The Feet: Stamped on the Ground in Extreme Joy or Grief
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Ezekiel 6:11
Thus said the Lord GOD; Smite with your hand, and stamp with your foot, and say, Alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel! for they shall fall by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 25:6
For thus said the Lord GOD; Because you have clapped your hands, and stamped with the feet, and rejoiced in heart with all your despite against the land of Israel;
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Two Sons.
... yet they were spreading a net for the feet of the ... alluded in his lectures, grow on
the ground at this day ... the human characters that were fixed and stamped as by ...
// parables of our lord/x the two sons.htm

"Alas for Us, if Thou Wert All, and Nought Beyond, O Earth"
... of a benevolent disposition affords a ground of satisfaction ... muddy filthy water which
the camels' feet have stirred ... is, to my eye, visibly stamped everywhere. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 10 1864/alas for us if thou.htm

Introductory Essays
... forth at one birth, "with hands and feet," to use ... terror and dread and suffering
had stamped themselves on ... The ground, however, on which this promise was based ...
/.../luther/first principles of the reformation/introductory essays.htm

Some Hymns and Hymn-Books
... of writers whose work was not specially or obviously stamped by any ... His hands, His
feet, His side. ... And the hymns, if chosen at random, traverse the same ground. ...
/.../manning/the hymns of wesley and watts five papers/some hymns and hymn-books.htm

Prison Experiences for Conscience' Sake --Our Prison
... with the smiling hillsides and vales of New England, he sees stamped upon it ... of sin,
till I knew of a truth my feet had strayed ... I arose and sat on the ground. ...
/.../prison experiences for conscience sakeour.htm

The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich
... fingers or toes on the hands and feet, the body ... beneath her burden and sometimes
even falling to the ground. ... these divine acts appeared to her stamped with the ...
/.../the dolorous passion of our lord jesus christ/the life of anne catherine.htm

Memoir of John Bunyan
... suggestions, those gloomy fears, those heavenly rays of joy? ... I could have lain down
at their feet, and have ... wherefore leaving my cat upon the ground, I looked ...
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/memoir of john bunyan.htm

A Canticle of Love
... I am the wheat of Christ; let me be ground by the ... of confidence, pressed her forehead
against the feet of the ... worse, and on July 30 she received Extreme Unction ...
/...// story of a soul/chapter xi a canticle of.htm

The Iranian Conquest
... he nourishes the religion of Mazda as a hundred feet of men ... rock, or raised up above
the level of the ground. ... of purity or impurity, as much of joy or sadness ...
/.../chapter ithe iranian conquest.htm

A Traveler's Note-Book
... vision,"the head of gold, the feet of miry ... and perpetual drill certain religious
ideas were stamped upon the ... appears as speaking to men in extreme need, in ...
/.../merriam/the chief end of man/iii a travelers note-book.htm



Feet Washing

Feet: Bells Worn On

Feet: Sitting At

Feet: Washing of, As an Example, by Jesus

The Feet of Criminals: Bound With Fetters

The Feet of Criminals: Placed in Stocks

The Feet of Enemies often Maimed and Cut off

The Feet of Saints: At Liberty

The Feet of Saints: Established by God

The Feet of Saints: Guided by Christ

The Feet of Saints: Kept by God

The Feet of Strangers and Travellers Washed

The Feet of the Jews: Bare in Affliction

The Feet of the Jews: Neglected in Affliction

The Feet of the Jews: Washed Frequently

The Feet of the Wicked: Ensnared

The Feet of the Wicked: Swift to Mischief

The Feet of the Wicked: Swift to Shed Blood

The Feet of Women often Adorned With Tingling Ornaments

The Feet were Liable to Disease

The Feet were Liable to Injury from Stones

The Feet were Liable to Swelling from Walking

The Feet: (Dipped in Blood) of Victory

The Feet: (Set in a Large Place) Liberty

The Feet: (Set on a Rock) Stability

The Feet: (Sliding) Yielding to Temptation

The Feet: (Treading Under) Complete Destruction

The Feet: (Washed or Dipped in Oil) Abundance

The Feet: Condemnation Expressed by Shaking the Dust From

The Feet: Early Use of Shoes

The Feet: Necessary Members of the Body

The Feet: Neglect of Washing, Disrespectful to Guest

The Feet: Often Swift

The Feet: Origin of Uncovering in Consecrated Places

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Heel

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Sole

The Feet: Parts of, Mentioned in Scripture: Toes

The Feet: Path of, to be Pondered

The Feet: Respect Exhibited by Falling At

The Feet: Reverence Expressed by Kissing

The Feet: Sleep Expressed by Covering

The Feet: Stamped on the Ground in Extreme Joy or Grief

The Feet: Subjection Expressed by Licking the Dust of

The Feet: Subjugation of Enemies Expressed by Placing on Their Necks

The Feet: To be Directed by God's Word

The Feet: To be Guided by Wisdom and Discretion

The Feet: To be Refrained from Evil

The Feet: To be Turned to God's Testimonies

The Feet: Washing for Others, a Menial office

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