The Evening: Stretches out Its Shadows
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Jeremiah 6:4
Prepare you war against her; arise, and let us go up at noon. Woe to us! for the day goes away, for the shadows of the evening are stretched out.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


'A Greater than Solomon'
... have to take into account the dark shadows that fell ... glory into a cloudy noon or
a lurid evening. ... It stretches out its gaunt wooden arms towards the city, but ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture b/a greater than solomon.htm

Caleb --A Green Old Age
... so long an interval, he comes forward and stretches out a hand ... strength now, for
war, both to go out and to ... of hope, even when the shadows of evening are falling ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/caleba green old age.htm

Looking to the Hills
... these can reach, our spirits' desire stretches boundless. ... Unless our Christianity
throws us out of harmony and ... or an hour on a Wednesday evening, when there is ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/looking to the hills.htm

The Lessons of the Street.
... upon which I wish to speak this evening, for they ... believe that above that wintry
heaven which stretches over her ... of the natural day is almost shut out, but in ...
/.../chapin/humanity in the city/discourse i the lessons of.htm

The Ecstasy of Saint Monnica
... Immense sterile stretches, fawn-coloured throughout, with here and ... dusty leaves,
which feebly stand out upon the ... Doubtless it was towards evening, at the hour ...
// augustin/ii the ecstasy of saint.htm

Blessedness and Praise
... and say that above the parted summits stretches the one ... up of our hands' is 'as the
evening sacrifice'; our ... to magnify His name will not cease till 'out of the ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture j/blessedness and praise.htm

Watching for the King
... to the city lying in the sad, fading evening light, He ... the mountain top, the eye
travels over great stretches of country ... it, and it is soon hustled out of mind. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture b/watching for the king.htm

Hymns, Festival and Occasional.
... Come heaven's melodious strains Where wild Judea stretches far Her ... hymn sung on the
last evening of the ... a jewel of melody, however irretrievably out of fashion ...
/.../brown/the story of the hymns and tunes/chapter xiii hymns festival and.htm

The Twofold Testimony of John - the First Sabbath of Jesus's ...
... Daily Sacrifice (not previously pointed out) is the ... explains how the morning and
evening sacrifices were ... Rabbinic commentation, [1674] which stretches back its ...
/.../the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter iii the twofold testimony.htm

Book Twelve the Mode of Creation and the Truth of Scripture. ...
... if they were trivial, and with proud weakness stretches himself beyond ... them out of
any lack but out of the ... Disperse its shadows and tell me, I beseech thee, by ...
/.../augustine/confessions and enchiridion/book twelve the mode of.htm



The Evening: A Season For: Exercise

The Evening: A Season For: Meditation

The Evening: A Season For: Prayer

The Evening: A Season For: Taking Food

The Evening: All Defiled Persons Uncleaned Until

The Evening: Called: Cool of the Day

The Evening: Called: Even

The Evening: Called: Eventide

The Evening: Custom of Sitting at the Gates In

The Evening: Divided Into Two, Commencing at 3 O'Clock, and Sunset

The Evening: Humiliation often Continued Until

The Evening: Man Ceases from Labour In

The Evening: Part of the Daily Sacrifice offered In

The Evening: Paschal Lamb Killed In

The Evening: Stretches out Its Shadows

The Evening: The Day Originally Began With

The Evening: The Golden Candlestick Lighted In

The Evening: The Outgoings of, Praise God

The Evening: The Sky Red In, a Token of Fair Weather

The Evening: Wild Beasts Come Forth In

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