The Edomites were Called: Brethren of Israel
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Numbers 20:14
And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom, Thus said your brother Israel, You know all the travail that has befallen us:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Nations of the South-East
... and whether it would not be more truthfully called Arabian ... But the Ishmaelites were
wholly northern; they were the kinsmen of the Edomites and Israelites ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter iii the nations of.htm

... It consisted of the two clans of Jerahmeel and Kenaz, or the house of Caleb as it
was called in the ... Edomites, rather than Hebrews, were the founders of ...
/.../sayce/early israel and the surrounding nations/chapter ii canaan.htm

Rom. Ix. 1
... (Hosea 2:1, etc.) But if the Jews were to say ... the words, "In Isaac shall thy seed
be called," mean this ... be reckoned to him for a seed, then the Edomites too, and ...
/.../chrysostom/homilies on acts and romans/homily xvi rom ix 1.htm

The Kingdom Op Judah.
... the Levites were armed, and the people were shown their ... had hired to aid him against
the Edomites, and he ... age, leaving his son Uzziah, also called Azariah, to ...
// chosen people/lesson vii the kingdom op.htm

Letter iii. --For 331. Easter-Day xvi Pharmuthi; iii Id. April ...
... But He called blessed Moses to it, as being ... cleansed from their leprosy, and yet
were unthankful to ... from the tabernacles [4011] of the Edomites, and oppressed ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/letter iii for 331 easter-day xvi.htm

Acts XVI
... this: that Christian Jews, Ishmaelites, or Edomites, are under ... the calm speaker who
had called to him ... the unlocking of chains and handcuffs were connected with ...
/.../mcgarvey/a commentary on acts of the apostles/acts xvi.htm

CHAP. I. -II. 3 (II. 1).
... for both shall then form one nation of brethren. ... Deuteronomy 23:1-8, where the Edomites
and Egyptians ... They were called children of Israel, and children of Jacob ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/chap i -ii 3 ii 1.htm

From Egypt to Sinai.
... (3) Social: He was also called upon to ... and defeated the Amalekites, a tribe of Edomites,
who still ... Upon Jethro's advice the people were thoroughly organized. ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter v from egypt to.htm

Palestine under Pagan Kings.
... discharge beams loaded with iron; and one kind, called the balista ... or else he was
urged by the Edomites and others ... only the poor of the land, who were left to ...
/.../headley/half hours in bible lands volume 2/palestine under pagan kings.htm

Chapter xxxvi
... used as a tribal name, for Esau is called 'abi Edom ... which entered into the making
of the Edomites; and at ... same time to show how these Seirites were of ancient ...
/.../ of genesis volume 1/chapter xxxvi.htm



Edomites: A Jewish Prophet in Babylon Denounces

Edomites: Amaziah, King of Judah, Invades the Territory of

Edomites: Become Confederates of Jehoshaphat

Edomites: Children of the Third Generation Could be Received Into the Congregation of Israel

Edomites: David Makes Conquest of

Edomites: Descendants of Esau

Edomites: Dukes of

Edomites: from Being Held in Abhorrence by the Israelites

Edomites: Garrisons

Edomites: Join Babylon in War Against the Israelites

Edomites: Kings of

Edomites: Land of

Edomites: Prophecies Concerning

Edomites: Protected by Divine Command from Desolation by the Israelites

Edomites: Refuse to the Israelites Passage Through Their Country

Edomites: Revolt in the Days of Joram

Edomites: Ruled by a Deputy King

Edomites: Saul Makes War Against

Edomites: The Lord Delivers the Army of, Into the Hands of Jehoshaphat

Edomites: Writes Battle Songs Concerning his Conquest of

The Edomites were Called: Brethren of Israel

The Edomites were Called: Children of Esau

The Edomites were Stirred up Against Solomon

The Edomites: Afterwards had Kings

The Edomites: Aided Babylon Against Judah

The Edomites: Carried on Extensive Commerce

The Edomites: Character of Idolatrous

The Edomites: Character of Proud and Self-Confident

The Edomites: Character of Strong and Cruel

The Edomites: Character of Superstitious

The Edomites: Character of Vindictive

The Edomites: Character of Wise

The Edomites: Cities of Avith

The Edomites: Cities of Bozrah

The Edomites: Cities of Dinhabah or Dedan

The Edomites: Cities of Eziongeber, a Sea Port

The Edomites: Cities of Pau

The Edomites: Cities of Teman

The Edomites: Confederated With Enemies of Israel Against Jehoshaphat

The Edomites: Country of: Called Dumah

The Edomites: Country of: Called Edom

The Edomites: Country of: Called Idumea

The Edomites: Country of: Called Mount of Esau

The Edomites: Country of: Called Mount Seir

The Edomites: Country of: Fertile and Rich

The Edomites: Country of: Mountainous and Rocky

The Edomites: Country of: Specially Given to Them

The Edomites: Country of: Traversed by Roads

The Edomites: Country of: Well Fortified

The Edomites: David Subdued

The Edomites: Descended from Esau

The Edomites: Dwelt in Mount Seir

The Edomites: Governed by Dukes

The Edomites: Implacable Enemies of Israel

The Edomites: Israel Forbidden to Hate

The Edomites: Israel Forbidden to Spoil

The Edomites: Might be Received Into the Congregation in Third Generation

The Edomites: Miraculous Overthrow of

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Exterminating Slaughter of

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Israel an Instrument of Their Punishment

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Israel's Occupation of Their Country

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Punishment for Persecuting Israel

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Revolt from Israel

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Subjection to Israel

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: The King of Babylon an Instrument of Their Punishment

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Their Future Subjection to the Jews

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Their Ruin to be an Astonishment

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: To Share in the Punishment of the Nations

The Edomites: Predictions Respecting: Utter Desolation of Their Country

The Edomites: Rebelled Against Ahaz

The Edomites: Re-Conquered by Amaziah

The Edomites: Refused Israel a Passage

The Edomites: Remarkable Persons of Doeg

The Edomites: Remarkable Persons of Eliphaz

The Edomites: Remarkable Persons of Hadad

The Edomites: Returned After David's Death

The Edomites: Revolted from Joram, King of Judah

The Edomites: Saul Made War Against

The Edomites: Slaughter of, by Joab and Abishai

The Edomites: The Jews Ensnared by the Idols of, and Punished

The Edomites: Took Refuge in Egypt

The Edomites: Under a Deputy or Viceroy While Subject to Judah

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