The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Holiness
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
1 Peter 1:15,16
But as he which has called you is holy, so be you holy in all manner of conversation;
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Romans 1:6
Among whom are you also the called of Jesus Christ:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Foundation of Moral Obligation.
... This, in conformity with the theory in question, should read: "If any man will ... Let
this theory be examined in the light of the spirit and example of Christ. ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture iv foundation of moral.htm

How Christ is to be Made Use Of, as the Way, for Sanctification in ...
... part of sanctification; for this longing desire after conformity to God's ... 1 John
2:6. "He left us an example that we ... that they scar at that which Christ out of ...
/.../brown/christ the way the truth and the life/chapter v how christ is.htm

Foundation of Moral Obligation.
... Virtue, or moral excellence, consists in conformity of will to moral law ... will the
glory of the Father and the salvation of souls, than the example of Christ. ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture vi foundation of moral.htm

Obedience to the Moral Law.
... excited emotion, rather than in conformity of the ... the accomplishment of the thing
required to be ... For example, Christ had all the constitutional appetites and ...
/.../finney/systematic theology/lecture xi obedience to the.htm

The Christ of the Gospels. By Rev. Professor Schaff.
... of duty, and exhibits an entire conformity to the ... the regenerating and sanctifying
power of his Spirit and example. ... from all they had heard and seen of Christ. ...
/.../the christ of the gospels.htm

First Epistle of St John, Ch. Ii. Part of the 1St and 2D Verses.
... no great Matter, whether they imitate his Example, or obey ... our sincere Endeavours
after an universal Conformity to his ... Trust in the Merits of Christ, which we ...
/.../sermon xii first epistle of.htm

Be not Conformed to this World. Romans 12:2.
... every man another's wealth." They are required to copy the example of Jesus Christ. ...
They are required not to conform to the world, because conformity to the ...
/.../finney/lectures to professing christians/be not conformed to this.htm

The Priesthood of Christ
... large reward the voluntary promptitude which Christ exhibited ... and to prove it by
an important example. ... a destructive sentence against him in conformity with the ...
/.../arminius/the works of james arminius vol 1/oration iv the priesthood of.htm

Of the Five Sacraments, Falsely So Called. Their Spuriousness ...
... how they ought to love their wives, sets Christ before them as an example. ... and thereby
figures the union which we have with Christ in conformity of nature ...
/.../calvin/the institutes of the christian religion/chapter 19 of the five.htm

Subject Index
... of sin, [607]19. Conformity to Christ, [608]50. ... Example of Christ, [869]9, [870]35,
[871]35, [872]54, [873]54. ... what He decreed concerning Christ, [1030]249. ...
/.../irenaeus/fragments from the lost writings of irenaeus/subject index.htm



Example: Bad, Admonitions Against

Example: Christ, Our

Example: God, Our

Example: Good

Example: Paul, Our

The Example of Christ is Perfect

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Progressive

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Being Guileless

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Being not of the World

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Benevolence

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Forgiving Injuries

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Holiness

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Humility

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Love

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Meekness

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Ministering to Others

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Obedience

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Overcoming the World

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Purity

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Righteousness

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Self-Denial

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Suffering for Righteousness

The Example of Christ: Conformity To, Required in Suffering Wrongfully

The Example of Christ: Saints Predestinated to Follow

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