The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Foundation of the Church
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Isaiah 28:16
Therefore thus said the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believes shall not make haste.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Church Triumphant
... He will make her an eternal excellency, a joy of ... are revealed visions of the future
glory, scenes pictured by ... in this life co-operate with Christ, regarding it ...
/.../white/the acts of the apostles/lesson 58 the church triumphant.htm

The Psalms of David
... The glory of God in creation and providence ... the Lord's day; or, A new song of salvation
by Christ. ... of God is the saint's portion; or, The excellency and variety ...
// psalms of david/

The Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts
... HYMN 130 The new creation. HYMN 131 The excellency of the Christian
religion. ... HYMN 23 Grace and glory by the death of Christ. ...
// psalms and hymns of isaac watts/

Christ the Only Preservative against a Reprobate Spirit
... speak it, when ignorant of the excellency of the ... Grant this, O Lord Jesus Christ,
with whatever else ... Ghost, be ascribed all honor, power, glory, might, majesty ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/christ the only preservative against.htm

How Christ is to be Made Use Of, in Reference to Growing in Grace.
... What an excellency lieth here, to recover that lost glory ... at a dear rate, by the
blood of Jesus Christ; so that ... of him that hath called us to glory and virtue ...
/.../brown/christ the way the truth and the life/chapter vii how christ is.htm

Union and Communion with God the End and Design of the Gospel
... here and consider our misery, that have fallen from such an excellency. ... of their
own heart, and will not be guided by Christ, the way and life, to glory! ...
/.../binning/the works of the rev hugh binning/lecture ii union and communion.htm

... as considered of the same divine and eternal excellency with him ... to glory; also he
shall bear the glory of our ... If you have indeed laid Christ, God-man, for your ...
// riches of bunyan/vii christ.htm

Twenty Third Sunday after Trinity Enemies of the Cross of Christ ...
... things to be loss for the excellency of the ... final results, their boast is without
foundation and ends ... of the honor and the glory Christ's righteousness brings ...
/.../luther/epistle sermons vol iii/twenty third sunday after trinity.htm

The Value of this Doctrine
... not unto us, but unto Thy name give glory, for Thy ... Heaven in Thy help, and in His
excellency on the ... throngs all around, have been chosen in Christ before the ...
/.../pink/the sovereignty of god/chapter twelve the value of.htm

Psalm CIV.
... works: but "he that glorieth, let him glory in the ... not broken by them: this is the
excellency of the ... not broken; for they imitate the sufferings of Christ.... ...
/.../ on the book of psalms/psalm civ.htm



The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Exaltation

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Sinless Perfection

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Transfiguration

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Triumph

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Words

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in his Works

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Calling of the Gentiles

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Fulness of his Grace and Truth

The Excellency and Glory of Christ in the Restoration of the Jews

The Excellency and Glory of Christ is Incomparable

The Excellency and Glory of Christ is Unchangeable

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Creator

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Head of the Church

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Incarnate

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Judge

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As King

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Lord of Lords

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Mediator

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As One With the Father

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Priest

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Prophet

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As Shepherd

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Blessed of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the First-Begotten

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the First-Born

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Foundation of the Church

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Image of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Life

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Son of God

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the True Light

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Truth

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: As the Way

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Celebrated by the Redeemed

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Followed his Resurrection

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Followed his Sufferings

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Imparted to Saints

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Revealed in the Gospel

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Saints Shall Behold, in Heaven

The Excellency and Glory of Christ: Saints Shall Rejoice at the Revelation of

The Excellency and Glory of the Church are Abundant

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Augmented by Increase of Its Members

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being Established

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Body of Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Bride of Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Seat of God's Worship

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Being the Temple of God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Eminent Position

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Graces of Character

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Members Being Righteous

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Perfection of Beauty

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Sanctification

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Consist in Its: Strength and Defence

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Derived from Christ

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Derived from God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: God Delights In

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Result from the Favour of God

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Saints Delight In

The Excellency and Glory of the Church: Sin Obscures

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