The Gospel is Called the Word of Reconciliation
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
2 Corinthians 5:19
To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not imputing their trespasses to them; and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


On the Comparison of the Law and the Gospel
... in the postulate, from which the former is called "the law ... (Genesis 2:17.) But the
Gospel was bestowed ... favour of God, because it is "the word of reconciliation ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/disputation 13 on the comparison.htm

Union and Communion with God the End and Design of the Gospel
... to him, and then he sends out the word of reconciliation ... of man is the very end and
purpose of the gospel. ... We who are rebels, are called to be friends, "I call ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/lecture ii union and communion.htm

On the Words of the Gospel, Matt. xii. 32, "Whosoever Shall Speak ...
... any of us have laboured in preaching the Gospel, he is ... diligently listened to our
preaching, he is called a most ... we imagine, as some do, that the word which is ...
/.../sermons on selected lessons of the new testament/sermon xxi on the words.htm

The Canons of Dort.
... nor the law could do, that God performs by the operation of his Holy Spirit through
the word or ministry ... As many as are called by the gospel are unfeignedly ...
/.../creeds of christendom with a history and critical notes/ 67 the canons of.htm

The Corruption of Man, his Conversion to God, and the Manner ...
... that God performs by the operation of the Holy Spirit through the word or ministry ...
ARTICLE 8. As many as are called by the gospel are unfeignedly called. ...
// of dort/the corruption of man his.htm

Inspiration of Scripture. --Gospel Difficulties. --The Word of God ...
... of God"and I believe that God's Word must be ... "Theories of Inspiration," (as they
are called,) are the ... A well-known living editor of the Gospel [376] , says ...
/.../inspiration and interpretation/sermon iii inspiration of scripture gospel.htm

The Sick Person Ought Now to Send for Some Godly and Religious ...
... But the truth of God's word is, that no person ... ministers (Matthew 16:19), who are
therefore called the ministers of ... the name of minister of the gospel, to whom ...
/.../bayly/the practice of piety/the sick person ought now.htm

The Epistles to the Corinthians.
... abide in that calling wherein he was called (7:20 ... is unto me if I preach not the
gospel (9:16 ... trespasses, and having committed unto us the word of reconciliation ...
/.../schaff/history of the christian church volume i/section 90 the epistles to.htm

Christ the Mediator of the Covenant
... is the sum and quintessence of the gospel; the wonder ... of the new covenant.' The Greek
word for Mediator ... through his blood, therefore he is called the Mediator ...
// body of divinity/2 christ the mediator of.htm

Hebrews x. 26, 27
... is there considering himself particularly as called to, and ... the first preaching of
the Gospel, hath actually ... or Commission; either in Thought, or Word, or Deed ...
/.../sermon viii hebrews x 26.htm



Gospel According To the Hebrews

Gospel Of John

Gospel Of Luke

Gospel Of Mark

Gospel Of Matthew

Gospel: Called the New Covenant

Gospel: Called: Doctrine According to Godliness

Gospel: Called: Form of Sound Words

Gospel: Called: Glorious Gospel of Christ

Gospel: Called: Gospel of Christ

Gospel: Called: Gospel of God

Gospel: Called: Gospel of Jesus Christ

Gospel: Called: Gospel of Peace

Gospel: Called: Gospel of Salvation

Gospel: Called: Gospel of the Kingdom

Gospel: Called: Ministration of the Spirit

Gospel: Called: Mystery of Christ

Gospel: Called: Mystery of the Gospel

Gospel: Called: Preaching of Jesus Christ

Gospel: Called: The Dispensation of the Grace of God

Gospel: Called: The Grace of God

Gospel: Called: The Kingdom of God

Gospel: Called: Word of Christ

Gospel: Called: Word of Faith

Gospel: Called: Word of God

Gospel: Called: Word of Life

Gospel: Called: Word of Reconciliation

Gospel: Called: Word of Salvation

Gospel: Called: Word of Truth

Gospel: Compared to a Feast

Gospel: Compared to a Householder

Gospel: Compared to a Mustard Seed

Gospel: Compared to a Pearl of Great Price

Gospel: Compared to a Treasure Hidden in a Field

Gospel: Compared to Good Seed

Gospel: Compared to Leaven (Yeast)

Gospel: Prophecies Relating To

Gospel: Unclassified Scriptures Relating To

The Gospel is Called the Dispensation of the Grace of God

The Gospel is Called the Doctrine According to Godliness

The Gospel is Called the Form of Sound Words

The Gospel is Called the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ

The Gospel is Called the Gospel of Christ

The Gospel is Called the Gospel of God

The Gospel is Called the Gospel of Peace

The Gospel is Called the Gospel of Salvation

The Gospel is Called the Gospel of the Grace of God

The Gospel is Called the Gospel of the Kingdom

The Gospel is Called the Ministration of the Spirit

The Gospel is Called the Mystery of the Gospel

The Gospel is Called the Preaching of Jesus Christ

The Gospel is Called the Word of Christ

The Gospel is Called the Word of Faith

The Gospel is Called the Word of God

The Gospel is Called the Word of Grace

The Gospel is Called the Word of Life

The Gospel is Called the Word of Reconciliation

The Gospel is Called the Word of Salvation

The Gospel is Called the Word of Truth

The Gospel is Everlasting

The Gospel is Glorious

The Gospel is Good Tidings of Great Joy for all People

The Gospel is Hid to Them That are Lost

The Gospel is the Power of God to Salvation

The Gospel: Awful Consequences of not Obeying

The Gospel: Be Careful not to Hinder

The Gospel: Brings Peace

The Gospel: Exhibits the Grace of God

The Gospel: Foretold

The Gospel: Let Him Who Preached Another, be Accursed

The Gospel: Life and Immortality are Brought to Light by Jesus Through

The Gospel: Ministers Have a Stewardship to Preach

The Gospel: Must be Believed

The Gospel: Preached Beforehand to Abraham

The Gospel: Preached by Christ

The Gospel: Preached to Every Creature

The Gospel: Preached to The Gentiles

The Gospel: Preached to The Jews First

The Gospel: Preached to The Poor

The Gospel: Preached Under the Old Testament

The Gospel: Produces Hope

The Gospel: Profession of, Attended by Afflictions

The Gospel: Promises to Sufferers

The Gospel: Rejection of, by Many, Foretold

The Gospel: Rejection of, by the Jews, a Means of Blessing to The

The Gospel: Saints Have Fellowship In

The Gospel: Testifies to the Final Judgment

The Gospel: The Knowledge of the Glory of God is By

The Gospel: There is Fulness of Blessing In

The Gospel: Those Who Receive, should Adhere to the Truth of

The Gospel: Those Who Receive, should Earnestly Contend for the Faith of

The Gospel: Those Who Receive, should Have Their Conversation Becoming

The Gospel: Those Who Receive, should Live in Subjection To

The Gospel: Those Who Receive, should not be Ashamed of

The Gospel: Those Who Receive, should Sacrifice Friends and Property For

The Gospel: Those Who Receive, should Sacrifice Life Itself For

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