The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Augmented by Increase of Its Members
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 49:18
Lift up your eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to you. As I live, said the LORD, you shall surely clothe you with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on you, as a bride does.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Isaiah 60:4-14
Lift up your eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to you: your sons shall come from far, and your daughters shall be nursed at your side.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Carey as an Educator --The First Christian College in the East
... the extreme Orientalists, it is the glory of the ... His Excellency "interrupted pressing
avocations" to criticise both ... from that form of church government which I ...
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St. Gregory the Great.
... "Also, I am told that your Excellency issued a ... A kingdom is ruled well when the glory
of ruling does not ... of Rome the principate of the whole Church was touched ...
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An Exposition on the First Ten Chapters of Genesis, and Part of ...
... kingdom was an earthly paradise; Adam's excellency was, that ... have been wanting: so
all the glory of heaven ... as mediator, could not, without his church, have made ...
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The Desire of the Righteous Granted;
... disadvantage by our flesh, that mixing itself with what is good, and so abates the
excellency of the ... Church fellowship, rightly managed, is the glory of all ...
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The Pilgrim's Progress
... the Peacock in the Poultry, near the Church, 1684 ... thy beginning is good, thy latter
end shall greatly increase. ... for that they could not see that glory each one ...
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Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners:
... His works increase remarkably in popularity. ... an allegory About their journey, and
the way to glory.'. ... imprisonment for refusing to attend the Church of England ...
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The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Exaltation

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Sinless Perfection

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Transfiguration

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Triumph

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Words

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Works

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Calling of the Gentiles

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Fulness of his Grace and Truth

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Restoration of the Jews

The Excellency and Glory of Christ is Incomparable

The Excellency and Glory of Christ is Unchangeable

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Creator

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Head of the Church

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Incarnate

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Judge

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As King

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Lord of Lords

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Mediator

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As One With the Father

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Priest

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Prophet

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Shepherd

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Blessed of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the First-Begotten

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the First-Born

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Foundation of the Church

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Image of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Life

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Son of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the True Light

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Truth

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Way

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Celebrated by the Redeemed

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Followed his Resurrection

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Followed his Sufferings

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Imparted to Saints

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Revealed in the Gospel

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Saints Shall Behold, in Heaven

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Saints Shall Rejoice at the Revelation of

The Excellency and Glory of the Church are Abundant

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Augmented by Increase of Its Members

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being Established

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Body of Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Bride of Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Seat of God's Worship

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Temple of God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Eminent Position

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Graces of Character

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Members Being Righteous

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Perfection of Beauty

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Sanctification

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Strength and Defence

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Derived from Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Derived from God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: God Delights In

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Result from the Favour of God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Saints Delight In

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Sin Obscures

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