The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Strength and Power
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 68:35
O God, you are terrible out of your holy places: the God of Israel is he that gives strength and power to his people. Blessed be God.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Spiritual Gifts.
... increasing still by the ever-renewed additions of spiritual gifts. ... will be jealous
of his brother's gifts and fear ... Lord and one flock, and bless God for giving ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxxvii spiritual gifts.htm

Spiritual Power.
... Therefore, when we are thinking of God's gift of the ... careful also against any other
form of spiritual waste. ... that this Spirit, with its sevenfold gifts, is the ...
// at rugby/xviii spiritual power.htm

Twelfth Lesson. Have Faith in God;'
... for some means to get more strength in his ... with full liberty to take them, the spiritual
power is wanting ... We seek God's gifts: God wants to give us HIMSELF first ...
/.../murray/with christ in the school of prayer/twelfth lesson have faith in.htm

Of the Ordering of all the virtues through the Seven Gifts of the ...
... creatures, and possesses himself, powerful and free, through the gift of spiritual
Strength. ... feel the gushing in of all the graces and gifts of God; and we ...
/.../john/the adornment of the spritual marriage/chapter lxiii of the ordering.htm

Of Two Spiritual Martyrdoms, Wherewith God Cleanseth the Soul that ...
... clogged by an inordinate desire of sublime Gifts, by the Appetite of feeling spiritual
Consolation, by ... think that thou hast altogether lost God; this will ...
/.../the spiritual guide which disentangles the soul/chap iv of two spiritual.htm

Sermon for Septuagesima Sunday
... All these spiritual men who thus know how to resign ... at all times and seasons plunged
in God; they are ... are humble, noways remarkable for their gifts, outward or ...
/.../ix sermon for septuagesima sunday.htm

Letter xxvii. (AD 395. )
... as completely one with you, and bound to you by spiritual ties which owe ... man, thinks
highly of the great mercy and wonderful gifts which God has bestowed ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter xxvii a d 395.htm

The Work of God's Spirit
... so what is the use of praying for spiritual gifts to God ... through now a few of these
good gifts, which we ... you, young men and women"consider;"if God has given ...
/.../kingsley/twenty-five village sermons/sermon iv the work of.htm

The Great Privilege of those that are Born of God
... is also justified; yea, that both these gifts of God ... breath of every soul which is
truly born of God. ... now awake, and capable of discerning spiritual good and ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 19 the great privilege.htm

Man the Image of the Creator, and Christ the Head of the Man ...
... heart and soul, [5564] with all thy strength, and with ... may now leave the subject
of spiritual gifts, facts themselves ... in claiming them for his God, and whether ...
/.../tertullian/the five books against marcion/chapter viii man the image of.htm


Charism: An Inspired Gift, Bestowed on the Apostles and Early Christians



Gifts from God

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Christ, the Saviour

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Faith

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Grace

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Repentance

Gifts from God: Spiritual: Wisdom

Gifts from God: Temporal: All Creatures Partake of

Gifts from God: Temporal: Food and Raiment

Gifts from God: Temporal: Peace

Gifts from God: Temporal: Prayer For

Gifts from God: Temporal: Rain and Fruitful Seasons

Gifts from God: Temporal: should Cause Us to Remember God

Gifts from God: Temporal: To be Used and Enjoyed

Gifts from God: Temporal: Wisdom

Gifts from God: Unclassified Scriptures Relating to Both Temporal and Spiritual

Gifts of Healing

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Gifts of God are Dispensed According to his Will

The Gifts of God are Free and Abundant

The Gifts of God: Acknowledge

The Gifts of God: All Blessings Are

The Gifts of God: Illustrated

The Gifts of God: Spiritual are Through Christ

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: A New Heart

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Christ the Chief of

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Eternal Life

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Faith

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Glory

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Grace

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Not Repented of by Him

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Peace

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Pray For

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Repentance

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Rest

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Righteousness

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Strength and Power

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: The Holy Spirit

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: To be Used for Mutual Profit

The Gifts of God: Spiritual: Wisdom

The Gifts of God: Temporal: All Creatures Partake of

The Gifts of God: Temporal: All Good Things

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Food and Raiment

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Life

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Peace

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Pray For

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Rain and Fruitful Seasons

The Gifts of God: Temporal: should Cause Us to Remember God

The Gifts of God: Temporal: To be Used and Enjoyed

The Gifts of God: Temporal: Wisdom

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