judgments Expressed by Shaving

The Hair: Man Cannot Even Change the Colour Or

The Hair: Men Condemned for Wearing Long

The Hair: Often Expensively Anointed

The Hair: Plucked out in Extreme Grief

The Hair: Plucking out of, a Reproach

The Hair: Sometimes Worn Long by Men

The Hair: The Natural Covering of the Head

The Hair: White or Gray with Righteousness, a Crown of Glory

The Hair: White or Gray: A Token of Age

The Hair: White or Gray: A Token of Weakness and Decay

The Hair: White or Gray: An Emblem of Wisdom

The Hair: White or Gray: To be Reverenced

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